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Ellie- 7 year old Great Pyrenees Mix headed in for forelimb amputation surgery today.
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21 March 2023 - 10:12 am
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I just got home from dropping Ellie off at CSU for her surgery, I purposefully didn't take work off so I could distract myself, but it's very much a struggle so I decided to come on here to vent a little.

Her surgery is scheduled for 1:00PM, if all goes well I should be able to pick her up tomorrow, but thanks to this site I am prepared that she may need to stay a few extra days due to the surgery being a little later in the day and her size plus the fact it's a forelimb might slow down her progress a little, but it's nothing to get down about.

So in the meantime I've been prepping my home for when she gets home.  I cooked up some simple chicken so I can have bone broth and yummy chicken if she doesn't have the best appetite (she literally eats everything, even lettuce, normally icon_lol). My place is mostly already covered in area rugs, but added a few more to any area she may be in that didn't ready have some.  I'm thanking my stars I don't have any stairs for her to contend with, that seems to be a lot of dogs biggest hurdle, but I do have a very tall SUV, I think that will be our biggest challenge since it's not like I can lift her in and out (she's 97 pounds).  She was accepted into a clinical trial for her chemotherapy so we will be going to the vet a lot more frequently than normal so hopefully the ramp I got works out *fingers crossed*

I'll update as things progress!

PXL_20230321_1318394102-720x665.jpgImage Enlarger

picture from our walk this morning- she's just a total goof. sp_hearticon2sp_hearticon2sp_hearticon2

The Rainbow Bridge

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21 March 2023 - 11:24 am
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Good luck today Ellie! You are in the best hands anywhere and I know you'll do great! The Tripawds Community is sending tons of pawsitivity your way sp_hearticon2sp_hearticon2

P.S. Let us know how the ramp works out. Don't be too surprised if she won't use it, she may just want to give it a go on her own. You can support her getting out with a reusable grocery bag sling.


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21 March 2023 - 6:51 pm
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Sending extra dose of  pawsitive energy to sweet Ellie.♥️

You have done an excellent job of preparing for her homecoming.  As you already know, we are right here by your side to help you navigate through  recovery  and onward and upward.


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

Livermore, CA

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18 October 2009
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21 March 2023 - 9:09 pm
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Sending best wishes from my Elly to your Ellie!

My Elly is pretty much the opposite of yours...mine weighs 15 pounds and lost a back leg to a car accident. 

Hopefully by now you have an update on the surgery and your girl is heading to recovery.


Keep us posted,


Karen and the Spirit Pug Girls and Boy (and TriPug-Mutt Elly too)

Tri-pug Maggie survived a 4.5 year mast cell cancer battle only to be lost to oral melanoma.

1999 to 2010


              Maggie's Story                  Amputation and Chemo

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22 March 2023 - 9:44 am
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My Elly is pretty much the opposite of yours

Haha, too funny, they'd be quite the site! Opposite on size, but probably equal on loving and loved sp_hearticon2sp_hearticon2sp_hearticon2sp_hearticon2

I have gotten two updates so far on Ellie!  Her surgery went very smooth, no complications.  She is already walking (WOOHOO!), but she did have a upset belly last night and has not eaten.  They are changing up her pain meds and giving her some anti-nausea medication.  Hopefully that and just with continuing to have the anesthesia wear off she'll be good.  The will give me an update around noon to see if she's ok to come home.  They really want to see her walking as well as eating before letting her go, so we shall see.

side note- They also said the Ellie is the favorite and continues to be a gentle giant queen icon_lol. they probably tell this to everyone, but I don't care I'm going to completely believe it, haha.

Thank you for the support and well wishes!! I will check back in- hopefully with Ellie back home and resting.

The Rainbow Bridge

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22 March 2023 - 1:07 pm
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Ellie you are a ROCK STAR!!!

I hope she gets to come home today. Yes, that's what vets want to see, enough mobility and enthusiasm for eating and at least urinating.

And I totally believe you are the #1 girldog in the clinic right now. Makes total sense!

OK let us know how things are going.


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22 March 2023 - 4:02 pm
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"Gentle Giant Queen" that!!!  

Sounds like Ellie is doing really well!  Mobile already?  WOW!!!  Yeah, having  an upset tummymat this point will all the meds, anesthesia,  etc not a surprise. 

When you do go to pick her up, don't  even bother to draw attention  to her incision.   Just be upbeat and confident  and tell her wjat a good girl she is and she's gping home!!!


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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15 March 2023
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24 March 2023 - 9:36 am
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Ellie is officially 3 days post op and doing so good.  I have been keeping a pretty in depth blog on her so if you'd like to keep up with how shes doing please check it out at


The Rainbow Bridge

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24 March 2023 - 10:41 am
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She looks SO GOOD! Oh my gosh what priceless photos. Thank you for sharing her journey to three!

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22 January 2023
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25 April 2023 - 9:52 pm
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I read Ellie’s blog and I laughed at myself because for some reason your feelings seemed to be going backwards. Yes I made it to page 2 before I realized I was reading it backwards. LOL! I’m a knucklehead…

Its amazing how a lot of our stories are similar. We are going to finish out the six chemo visits to just cover all our vets recommendations. What we haven’t done are the various other drugs mentioned. Immunotherapy I think you call it?

every single day I ask why my little girl. She just turned 5…. I think we just enjoy the days we do have and hope for years…

Ellie is a cutie and the pictures of her remind me of Lacey! 

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27 April 2023 - 8:14 am
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Haha!  Um that sounds exactly like something I would do! Thank you so much for reading! Just putting it out there has helped me process what I'm feeling a little bit, and I can tell myself I'm being helpful to other people who unfortunately have to go through this horrible experience if I'm vulnerable and show everything that's going on.

I VERY distinctly remember reading your thread in it's entirety and it was so so helpful! It was comforting to see Lacey doing so well, I feel like I know her! I can see her in anticipation for a ball to be thrown or just lounging with her people. No joke I think your thread was the reason I decided to do the blog because the only thing missing from your thread was pictures!! I'm fully aware of how ridiculously cute Ellie is and plan to share all the pictures and videos of her going through this process without shame!

I'm glad you guys are enjoying the day to day, that's definitely more important than the why or how long. Easier said than done of course! 

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