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11 March 2013 - 2:13 pm
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Wondering if any Tripawd Pawrents have used 'toe-grips' and how they worked for you??


We love the PAWZ boots, but they can't be left on for long periods (they don't breath) so would like to find something to leave on ALL the time.  The toe grips look great, if they really do the trick!  (Our Charlie is a front leg amputee)


Thanks for any feedback you can give!!

Charlie (and mom)

On The Road

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24 September 2009
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11 March 2013 - 2:48 pm
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Thanks for asking! You've clearly seen the review so hopefully others will chine in with additional feedback.

Your future forum posts will not require moderation.

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

Member Since:
19 March 2012
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12 March 2013 - 12:09 pm
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My mom bought me toe grips, but was unsuccessful in getting them to stay on, my mom is convinced she is the one doing something wrong, not any defect in the product. Toe Grips has great support though, they offered to help my mom in any way they could, but the one thing they couldn't do was send an extra pair of hands out to our house! big-grinSo once we find someone willing to help us get these applied we will try again! While I can't give you advice on if they work or not, just be prepared with an extra set of hands if need be to apply them.

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12 March 2013 - 12:46 pm
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I ordered some yesterday when I saw this thread.  They've been shipped so when they arrive we'll give 'em a try & report back.

Kermie has a history of furunculosis so he's used to me handling his toes & wearing stuff on his feet, so even if it's a struggle we should be able to get them on... they certainly are sporty looking, so I hope they stay on & work as designed! :)

On The Road

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12 March 2013 - 2:14 pm
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We'd love to hear everyone's feedback so feel free to come back here and share it.

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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14 March 2013 - 3:31 pm
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We'd love to hear everyone's feedback so feel free to come back here and share it.

My tablet wouldn't open the "post reply" link so I had to hit "quote" to get in.

Anyway, Kermit's Toe Grips came today and they were insanely easy to put on, but required a few adjustments to get them exactly on the part of the nail where they'd touch the floor. They were so easy to apply I'm not yet sure I didn't order the wrong size!
Unfortunately they didn't seem to stop his slipping on the wood floor AT ALL. I kept adjusting them closer & closer to the nail tips to make sure they were making contact with the floor but even then his feet were slipping.
I only did 2 feet because I could see after 2 that they weren't working. When we went outside, 5 of the 8 grips I had applied fell off. They might survive outside better if I slid them higher on the nails, but then they wouldn't be touching the floor. Again, they might be the wrong size (he measured at e higher end of size Large so I thought if anything they'd be too small!) or it might be that he needs a pedicure!

I'll try putting a few more on just to be sure I'm doing it right, but so far I'm really disappointed. He slips & falls a LOT whenever he runs off of the rugs & runners, so I was really hoping these would help keep him safe.

On The Road

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17 March 2013 - 1:29 pm
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Just came across a Toe Grips post in our "Tips and Resources" forum

"Toe Grips Great for Any Dog"

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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18 March 2013 - 6:51 pm
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Pretty sure I ordered a size too big, since I can get them on without the help of the included lubricant... Will try once more with the next size down. :)

Perth, Western Australia
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29 July 2012
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3 April 2013 - 11:48 am
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Hi all

I just wanted to add my comments regarding Toe Grips.

I saw them mentioned here in the forums and set about looking in to them a bit more to see if they were suitable for Peda (10 year old, front leg tripawd). The support from team at Toe Grips was awesome and they organised to ship them to me in Australia by express post. I had them within 4 days which was great.

They were fairly easy to put on once I worked out the 'knack'. Peda was quite relaxed about the whole process except for one 'ticklish' toe.

It turns out she needs two different sizes - so I recommend measuring most toes (great instructions on their website). It is worth doing to make sure you get the right sizing.

I have found that they have been pretty good at helping Peda get better traction throughout the house. I have noticed a couple tend to come off a bit easier than others and I think that is a bit of a combination of her gait and just trying to get the sizing correct. They are certainly a cheaper option than boots and don't seem to worry dogs once they are on. I've raved about them to the local vet teaching hospital and I happened to pass another tripawd leaving the hospital the other day who had just been fitted with her toegrips! It seems the word has spread :)

Personally I think they are worth a shot if you have slippery floors. Peda had a big tumble late last year (chasing the kitten!) and we thought she had torn her ACL. While I don't want her to chase the kitten, I can't stop dogs being dogs and kittens being kittens. At least now her legs don't go scooting out from under her! She is also much more confident on unfamiliar floors - she had become quite anxious about going in to places with slippy floors she hadn't been on. It did take her about a week to realise she could shift her weight when standing and they would come in to contact with the ground and so she would have better traction . That wasn't an issue when moving as they were clearly coming in to contact (could see the wearing down).

They also need to be checked daily to make sure they are in the correct spot on the nail. Support from Toe Grips has been great and I highly recommend them. Really, you don't have much to lose by trying them if you think your tripawd needs that bit of extra help. They may not be suitable for all tripawds but they have certainly helped Peda.


Perth, Western Australia
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7 June 2013 - 9:15 am
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Just an update - and to bump it up in the forums again as I've seen a few comments from other blogs of dogs having problems with traction on floors.


I saw from some updates on ToeGrips facebook page that Dr Buzby is experimenting with gluing them on some dogs with particular mobility issues. It may be that for some tripawds because of the way they hop along that some toegrips come off easily. A few of Peda's come off quickly - but I haven't experimented with gluing. Most of hers stay on well - I've experimented with sizes, but there are a couple that always flick off and I suspect it is just her gait.


If people are looking to try something to help with traction , they may be worth a go. They are relatively cheap (compared to boots which was the alternative I looked in to and was reluctant to get in case she wouldn't tolerate them).

And no - no commission for me! They have just been a really good product for helping Peda on slippy floors.

On The Road

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7 June 2013 - 10:59 am
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Kirsty it's really kind of you to come back here and update! We love hearing user reviews for any products that can help make life on three legs easier. I'm hoppy to hear they're working for Peda.

Many thanks!

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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