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Butch has it in his lungs
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23 October 2008 - 7:29 am
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Butch went for his 4th chemo today.  We asked for x-rays and they did them before the chemo.  They only did the first lung there was no point doing the second, the cancer is everywhere.  They didn't do the chemo, no point.  He's got 2 to 3 months left.  I haven't told my husband yet but I know what he'll say, 'why did we put that beautiful animal through amputation when we couldn't extend his life anyway!' what can I say, I agree.  Who was to know?  His amp was 10 weeks ago, he was given 4 to 5 months without the amp.  Same time frame with the amp except he's hopping not limping for the last 4 to 5 months of his life. I'm shattered, crying as I type. What a nightmare for a beautiful young innocent animal. Shockingly unfair.

Annie and Butchus Beautifulus


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23 October 2008 - 9:25 am
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  Dear Annie,

     I am so sorry to  hear the news of your beloved Butch. At this point you can offer him palliative care...  making sure he is comfortable and pain free. Living in the moment with him... there is a nice hospice guide also on this site. Again I'm sorry , I know with my dog the amputation was done to alleviate the excruciating pain of bone cancer. I know this is devastating news to you because you've tried everything to keep the cancer at bay. I am sure Butch senses how much you love him, he needs you now more then ever. Please show him as much love and compassion as you possibly can. Make the final chapter on his life a loving one. Your in our prayers...


Kim & Angel Buster

"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened."
–Anatole France

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23 October 2008 - 10:03 am
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Well said Kim...

I'm SO sorry to hear of the's the day we all dread and yes, I agree it's terribly unfair.

Annie, as difficult as this is going to be, stay as pawsitive as you can with him and enjoy each and every precious moment. He doesn't know what it going on and if you spend the next several months upset he will pick up on it and wonder what is wrong. Cry the tears for a day or 2 at the most and then put them on hold...there will be plenty of time for grieving - later...he is still here right now!!! I know it's easy for me to write this as I'm not going through it and you may be reminding me of my own advice one day when I need to hear it...please know that I'm saying this with all the love in the world for you and Butch.

Have no regrets and don't look back...none of us have a crystal ball and we make decisions at the time we make them with the information that is available to us and how we feel at the time. You did the right thing trying to save his live and alleviate the pain that he was in.

With much love, thoughts and prayers,

Heather and Zeus

Heather and Spirit Zeus - Our life changing journey…from the earth to the heavens…one day at a time…always together

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23 October 2008 - 2:04 pm
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More heartbreaking news.  But I agree with Zeus - the amputation took his pain away - even if for a short time.  That was a gift and absolutely nothing to feel bad about.  Cherish the time you have left with Butch and let him know how much he is loved.  Our hearts are with you right now.

Connie & Radar

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23 October 2008 - 3:39 pm
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We are sorry to hear the news. Yes, it is shockingly unfair. You owe yourselves the best of times now.

All our love and thoughts 

Manchester, UK
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23 October 2008 - 3:54 pm
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I'm very sorry to hear this.  Don't beat yourself up. None of us know how it's going to work out when we opt for the amputation but if we don't try it (if its suitable for the dog) then we don't know if they will be one of the ones who goes on for months or years to come.  You and your husband offered Butch his very best chance.  I wish you plenty more good times ahead.

Darcy – tripawd since 16th October 2007.

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23 October 2008 - 5:20 pm
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Gosh, Annie.  Everyone has given excellent advice on how to deal with the situation right now.  My heart goes out to you and I'm sure it's difficult to understand why you would go through the amputation if the cancer was going to spread as fast as it did.  But, you can't second-guess your decision.  At the time, with the information you had, you made the very best decision possible for your beloved Butch.  I was in a similar situation with my wirehaired dachshund who passed away almost 6 years ago.  I determined that surgery was a must to remove her bladder stones.  Then, after the surgery, we found out that the calcium had built up so much in her kidneys and ureters that there was no hope of keeping the calcium stones at bay.  Finally, they discovered that she had a tumor in her para-thyroid gland that was causing the calcium to build up in her system.  I spent almost $4000.00 and actually gained no more time for her, but I still would have done it the same way if I were ever in the same position again.  Try to live in the moment and love Butch as you surely will.  Everyone is right that dog's are very sensitive to their pawrent's moods and emotions, so as hard as it may be, you've just got to try to keep a pawsitive outlook for Butch.  I, also, realize that this will be very difficult for you to do, but it is something to think about.  I'm so sorry this had to happen so soon after Butch's surgery.

Your friends,

Blazer, Kitty Kimber & Mom (Vicki)

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23 October 2008 - 5:58 pm
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The expression that "hindsight is 20/20" applies to this kind of situation.  I had Ben's leg amputated last December of 2007.  The vet told me without the amputation and chemo, he might have lasted one or two months, with it, maybe a couple of years.  I took the gamble.  Ben did not have a very good end of life hobbling around and doing chemo after chemo.  He died in May, and after spending a lot of money and time and emotion, I felt like if I had known what was going to happen, I would have just put him down to start with.  But he was my buddy, and there was no way I was going to not fight for his life. 

It's easy to say I wish I had not done something after it turns out bad, but you did not have a crystal ball.  

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23 October 2008 - 6:49 pm
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Boy, Knut, you hit the nail on the head and I just couldn't think of the phrase: "Hindsight is 20/20".  I'm sorry Ben didn't have the quality of life you had hoped for after his amputation surgery.  I'm sure that was very hard on you.  Like you say, we don't have our crystal balls, so it's so hard to say what will be beneficial and what won't.  My condolences on the lost of your beloved friend.

Love, Blazer, Kitty Kimber & Vicki

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23 October 2008 - 10:22 pm
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Dear Annie,

The most important thing was that you did not give up on Butch's behalf.  You opted to give him a chance to fight.  By doing so, he has been hopping instead of limping.  The degree of pain from osteosarcoma is unbelievable, beyond comprehension.  Not to mention how well they can hide the pain.  When they show that they are in pain, they are in REAL pain.

I am sure Butch is very grateful that you helped him get rid of the pain, and have been fighting for him.  He knows that with you on his side, he is in good hands through thick and thin.

Annie, ignore the prognosis.  Don't look ahead.  Enjoy every quality day one at a time.  Hugs to Butch.

Much love.


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23 October 2008 - 10:50 pm
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I am SO SO sorry. Did Butch show any signs in his lungs like hard time breathing? I am thinking I should ask for an xray for Titan he had his 3rd. I noticed he was really tired yesterday but great at training last night. I am so devastated about Butch's news.....Just remember thank god he had you as pawrents he may not have had as many good times as he had since the surgery. Titan and I weep for you guys.

Love and smooches

Heidi and Titan

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23 October 2008 - 11:25 pm
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I am so very sad to hear about Butch!  It is hard to believe that his cancer has spread that fast.  Rest assured that you did the right thing for him, because you took his pain away.  Maybe he will be like Jerry and have more time than the vet told you.  Is he still feeling okay?

I think that sometimes we do everything right; feed good food, give lots of love, follow the advice of our doctors, try holistic care, etc.  But the sad fact is that you can't fight genetics and you can't see the future.  Give Butch all of the love you can and he will tell you when it is time.

Please give him a kiss on his big smooshy face for me!

Pam and Tazzie

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24 October 2008 - 8:03 am
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Thank you all, your support is heartwarming. To be honest I think Butch may be the unlucky one with very weak genetics and a sensitive system.  He reacts strongly to everything and has gone down rapidly, I doubt we'll get 2 months with him we've all seen a subtle change in him in the last week.  His walks are getting shorter before he needs to rest and he sleeps 90% of the time.  I don't think he's in pain, the vet said he won't be in pain he'll just have trouble breathing. I will look into the hospice guide at Tripawds and see how I can best deal with this next chapter. I want to be strong and positive for Butch for as long as he's got left. Thank God for Tripawds and wonderful people like you.

Annie and Butch

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24 October 2008 - 1:57 pm
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 Hello Annie & Butch,

     Just wanted to check in on you today & let you know we are thinking of you. You are in our thoughts and prayers. How is Butch feeling?

Kim & Angel Buster

"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened."
–Anatole France

Manchester, UK
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24 October 2008 - 2:56 pm
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I'm here, checking on Butch too (hug).

Darcy – tripawd since 16th October 2007.

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