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Good thing I have an understanding husband! ;)
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26 February 2013
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31 March 2013 - 5:54 pm
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Hubby took this picture of Kermit & I sleeping this morning... good thing he's ok with Kermie being my snugglebunny sometimes!  (well, most of the time!) blushlaughing


photo%2520%252829%2529.JPGImage Enlarger

When I tell people that Kermit is my baby boy, my best bud,, and my PILLOW, I don't think they usually believe me! But I'll do anything I can to keep this dog happy & comfortable as long as I can. He's m'boy! :)


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22 February 2013
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31 March 2013 - 6:47 pm
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A D O R A B L E!!! This seems like a perfectly normal way to sleep to me!,,

That H
Kermi is, indeed a big oy! And I don't care what any ol' vet might say--thst dog is the epitome of health! Clearly well rested and the poster boy for peace and contentment.

Sorry hubby but looks like you are out in the old!

Thanks for putting a "warm fuzzy" in our hearts today.. Sally and Happy Hannah

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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1 February 2013
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31 March 2013 - 6:54 pm
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That is great! We dog people are just a little crazy and that makes us not so bad after all!

Spirit Shooter was a Miniature Australian Shepherd who was diagnosed with a MCT and had a LF amp 1/28/13 at 13-1/2 years old. 

Shooter crossed the Bridge on 8/28/13, his 7 month ampuversary and two weeks from his 14th birthday.

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18 October 2012
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31 March 2013 - 7:02 pm
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What a very sweet picture.  Kermit looks so comfortable and so do you.  There is no better feeling than cuddling with your dog. 

“Dogs are our link to paradise. They don't know evil or jealousy or discontent. To sit with a dog on a hillside on a glorious afternoon is to be back in Eden, where doing nothing was not boring--it was peace.” ― Milan Kundera

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16 October 2012
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31 March 2013 - 7:40 pm
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What a great picture nothing wrong with the snuggling.  I love it.  Keep it up Kermit


Sassy is a proud member of the Winter Warriors. Live long, & strong Winter Warriors.
07/26/2006 - Sassy earned her wings 08/20/2013

05/04/2006 -  Bosch, Sassy's pal, earned his wings 03/29/19  fought cancer for 4 months.

"You aren't doing it TO her, you are doing it FOR her. Give her a chance at life."

Atlanta, GA
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12 February 2013
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31 March 2013 - 7:54 pm
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Thanks for sharing.  I absolutely love cuddling with my girls.  

Adelaide is a young tripawd Husky, from an injury.  Her amp was on 10/1/12.  She has 4 sisters, Aissa (a senior border collie/chow), Maggie May (a puppy Great Pyrenees), Mathilde and Morrigan and 1 baby brother, Bagheera.  We are all watched over by our angel Brendol, who was dx with OSA 1/30/13, amp on 2/6/13, and left us on 8/20/13.

PitaPata - Personal picturePitaPata Dog tickers

 You can read their stories at and
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22 January 2013
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31 March 2013 - 9:48 pm
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That's fantastic. I think it's lovely and the photo made me smile

31 March 2013 - 10:32 pm
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How come you're hogging the pillow?

Thanks for the smile!


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1 April 2013 - 6:25 am
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krun15 said

How come you're hogging the pillow?


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Guess I was so happy to be snuggled up against the FRONT end of the dog for a change that I was celebrating! I usually wake up hugging the northbound end of a southbound pup! :D

New York, NY
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3 December 2012
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1 April 2013 - 8:30 am
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so cute!!!!!!!!!!!  I love a good snuggle :D

Jill is a 9-year-old tuxedo kitty. She was diagnosed with Osteosarcoma in June 2012 on her toe in her right hind leg. Her leg was amputated on 12/12/12 and she completed four rounds of chemo (2 of Carbo, 2 of Doxy) in April 2013. "Like" Jill's facebook page: https://www.fac.....tty?ref=hl Proud member of the WINTER WARRIORS!!!! Her blog can be read at xoxo

On The Road

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24 September 2009
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1 April 2013 - 9:47 am
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awwww! Nothing better than a doggie cuddler!

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

New Haven, CT
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27 December 2012
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1 April 2013 - 1:10 pm
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Totally adorable!  LOVE THIS!

~ Katy

ACL tear in right hind leg 12/5/12 and scheduled ACL repair surgery 12/21/12. Pre-op xrays revealed osteosarcoma. Amputation 12/28/12.  Chemo (carboplatin) started Jan 10, 2013 and ended on April 5, for a total of 5 doses. He handled carbo like a champ!  No side effects.  We started metronomic therapy at his third chemo and have been also doing some holistic treatments.  He's a lively, playful 10 year old huskie-boarder collie and a very proud member of the Winter Warriors!  Our love. Our funny little guy!

Sydney, Australia
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13 September 2011
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1 April 2013 - 8:18 pm
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I agree with others. I don't see anything unusual. Perfectly normal laughing.  Keep enjoying those wonderful cuddle times.


Karen and Spirit Magnum

Magnum: 30th May 2002 to 5th May 2012. Lost her back left leg to osteosarcoma on 5th Sep 2011. Lung mets found on 20th Mar 2012 but it was bone mets in the hip that ended her brave battle. Magnum's motto - "Dream as if you'll live for ever, live as if you'll die today" (James Dean). Loyal, loving, courageous and spirited to the end. My beloved heart dog, see her memoirs from Rainbow Bridge ......

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26 February 2013
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1 April 2013 - 8:41 pm
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Thanks everybody... My husband DID thank me for posting the photo here instead of Facebook because HERE everyone thinks it's perfectly normal, but our non-doggy friends might find it (read: ME) just a bit (read: TOTALLY) weird! ;) ;)

My heart lives at Rainbow Bridge
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28 November 2008
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2 April 2013 - 6:02 am
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Don't worry about the non dog lovers.  I post things on FB that probably have me firmly in the category of 'crazy dog lady', but my dogs are better than most people (read non-dog)!

We have several of those pics floating about our house.  Nothing abnormal at all.  You both look really comfy.

Shanna & Spirit Trouble ~ Trouble gained her wings 3/16/2011, a 27 1/2 month cancer survivor, tail wagging. RIP sweetheart, you are my heart and soul.  Run free at Rainbow Bridge.
The November Five - Spirits Max, Cherry, Tika, Trouble & Nova. 11/2008 - 3/2013 An era ends as Queen Nova crossed the Bridge.

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