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2 week post amputation update
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Member Since:
11 September 2008
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3 October 2008 - 3:23 pm
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Hello All,

Wow, what a lot has happened in only a few weeks. Where would we be without the fantastic support we've received from all of the lovely kind dogs (& people) here on the tripawds website? You are all so generous and giving.

Two weeks today on from the amputation and after lots of ups and downs, as you all so rightly warned us, life is so much brighter! My stiches were taken out yesterday, in the boot of mum's car (because I was quivering with apprehension at the prospect of going into the vet's surgery). Thanks to "Jerry", "Bevd", "Smokey" and "Luvyourpets" and all who had more faith than my family did during these fearful few weeks and guessed better than they did how strong I would be. 

Straight from the vet to a local park to finally re-acquaint myself with some of the local canines, so nice to meet up with some dogs after so many fussing humans. One puppy kept sniffing my amputation site - so rude!!!

My family simply cannot believe the progress I have made. They are so proud of me. My four year old human playmate declared that it was great to have the old Alfie back - no problems from him or his six year old brother adjusting or coping at all.

Who knows what will happen next? Our very kind vet is talking "when" not "if" which we all know is fair enough given the odds, but we're going to do our best to beat them, just like our wonderful inspirational Jerry and his family have, what a fab example to us all.

Will be keeping in touch with you all - we're part of the tripawds family now after all. Hope my story offers some support to all of you out there who are going through all of this. Remember I'm only nineteen months old, so age is on my side, recovery might just take longer for our more mature friends. It's still early days for me, I'm taking it easy and building up my strength and tripawd ability, but here's to LIFE!

Special wishes to my soul mate "Sandy W", hope you are doing OK, would love to hear from you when you can.

Alfie (& Linda) xxx




Manchester, UK
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2 February 2008
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3 October 2008 - 5:01 pm
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I'm so pleased to hear that you are doing so well now Alfie Laughing but how roooooooood of that puppy to have a good sniff of your very special operation place!

Love, Bev & Darcy


Darcy – tripawd since 16th October 2007.

***Darcy would love to be your friend on Facebook - just search for Darcy Deerhound***

On The Road

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24 September 2009
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4 October 2008 - 3:30 pm
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Alfie said:

Our very kind vet is talking "when" not "if" which we all know is fair enough given the odds ...

Yes,call it a sad truth if you like, but it is really just reason to enjoy each day to the fullest. Every day on three legs is a blessing.

To life! indeed ... Prepare the worst, hope for the best, and keep on, keepin' on. Thanks for the update.

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

Member Since:
26 January 2008
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6 October 2008 - 4:41 am
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Seize the wave!

Member Since:
26 July 2008
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6 October 2008 - 8:28 am
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You GO Alfie!  Awesome to hear that you are doing so well.  So nice of your vet to come out to the car for you. 


Connie & Radar

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27 July 2008
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8 October 2008 - 6:04 pm
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Yes, Linda & Alfie, you are part of the tripawds family now and we love you so much!  It is just so wonderful to hear that Alfie is doing so much better.  I know it was hard for you to see a happy ending to this traumatic surgery, but I always felt that Alfie would be fine and he seems to be recovering really well.  Do keep us posted as we love hearing from you!  You just made my day hearing this.

Love, Vicki T, Blazer, & Kitty Kimber

Member Since:
18 September 2008
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9 October 2008 - 12:33 pm
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Hi Alfie! Way to go! I am so glad to hear you're doing so great! And even though I come here almost every day, somehow I missed your update til now.

My pawrents are also amazed at how well I'm doing! Of course I'm older and have a lazier nature than you do, so I'm not quite ready for a trip to the park yet! But I get around my house and yard fine, including down the full flight of stairs - I take it slowly but I'm wagging my tail the whole time! My mom tried playing a little catch with me indoors yesterday, nothing very demanding, and I would have played longer except I got pretty tired after just a couple of catches. I'd just rather lie around anyway - nothing new about that!

I did start chemo a week ago - IV adriamycin and then oral cytoxan a few days later, for 4 days. I do it again in 2 weeks. It doesn't seem to be bothering me, except maybe I'm just a little more tired these past couple of days. The vet told my mom side effects often show up in about a week.

Anyway, enough about me, I am so happy you're feeling good!

Member Since:
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9 October 2008 - 5:09 pm
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Great to hear from you, delighted you are doing so well. Hope the chemo isn't too awful, I'm not going down that route for a variety of reasons. Taking it easy sounds like a good idea. I haven't tackled many stairs yet. I'm not allowed upstairs in our house, that's the domain of the 17 year old cat Coco, she's another story (tumour in her liver), but we won't start going in to that one as well.

I am probably over-doing it whenever I get the chance. Gives my Mum all sorts of frights when I start doing what she thinks is too much, but all I want to do is play, play, play. I can't believe how far we've come in only three weeks. Keep it up mate!


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