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Ben's story of osteosarcoma
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14 April 2008 - 12:11 pm
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Ben was born in Alto, New Mexico in the winter of 1996. We were staying at a Bed & Breakfast there, and the owner's Golden Retriever had mated with a rottweiler that was running around. We picked out Ben, the biggest one of the litter.

Ben grew up hiking in the mountains of New Mexico, and running in creeks and streams where he could find them. What a great watchdog too.

Right around Thanksgiving of 2007, Ben began to limp. We took him in to the vet. She x-rayed his lower right leg, and said he did not have cancer, but probably a sprain. His limp became more pronounced after that. He did not get up much. I called the vet, and she said maybe it was a tick bite, and she wanted to do more tests. I decided to get another opinion.

The next vet did a full x-ray right away. He immediately told me that Ben had osteosarcoma. My options were limited, but whatever I did, I should do soon. I took Ben to a vet that operated on cancer. This vet confirmed that Ben had cancer, and told me that if we amputated, we could extend his life 6 months. If the cancer had not gotten to his chest, we could do chemo, and extend his life maybe another 18 months.

Ben had his foreleg amputated in December, 2007. He just finished his 6th and final chemo treatment. This whole ordeal was very expensive and draining. I am glad we did it though.

Ben's hiking in the mountains are over, but he still goes on short walks, and enjoys laying in his yard listening to the birds. He still barks at the mailman. This Sunday, he came and got me. We went to the dog park, and there were about 20 dogs running around him in a herd. I was a bit worried one would knock him down, but he was enjoying it so much, I let him stay there. He seems to know it is close to the end. He seems to be looking at sunsets, and talking to me more. I am glad I gave us some more time to be together.

On The Road

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14 April 2008 - 7:07 pm
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Ben is a very fortunate dog. Thanks for taking such good care of him, and for sharing his story!

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

Member Since:
21 March 2008
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23 April 2008 - 1:07 pm
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Barely a week from Ben's last chemo treatment and last night he started yelping in distress and obvious pain.  I have a call in to the vet, but have not gotten a return call yet.  This morning Ben is yelping more often, and I fear the cancer is the cause.  I am hoping for the best, but I am preparing for the worst.

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23 April 2008 - 2:02 pm
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Knut and Ben,

I am so sorry to hear of your distress.  I hope you hear something from your doc soon, so they can get to the bottom of it.  Praying that it is not the cancer that's come back.  Hang in there buddy!

Wags and kisses,

Barney B

On The Road

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23 April 2008 - 2:45 pm
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So sorry to hear Ben is hurting. And we hope it is unrelated to his cancer. You sure he's in pain? Is he walking at all? Eating? Has he been playing to hard? I think I have ...

Recently I started favoring my back right leg. I'll sprint after birds, but then hobble back on two and a half legs. My people are making me rest for a couple days to try and figure this out.

During my checkup at the Vet Cancer Clinic in Santa Fe last week, Dr. Mullins felt all my bones and said I was in good shape. Mentally, sure. But obviously not physically ...

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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23 April 2008 - 3:06 pm
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I am sure he is in pain.  He yelps for no reason, even when lying down.  It is possible he hurt himself running around the yard.

He has not been eating his dry food all week too.  We had to feed him table food, or he would not eat.  We have resorted to canned food so he will eat.  

Today I am at work and my mate reports that Ben has been in the back bedroom lying down all day.  That is where he goes when he feels real bad, and that is where he was going before he was diagnosed with cancer.

I hope that he just strained something, but only time will tell.  Last night I slept next to him because he was in such pain.  I hope tonight is better for him.

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23 April 2008 - 7:32 pm
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The yelping must be so hard to hear.  Is he feeling any better? We know that it must have brought him some comfort to have you near last night.  We hope that you find the answer to his pain soon...

Charlie and his mom, Wendy

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30 March 2008
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23 April 2008 - 11:00 pm
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Ben pal I am sorry to hear you are feeling a bit under the weather.  I will say a prayer for you and hope you hear from your vet soon.  Keep us posted.  Lots of licks,


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24 April 2008 - 4:02 pm
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This morning Ben was better.  I was ready to take him to the vet, so maybe he is so sick of the vet he got better.  He is large 11 year old guy, so it might just be old dawg pains.  Thanks for the kind words, and I will keep monitoring Ben.

On The Road

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24 April 2008 - 7:05 pm
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Oh I can just see him . . . vet? what vet? I'm FINE! Cool

Glad to hear he's feeling better. You're probably right, we old dawgs can get really stiff and sore sometimes. I'm feeling that way myself today. But show me a frisbee, and lookout!

We send our love and healing thoughts your way. Keep us posted.

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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26 April 2008 - 1:31 pm
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Hiya Ben, glad to hear you are feeling better..yep that 3 letter word "vet" is a sure thing to make every ailment go away.  Keep on trucking buddy and let us know how you are doing....lots of licks your way.


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5 May 2008 - 11:05 am
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One month out from his last chemo, and Ben is doing about as well as I would expect.  I think our expectations have to be really lowered for our older dogs.  Ben was already slowing down in his old age, and now he spends a lot of time on his dog bed.  It makes me kind of sad to lose my old hiking pal, but I love him up just the same.

We finally bathed him.  Ben had not gotten a bath since his surgery in December, and boy did he stink!  The bath went fine, and Ben actually seemed to like it this time.  

On The Road

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5 May 2008 - 11:47 pm
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Yep, you're right Knut. It's hard for humans to see us slow down, but it's all part of the wheel of life. It happens to all of us. I sleep a lot more too, and yeah, Mom and Dad were a little bummed at first that I don't go on crazy hikes and walks like I used to. But the fact that we are all together for this much longer, with a great quality of life and a spark in my eye, is truly all that matters.

Ooooh, no bath since December? Wow, lucky Ben! These days, it's so dusty here in New Mexico, I get a bath almost every other week now. Ick!


Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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6 May 2008 - 12:50 pm
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Hey Jerry, Ben lives in Santa Fe!  He loves to lie around in the dust and cool rocks out here.  Right now the weather is awesome.  This morning Ben was lying in the front yard and a cat came into his domain.  Even though Ben is an old three-legged dog, he got up and chased that cat with vigor.  The only way I knew is I heard him bark loudly, and as I looked up this big fluffy black and white cat was hurdling our wall as fast as it could. 

On The Road

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6 May 2008 - 8:34 pm
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Bennnnnn.....I leave Santa Fe tomorrow! Dang!!!!!!

We will be in southern Colorado for a while. Any chance of us meeting up near Durango?

My Mom and Dad spaced out and forgot to tell you we were here for a couple of days. But I'm getting antsy to hit the road, so we gotta boogie!


Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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