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Butch has it in his lungs
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On The Road

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24 October 2008 - 6:16 pm
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Annie, we send our sincere apologies for not being there yesterday. We were traveling and didn't have internet access until now. We are so devastated to read this news, and send our love and hugs out to you and Butch.

We concur...please don't beat yourself up, you gave it everything, you fought for him, and can continue to do so until his very last breath.

Keep in mind that dogs do not measure time. Only humans do. The vet has given you this prognosis, and measured it in this thing called "time" that only humans put limits on. But it's all relative.

To a dog, a measurement of time can be a week, or it can be a year. It just doesn't matter to us. All that we care about is the moment at hand. As long as those moments are filled with love, joy and family, that's all that matters to us. 

The fact is, Butch has been out of pain and in your loving company for longer than he has if you hadn't have fought for his life the way you did. You can measure it in weeks. We measure it in increments of joy. To Butch, those increments have been spent with you, pain free, relieved from the brutal agony of bone cancer. You are a hero for saving him from that pain.

And, in those weeks, you as a human have been able to come to terms with your relationship with Butch, your love, and preparing to say goodbye, which is far better than if you had to part ways suddenly, don't you think?

We are so sorry Annie, please know we are thinking of you and are here if you need anything at all or just want to talk. Remember there's always the Chat now too where you can talk with anyone right on the spot.

Your friends,

Spirit Dog Jerry, Rene & Jim



Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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27 October 2008 - 8:25 am
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Whilst I'm struggling with my own problems I must admit having a supporting post from Spirit Dog Jerry was overwhelming, you brought a tear to my eye thank you for your comforting words Spirit Dog Jerry, Rene and Jim.  We are living day to day with Butch now, he eats very little.  I try 3 or 4 things every night from fresh lamb to freshly cooked chicken breast meat to raw chook necks, cheese and tuna absolutey anything so long as he eats something.  Today we had a good day, he walked about 400m this morning to his usual morning spot and laid down for a little while and then back home. He slept all day until 3pm and then lay on his throne quite alert looking around as if hoping his walk would be soon.  We took him to the usual dog park and he had a play with one of his favourite pals, he even rolled on his back and had a wrestle with my brother (unusual for him to ever roll on his back) and then had a tug of war for the lead on the way to the car.  He was in an unusually good mood which was fantastic to see but then didn't eat his dinner again tonight.  He now growls at anyone he doesn't know when he's on his bed, we figure it must be because he feels vulnerable.  He would never attack anyone but if he's on his bed you can't touch him unless you're very familiar to him.  When he's up and walking around he's his usual approachable self.

It's a day by day and today was good.

Annie and Butch


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27 October 2008 - 1:33 pm
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 Just wanted to mention he may not want solid food . You can also puree his food as mentioned in Dr Pitcairn's book p 276 and administer via syringe . Also in Help Your Dog Fight Cancer p 113 her beloved dog Bullet was dehydrated so she put his food through a processor ...

   Your in our thoughts and prayers. Sending some love your way for you and Butch...make every moment count.


Kim & Angel Buster

"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened."
–Anatole France

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27 October 2008 - 4:35 pm
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Hi Butch and Annie

I just want you to know that I am glad you had a great day at the dog park.  I hope you have many great days.  You will both be in our prayers that your time together will be wonderful, however long it lasts.

My mom wants me to tell you that she thinks that my brother, Gadget's favorite part about his last days on the Earth were that he got to eat really fun food like real live broiled chicken and fancy lamb burgers and stuff that he didn't usually get to eat.  Sounds like you are getting the gourmet treatment, too!  You have a great mom.


Pogi and Mary

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27 October 2008 - 5:06 pm
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Some info on lung metastasis, as it progresses . I for one wasn't sure what to look for....

Kim & Angel Buster

"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened."
–Anatole France

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29 October 2008 - 8:37 pm
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OKim1 said:

Some info on lung metastasis, as it progresses . I for one wasn’t sure what to look for….

OKim1, this looks like a very imformative article.  Let's face it, the more info we have in fighting this disease, the better off we will be.  Thanks for sharing this with everyone.

Love, Blazer, Kitty Kimber & Vicki T

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29 October 2008 - 8:47 pm
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I am sure Butch is growling because he doesn't feel himself. I feel for you. He is very lucky you helped him the very best you could. Please remember that you gave it everything you have and more for a pain free life.

Our thoughts are with you, Butch and family

Paws and Big kisses

Heidi and Titan

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30 October 2008 - 8:30 pm
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Butch had a seizure this morning, it was very frightening.  I was taking him for his morning walk around the garden, he was slow and seemed unwilling to go too far.  He suddenly stopped and started hopping in a circle I ran up to him thinking it was a marsh fly which the dogs all hate but he was twitching by that stage so I knew something else was wrong. He threw himself on the ground and had full seizure frothing at the mouth it lasted over 5 minutes.  I thought he'd had a brain anurism.  It was 6.30am and I think I screamed the whole neighbourhood down trying to get some help, my neighbours finally came and then my brother.  Butch came out the seizure dazed but recognised us all and now as I type an hour later he's in a good mood and just ate 5 veal meatballs.  I rang the vet and they think he's probably got a brain tumor as well.  Butch is sliding so fast I feel like he's in a freefall, I can't believe how aggressive the cancer can be. Now we don't dare to leave his side in case he has another seizure.

It's day by day, today was bad

Annie and Butchus Beautifulus

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30 October 2008 - 9:14 pm
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Annie, I am very sad to hear of Butch's condition is declining.  I just wanted to reach my arms out to give both of you a hug when I read of his seizure episode.  I cannot imagine how scared and hopeless you must have felt at that moment.  Has the vet suggested any meds that can help Butch?  Glad that he is eating.

You and Butch will be in my prayers.  Hugs.

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31 October 2008 - 12:12 am
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Butch and Annie

I am so sorry about Butch. I remember when I was younger we had a dog that had gram mal seizures and it was so scary. I am glad to hear Butch's mood is better. I can't even imagine how hard this is for you. My heart aches for you, your family and Butch. Maybe they can give him meds for the seizures?

You are all in our hearts

Heidi and Titan

On The Road

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31 October 2008 - 2:28 am
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Oh Annie, we can't even imagine what that must have been like. We are so, so sorry. Thank dog that when these kinds of things happen, like seizures, we usually don't even realize what just took place.

Have you talked to the vet yet?

We send our love and hope that this was just a random thing. Please keep us posted. Hang in there, and hang on tight to eachother. Just keep on loving Butch, he knows that you are there for him, always.

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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31 October 2008 - 11:48 am
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I can hardly read your comments Butch's mum.  When Ben started to go downhill, it was very painful and every day got harder.  Just love him up and don't let him suffer too much in the end.  You need to be aware of when it is time to let go of him.

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31 October 2008 - 3:21 pm
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Hi Annie - my heart is really hurting for you right now. I can't even imagine what you were going through...I would have screamed waking everyone up too. I just want to give you a big hug and tell you how sorry I am...

I was so glad to hear from Jerry that Butch probably didn't know what happened...phew. Love him up Annie...I know you will. He's so lucky to have you.

I don't even know what else to say...I'm just lost for words which doesn't happen often. Please keep us posted and we will say extra, extra, extra puppy prayers for you both tonight and every night.

With tons of love...
Heather and Zeus

Heather and Spirit Zeus - Our life changing journey…from the earth to the heavens…one day at a time…always together

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31 October 2008 - 7:53 pm
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Hi Butch & Annie,

I know that seizure had to be terrifying for you, but Butch felt nothing.  It's just a very traumatizing thing to see you beloved dog go through.  I know about seizures, because my little wirehaired dachshund, Drucy, had then before I finally had to release her from her earthly form.  By then I just couldn't put her through anymore testing and poking and prodding.  Obviously, you have spoken to your vet, right?  They can give you a really good idea about where Butch's health is in the whole scheme of things.  I know that it is absolutely unreal how fast this cancer is spreading and I'm so sorry to hear this is happening to your beautiful dog.

Love, Blazer, Kitty Kimber & Mom (Vicki)

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1 November 2008 - 12:45 am
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I am so sorry to hear that Butch is seizuring now.  I agree that the cancer has probably spread.Cry  Prednisone can help decrease brain swelling and stop the seizures. Is he already on this for his lung mets?  Dogs can't swallow their tongues if they seizure so don't try to open his mouth.  I would keep him away from stairs if you aren't around, since he could seizure and fall.  Any seizure longer than 10 minutes requires veterinary intervention (usually IV Valium) to prevent overheating and brain damage.

I hope that he has some more good days.

Pam and Tazzie

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