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An Invitation to you all, from Darcy
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Manchester, UK
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2 February 2008
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13 October 2008 - 5:01 pm
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It may be a little difficult for some to read so I'll just put the wording under here so that everyone gets to see it:-

On Thursday 16th October 2008, Darcy will be celebrating one year of love and life since her diagnosis of osteosarcoma and her subsequent leg amputation and chemotherapy.  Darcy would love you to join her online, at her celebration!  Date:- Thursday 16th October.  Time:- Between 7.30pm - 10.30pm (UK time).  Place:-  via webcam at

The webcam hosts, Camstreams, have very kindly allowed for up to 50 people to view at any one time.  The normal limit is 15, so we're very grateful to them.  Can I ask (on behalf of Darcy) that if you do 'join us', please close your connection to the cam when you are away from your computer as this will allow others to 'join us' for a short time and I know that there may well be a lot of people on both sides of the Atlantic who might want to 'pop in' to help with the celebrations.

Disclaimer - I have no idea what you'll see on the cam because dogs being dogs (and particularly Darcy being Darcy) they may well not be on view for the whole evening, so bear with us!

Darcy – tripawd since 16th October 2007.

***Darcy would love to be your friend on Facebook - just search for Darcy Deerhound***

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25 April 2008
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13 October 2008 - 5:31 pm
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How sweet... congrats on the anniversary! Will tune in 🙂

Kim & Angel Buster

"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened."
–Anatole France

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13 October 2008 - 6:33 pm
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What a great idea.  I will definitely drop in.

Also, I would be willing to set up and host a chat on the same evening if there is any interest.  If you guys like the chat I could host it on a regular basis.  I'll watch this thread to see if anyone is interested.

Connie & Radar

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7 October 2008
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13 October 2008 - 7:17 pm
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Congratulations on this great milestone.  Our prayers are with you for many more anniversary celebrations.

Molly and mom



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28 May 2008
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13 October 2008 - 8:38 pm
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Yeah Darcy!!! We're so happy to hear of your celebration. Mom is embarassed to say that we don't have a webcam - she is not the most sophisticated with the computer...we will be there in spirit.

Can't wait to see pawtures from the pawty!




Heather and Spirit Zeus - Our life changing journey…from the earth to the heavens…one day at a time…always together

On The Road

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14 October 2008 - 1:06 am
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Bevd said:

Date:- Thursday 16th October.  Time:- Between 7.30pm - 10.30pm (UK time).

For all us Yanks, this is 11:30 AM Pacific Time, 8:30 AM Eastern.

Darcy, we would LOVE to join you! What a nifty idea! Happy Ampuversary! The invitation is just really really adorable too.

Connie, funny you mention a chat....Tripawds has been beta-testing a new live chat feature for the website. We are thinking that we'll launch it for Darcy's party!  Look a for a link to the Chat page in the header and sidebar on Thursday morning. 

We are on the road that day and will do our best to make sure it's working, and that we are there. Sometimes though we don't have Internet access, so if you don't see the Chat feature that morning, that's why. But trust me, we'll do our best! This is too cool. 

Congratulations Darcy, this is wonderful, wonderful news.

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

Manchester, UK
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2 February 2008
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14 October 2008 - 4:01 am
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Zeus said:

Mom is embarassed to say that we don’t have a webcam... 

Zeus - tell your Mummy that YOU don't need a webcam!  You just need to
get Mummy to click on the link to MY webcam.  All you need is your
computer, just like when you visit here!

Darcy – tripawd since 16th October 2007.

***Darcy would love to be your friend on Facebook - just search for Darcy Deerhound***

Manchester, UK
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2 February 2008
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14 October 2008 - 4:02 am
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I might have a webcam but I can't do quotes properly LOL.

Darcy – tripawd since 16th October 2007.

***Darcy would love to be your friend on Facebook - just search for Darcy Deerhound***

Manchester, UK
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14 October 2008 - 10:46 am
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Here's a good link for time zones!

Darcy – tripawd since 16th October 2007.

***Darcy would love to be your friend on Facebook - just search for Darcy Deerhound***

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14 October 2008 - 2:27 pm
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Cheers Darcy, what a lovely celebration to look forward to!

Member Since:
6 October 2008
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14 October 2008 - 3:33 pm
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Congratulations on your one year anniversary! 


Member Since:
30 March 2008
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15 October 2008 - 10:20 am
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Whoof Whoof happy 1st anniwersary birthdaw for youuuuu!  I am hoping and wishing that I also make it that far and look as mawvelous as you do.  Will try to join in but my Mom is at work so it may be a little bit hard.  If I can't join all of you I will be there in spirit and heart!


Member Since:
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15 October 2008 - 5:20 pm
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Hiya Darcy,


I'd love to be able to join you but unfortunately Mum will be at the Charity Fashion Show that seems to have completely taken over all our lives for the last week or so.

She assures me that she will toast your continued health with a little glass of champagne. Have a wonderful party.

Speak soon,

Alfie xxx

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15 October 2008 - 11:18 pm
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We wish we had a webcam!  But we will be there in spirit, and thank you for sharing this celebration! 


Sophie and Christine 


Manchester, UK
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2 February 2008
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16 October 2008 - 3:47 am
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Sophie & Christine - YOU don't need to have a cam!!  You just click the link to our cam and that's it!!

Darcy – tripawd since 16th October 2007.

***Darcy would love to be your friend on Facebook - just search for Darcy Deerhound***

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