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The Rainbow Bridge

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25 April 2007
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24 June 2024 - 10:55 am
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Awww Daisy, you have your own cute pawsonality too. And now we know you were born to be a WATCH dawg! You can control our pack anytime with that adorable look.

Jack how was the picnic yesterday? We want pics!

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5 April 2009
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3 July 2024 - 10:27 pm
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Miss Daisy's Day at the vet!

It's yearly time to have the vet go over our Sweet Daisy. Arrived at 9 AM sharp, I guess whoever made the appointment didn't know we're retired, we simply don't see a need to rise that early...back to Daisy, just before we get out of the car, a 7-month-old, HYPER, big black and white puppy on a 10-foot leash heads in the vet's door. A small waiting area and a hyper big puppy would intimidate Daisy, so Cindi checked us in, while Daisy and I hung out in the parking lot.

The first thing you're supposed to do when you arrive is weigh your dog. We kinda skipped that step.

We got the call to head into room #2. A few minutes later the doc came in, bent down to say hi to Daisy and give her a treat. In the true style of our female dogs, she spit that treat out before he had a chance to stand up. I chuckled to myself and wondered if they would add that to the bill.

He prodded and poked, examined this and that, looked in her ears, she needs her ears flushed out. The assistant took Daisy back to where the torture chamber is. They needed a stool sample; we had that in the pooper bag that Daisy filled in his parking lot. Being 4th of July, we were hoping to get something to help with the firecrackers that are lit this time of year. Those drive the Girls nuts this time of year. He filled a prescription for her and Miz Blossom. 

We were almost out the door when I heard him ask, "what's her weight?" I put her on the scale, and I swear, horns went off, confetti came out of the base, balloons were blown up, sparklers were lit!!!

82 pounds!!!! At first, he didn't say a thing, he didn't need to, we knew what was coming. Cindi and I got a dressing down for how much she weighed. I mentioned a good side is "there's more to love!" That definitely was not the right thing to say...

We crawled up to the desk to pay the bill. They brought her 2 new prescriptions up and told us the test results would be emailed to us overnight... The ride home started out kinda quiet and then someone mentioned that stopping for ice cream was a good because she was such a good girl at the vets. Because she was now on a 2 calorie a day diet.

I've heard it said, you can make it through the day without sex, but you can't make it through the day without a good rationalization!smiley16

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22 February 2013
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4 July 2024 - 7:01 pm
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Ohhhh.  myyyy.  goodness!!!  Your post is cracking me up!!


From the  torture chamber  to the  retired people don't  meed to rise that early  to the  there's more to love.  to "rationalizing " a good rationalization.

......she spit that treat out before he had a chance to stand up. I chuckled to myself and wondered if they would add that to the bill.  

Interesting that the Vet fussed at CindiaboutDaisy's weight,  but left you out of the equation😉   We know you are the culprit😜🤣  Looks like the Vet was trying to add to her caloric  intake too🤔


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

PS. Thanks for the precious  pjoto of the precious Daisy💖

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

The Rainbow Bridge

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25 April 2007
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6 July 2024 - 9:24 pm
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icon_lol Woah! That's a lotta hard work early in the morning. I would have needed a triple shot of espresso for all that action! 

She's a healthy and hearty gal! Now what kind of visit did her sissy have?

Diet ice cream for everypawdy! smiley_clap

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5 April 2009
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7 July 2024 - 4:31 pm
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Miz Blossom had her visit about 2 weeks ago. She developed a UTI and we were lucky to get her in a bit sooner.

She "jumped up" to the back seat of the truck, Cindi rolled down the window's and we headed for the vet. Lucky, the closest parking space was empty, we headed into the waiting room. Everybody smiled when she hippity hopped through the door like "OK, I'm here!

They called her name, we put her on the scale, 62 pounds. In the room the doctor said, I remember her! He see's probably 100 animals a week so that was nice. Running his hands over he her he said, she needs to lose a few pounds. Where have we heard that before! Let's get her under 60. Then, they took her to the torture chamber! She got her annual shots and they took a stool sample. It seemed to be taking a long time, the doc said, don't worry, they're getting their Golden fix back there. We got her prescription and headed for the checkout line. They emailed us the next morning that all the tests came out fine.

We promised him that we'd cut down on her ice cream intake and control the portions of her breakfast and dinner.

Just a note, a little ice cream helped that first pill go down easier!smiley16

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