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22 February 2013
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10 February 2024 - 11:03 am
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What a milestone of a day!!!  Looks like you need construction crews to come by more often  since they started the puppy pawty.

I k ow it was aich a thrill for you to see them playing  and being dogs.  Kudos to Daisy and Blossom to come running back home when called.😎  I love how these two have grown and have  developed  their own personalities.   It goes without saying, they could have no better home than with you and Cindi💖💖

Yes, we  must ee pics!  


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

The Rainbow Bridge

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25 April 2007
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10 February 2024 - 9:18 pm
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JACK! Oh my gosh I'm tearing up and smiling ear to ear just picturing this. WOW! They have come so far thanks to you and Cindi and all your hard work. How PAWESOME!

P.S. If you ever want help with that blog you set up, please just holler.

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5 April 2009
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23 February 2024 - 4:50 pm
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OK, after at least 150 inches of rain in the last like, 8 or 9 days, we finally have SOME SUNSHINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The girls went out front to inspect the progress of the "new" front yard.

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Daisy checks out by the street.

blos-smile-scaled.jpgImage Enlarger

Miz Blossom says, "that's not where the tree was supposed to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

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Daisy says, "I think that spot is perfect..."

blos-and-me-scaled.jpgImage Enlarger

Blossom says, " I think THIS is where it goes!"

Dad says, uhhh, ask your Mother, she'll know.smiley16

The Rainbow Bridge

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25 April 2007
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25 February 2024 - 2:16 pm
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Putting those girls to work already?! icon_lol

Glad that wild rain ended for you guys. Nothing worse than wet doggies for days on end!

Your yard is going to be fabulous, can't wait to see what the girls recommend for plants 😉


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25 February 2024 - 7:42 pm
sp_Permalink sp_Print sp_EditHistory sp_QuotePost always have the most delightful  updates when it comes to these gals. Pictures are always icing on the cake. 

Blossom and Daisy certainly  have very special landscaping  skills....and each have their own strong opinions. 

    Dad says, uhhh, ask your Mother, she'll know


Best way to solve any difference  of opinions.  Smart move!


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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21 March 2024 - 11:37 am
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Came home yesterday after our golf lessons, after all we are retired, I'm busy watching the crew still working on the front yard, mumbling something about checking the oil in the car and figuring out if I should have a P. B and J or a bologna samich for my lunch. Checking emails and looking at guitars for sale, Miz Blossom comes over and in her own way, makes a "suggestion" that maybe there's something more important that I could be doing ... like chill, spend time with your dog...and I'll LET YOU KNOW when you're done!

AND, tie your shoe!!!smiley16


Image Enlarger

The Rainbow Bridge

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21 March 2024 - 11:54 am
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AWWWW!!! That is a perfect example of what animals are here to show us. Some things are just more important, like a good snooze and cuddle.

Thanks for sharing Jack! How's that golf game? 

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28 March 2024 - 7:10 pm
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Seem's there might be some discord between "The Golden Girls" as to who had the toy first...

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Miz Blossom will end up with it...she's one tenacious girl, AND, she's the big sister!smiley16

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28 March 2024 - 7:27 pm
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Poor, poor pitiful, dejected Daisy. Such a long face after not getting the toy...Image Enlarger

Oh well, there's always tomorrow!smiley16


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28 March 2024 - 8:21 pm
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These girls light up our worlds!!  The expression on Miss Daisy melting my heart!  Bossy Blossom definitely  rules the roost

Blossom clearly makes her opinion known about how you need to prioritize your to do list.....and put her at the top!  That picture speaks precious 💖💖   No way you could resist  her plea for attention. 


Thanks for the smiles and the warm fuzzies  from the pictures. 


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

The Rainbow Bridge

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25 April 2007
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29 March 2024 - 6:10 pm
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Awww how can you not let her win? That FACE! I would always cave in to that look.

Looks like they play pretty nice together. smiley16

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28 April 2024 - 1:38 pm
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Our efforts to help Daisy become more socialized seems to have turned a corner.

A crew was here for 3 days to deconstruct our back yard. 3 workers, a HUGE dump truck, a small Bobcat and excavator. 2 guys would work the wheelbarrows, 1 guy would run the excavator or Bobcat.

Grabbing a chair, Daisy and I sat about 30 feet from the excavator. Over the next hour, slowly we'd move a foot or two closer. I'd wait to see how she was reacting, if she was good, we'd stay where we were. Ended up dumping the chair and walked across the street for different viewpoints. She was fascinated, tail wagging, we called it a day.

A block away we have a Junior High School. It has 3 ball diamonds, enclosed tennis courts, a soccer field and track. We walk the track, off leash Daisy chases the ball on the soccer field, digs for Gophers, frolic's and runs amuck! She comes when we call, sometimes slowly, but she comes back. When it's time to go, we put her leash back on and she falls right in beside me as we walk home.

Thursday a tractor trailer pulled up; they were delivering the pavers for the back yard. When Daisy saw that truck, her eyes lit up! Grabbing her leash, we're out the door. The driver started unstrapping the pallets, then he hopped onto the forklift that's attached to the rear of the trailer and started off loading them. Took him about 20 minutes to set them next to the curb. Daisy and I walked around watching from every angle. She was enthralled!

Lots of different noises, smells and activities! She's doing great, we're so proud of her!smiley16


The Rainbow Bridge

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28 April 2024 - 5:05 pm
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WOW! I love that you took advantage of all that activity to use it as a training opportunity. It's really paying off! Maybe she will be ready for the picnic in June?


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28 April 2024 - 6:32 pm
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Who knew deconstructing your backyard with all sorts of noisy equipment  could be the perfect training ground to help Daosy blossom (yes, BLOSSOM)!

I love that she can "be dog and do doggy things" off leash at the track.  To come back to you when ikkt's time for the leash.....that's a huge accomplishment!!!

You and Cindi are sich outstanding stewards, partners and BFFs for your dogs.  Anyone who has followed  your journey all these years all want to come back as your dogs....and ride in the little red wagon!

Pictures please!!!!


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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9 May 2024 - 1:19 pm
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It was May 7th 2023 when we met The Girls. Yes, it's been a year! [Image Can Not Be Found][Image Can Not Be Found]

Our world was in a state of "a ton of stuff happening" that we had never dealt with before concerning repairs to our home.

We had planned on getting one female puppy and get back into our Social, Therapy, Comfort dog work...We got two!  Because they weren't socialized, we're a good year and a half from where we need to be. That's fine with us, because Daisy's trying really hard. She's making big headway as far as getting out and seeing and hearing. We walked over to the Junior High Baseball field last night and watched a good 4 innings of the game. There were other dogs, tons of kids and noise. She did remarkably well. After the game we walked around the track and threw the ball for her, then we started home. She walks beside me really well and, much like me, she often wants to wander away.  

Miz Blossom, loves to get out and run amuck when her sister is close by. I don't believe she minds if she doesn't get her time away from the house if Daisy's not with her. Still a bit shy around folks but that's OK. Whenever she's ready, people will be gushing over her. She's a quiet, calm girl who's happy to just hang out. When construction on the house gets frustrating, she's your girl.  She has a soft face, cute as a button, and so sweet. 

She was born with a front leg that started but didn't fully develop. We call it her 'angel wing'. Watching her eat, we believe there could be some inside parts that didn't quit get formed correctly. When you meet her you'll agree, she's perfect, and, she can burp with the best of us! 

She's a good sized girl but not fat, just normal Golden Retriever "buffed."  She'll need to get used to a wagon or a cart.  Much less tiring and gives her an opportunity to go "styling."  No since hoping when you can ride in style. 

The two of them have a good 2 to 3 hard play times with Dusty every day. It keeps him young and very vocal! Rosy, of course, wouldn't be caught playing with other dogs. Only when she sets the rules and which ball and where and when it starts. After all, she is a Border Collie and that's what Border Collie's do. 

The Girls are like an old married couple. Do OK by themselves but function better as a pair. 

We're overjoyed they came to live with us. Can't imagine our lives without them. There's just something about a Golden Retriever that brings a smile to your face and a warm comforting feeling. smiley16

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