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Training a Ramp
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New England
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7 September 2023 - 2:27 pm
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You should definitely share Nellie's acrobatic antics! Loki would love to be an agility dog, but she came to the wrong human for that. She treats the world as her parkour course. Until she encounters a shiny or shadowy surface...


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4 July 2023
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7 September 2023 - 2:45 pm
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@mischief - OMD - At the risk of taking this thread too far off course, have you heard about the canine parkour courses being offered by McCann Dogs just outside Toronto? They offer so much cool stuff and I love their youtube podcasts.

Natalie & Juno (aka June)

New England
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7 September 2023 - 3:11 pm
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Oh that sounds cool! 

Loki seems to have outgrown this particular behavior. She used to ricochet around the living room, bounce off the seat of the couch, use the top of the backrest to execute a quick turn, and land with her fore legs resting on my shoulder. Snuggling with Loki can be a full contact sport. 


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7 September 2023 - 3:35 pm
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Snuggling with Loki can be a full contact sport.


Natalie & Juno (aka June)

New England
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7 September 2023 - 3:56 pm
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So back to the ramp.... It's miserably hot but the humidity is low, so I dragged the ramp outside. The girls took a couple of passes at it flat on the ground, then I propped it against a bench. Tempest went up and down no problem. Loki went up and jumped off the bench, but I successfully lured her down the ramp once. At this stage, they're off leash and having a bit of a free for all. I another day or two I'll work them individually on leash. Loki is super keyed up because we haven't done much while the weather is gross, so I'm not sure if we have a visual cliff issue or if she's just excited. I know she likes to jump. 

Did I remember to take photos/video? Nope. Someday.... 

The Rainbow Bridge

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8 September 2023 - 10:48 am
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Natalie_2 said
@mischief - OMD - At the risk of taking this thread too far off course, have you heard about the canine parkour courses being offered by McCann Dogs just outside Toronto? They offer so much cool stuff and I love their youtube podcasts.


You find so much neat stuff on YouTube! How about starting an ongoing topic in "Anything Goes" featuring cool stuff like this? 

The Rainbow Bridge

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8 September 2023 - 10:50 am
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Wow more great signs that the ramp will work! Even in hot weather they were willing to tackle it? YAY! smiley_clap

I hope your weather cools off soon!

New England
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8 September 2023 - 11:44 am
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Admittedly, I am a wimp with hot weather.  I'm hoping the farmer's almanac is correct in their prediction of a cold, snowy winter.  That's my weather.

Loki doesn't mind the heat.  Tempest isn't a fan, but there were cookies at stake.  We probably won't work on the ramp tonight.  The weather should be much more pleasant next week...

New England
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13 September 2023 - 7:14 am
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Well, the temperature is much more tolerable this week, but it's also raining.  So we haven't had a lot of training opportunities.  Yesterday ended up being pretty dry, so I set up the ramp on the patio using two of the benches that go with my dining table as a "platform".  This gave us a height of about 18", so a very gentle incline.  I worked each dog individually on leash walking up the ramp, turn around on the platform, then back down.  Lots of cookies.  Both dogs did great!  Tempest almost fell off the ramp a couple of times because she was more focused on the fact that I cookies.

The set upImage Enlarger

Look, I did it!Image Enlarger

Taking a breakImage Enlarger


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13 September 2023 - 10:05 am
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Loooove the pics!!!!  Beautiful happy eyes👍

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

The Rainbow Bridge

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13 September 2023 - 10:17 am
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WOOHOO! Look at those hoppy eyes! 

Your patience is such a great tool for this type of training. We often want our dogs to understand everything right away but that's not the way it usually works. Clearly your ability to see the big picture and take things step by step is paying off. Great job!

Mind if I put these in our photo gallery? They're awesome pics!

The Rainbow Bridge

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13 September 2023 - 10:18 am
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PS Be careful what you ask for with a snowy winter. I'll send some your way from here in Alaska if you'd like!

New England
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13 September 2023 - 11:38 am
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jerry said
PS Be careful what you ask for with a snowy winter. I'll send some your way from here in Alaska if you'd like!


As a life long New Englander and Subaru driver, I am very comfortable with snow.  I would be extremely happy to live in a world where the temperature never exceeded 75F.

I consider myself to be a big picture person, which makes taking things slowly a challenge for me.  Loki has taught me that I can't rush her through things.  If I want to maintain her trust, we have to work at a level she can handle. 

I'm also playing the extremely long game of I know I will never be able to compete in nosework with Loki if I cannot reach the point where she trusts that I will never ask her to walk on a surface she can't handle.  We are nowhere near that point.  I would love to compete with her (she's so good at it!), but I won't ask her to do that with me if she won't enjoy it.

The Rainbow Bridge

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18 September 2023 - 11:07 am
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Something tells me that it won't be long until Loki is at that point @mischief! You are so good at reading her emotional needs.

New England
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18 September 2023 - 11:53 am
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Aw, thanks. I'm working hard at it. Her trust is very fragile. She's started falling asleep with her head on my leg sometimes, which is huge. She has a very big sleep startle. 

I have some updates on the ramp training that I'll post tomorrow when I'm at a real computer. I don't enjoy dealing with photos from mobile. 

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