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Slipping and Sliding
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New Jersey
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18 December 2011 - 4:12 pm
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Rumbles is almost 7 months post-amp. I thought he had the stairs mastered. But he slipped last week, tumbled down 8 steps and bumped his head on the wall. Fortunately he wasn't injured.

I've tried anti-slip socks and he just won't keep them on his feet.

Our house is hardwood throughout. I have dust allergies and asthma issues, so carpet and rugs are out of the question.

Anyone have some suggestions for footwear that he might tolerate?

On The Road

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24 September 2009
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18 December 2011 - 5:19 pm
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Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

Chicago, IL
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5 March 2011
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18 December 2011 - 6:56 pm
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What a horrible experience that had to be!  Tate wouldn't keep anything on his paws either.  I was about to say, "Hey, we should invent a non-slip coating you can put on their pads!" but I checked the liink and see someone already invented that!  Maybe that will help solve your problem.
August 16, 2006 to November 28, 2011
TATE ~ Forever in our hearts.

San Diego, CA
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29 October 2010
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18 December 2011 - 7:28 pm
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We just started trying Musher's Secret, since I knew Abby wouldn't tolerate boots. (I had emailed Karen because I remembered her saying Maggie had used it to get her opinion on it for hardwood – and she had an almost full jar she sent us! With a little Maggie toe hair in it for extra-No.Cal.-juju! Thanks again, Karen!) Abby is not as agile now that she has the H.O. and had started slipping when she would run on our hardwood floors. It's only been a couple of days, but so far so good. Not sure if it would be enough traction for stairs (we don't have stairs here) but seems to be helping and so far I have not noticed any little waxy paw prints on the floors!

Good luck. Sorry to hear Rumbles took a spill. Give him a kiss from Abby!
Jackie, Abby's mom

Abby: Aug 1, 2009 – Jan 10, 2012. Our beautiful rescue pup lived LARGE with osteosarcoma for 15 months – half her way-too-short life. I think our "halflistic" approach (mixing traditional meds + supplements) helped her thrive. (PM me for details. I'm happy to help.) She had lung mets for over a year. They took her from us in the end, but they cannot take her spirit! She will live forever in our hearts. She loved the beach and giving kisses and going to In-N-Out for a Flying Dutchman. Tripawds blog, and a more detailed blog here. Please also check out my novel, What the Dog Ate. Now also in paperback! Purchase it at Amazon via Tripawds and help support Tripawds!

Las Vegas, Nevada
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14 August 2009
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18 December 2011 - 7:33 pm
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Now, I gotta go look up Musher's Secret.  Even Rocket took a spill on our tile.   I hate slippery floors!

Her Retired AvatarComet - 1999 to 2011

She departed us unexpectedly  January 23, 2011 at the age of 12 1/2.

She was born with a deformed front leg and a tripawd all of her life.

Las Vegas, Nevada
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14 August 2009
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18 December 2011 - 7:39 pm
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Looks like great stuff!  [insert link here admin dude! smile]


I wonder if it's illegal to use in Rocket's imaginary jumping contests since he may be able to jump higher?clownclownclown

Her Retired AvatarComet - 1999 to 2011

She departed us unexpectedly  January 23, 2011 at the age of 12 1/2.

She was born with a deformed front leg and a tripawd all of her life.

San Diego, CA
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29 October 2010
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18 December 2011 - 7:52 pm
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Musher's Secret is on the list of "recommended traction solutions" that Admin already inserted! Admin's way ahead of you….

(Abby says concrete galoshes should help with Rocket's traction troubles. She also mentioned something about a long walk off a short pier. Then she stuck her tongue out…)



Abby: Aug 1, 2009 – Jan 10, 2012. Our beautiful rescue pup lived LARGE with osteosarcoma for 15 months – half her way-too-short life. I think our "halflistic" approach (mixing traditional meds + supplements) helped her thrive. (PM me for details. I'm happy to help.) She had lung mets for over a year. They took her from us in the end, but they cannot take her spirit! She will live forever in our hearts. She loved the beach and giving kisses and going to In-N-Out for a Flying Dutchman. Tripawds blog, and a more detailed blog here. Please also check out my novel, What the Dog Ate. Now also in paperback! Purchase it at Amazon via Tripawds and help support Tripawds!

On The Road

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18 December 2011 - 7:55 pm
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AbbysMom gets the Teacher's Pet Award! Yaay! Woot! Woot!

Here's the post about Musher's Secret:

"Musher's Secret Protects Snowy Paws"

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

San Diego, CA
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29 October 2010
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18 December 2011 - 8:04 pm
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Sweet! I love being Teacher's Pet.

(Yeah, I was THAT kid...)

Abby: Aug 1, 2009 – Jan 10, 2012. Our beautiful rescue pup lived LARGE with osteosarcoma for 15 months – half her way-too-short life. I think our "halflistic" approach (mixing traditional meds + supplements) helped her thrive. (PM me for details. I'm happy to help.) She had lung mets for over a year. They took her from us in the end, but they cannot take her spirit! She will live forever in our hearts. She loved the beach and giving kisses and going to In-N-Out for a Flying Dutchman. Tripawds blog, and a more detailed blog here. Please also check out my novel, What the Dog Ate. Now also in paperback! Purchase it at Amazon via Tripawds and help support Tripawds!

18 December 2011 - 11:48 pm
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Looks like I have passed the baton on talking up Musher's Secret!!

Another thing you can try is trimming the fur between his toes and pads if it is long.  That was a real problem for Maggie- the fur would cover half her pads.

My first post in Maggie's blog was about her rolling down the stairs at my Parent's house.  Luckily she was not hurt either, and in her case she was pushed!

Are you sure Rumbles slipped and didn't miss step? If he missed a step maybe it is a one time thing- or he maybe he might need some support on the stairs?

I'm glad he wasn't hurt in his tumble.


Karen and the pugapalooza

New Jersey
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4 June 2011
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19 December 2011 - 5:47 am
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Sounds like Musher's Secret is a good option. I already slather Vaseline on his nose every morning (vet recommended it for dry, scaley nose skin). I might as well rub some wax on his feet too!

Columbia, MO
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10 December 2011
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19 December 2011 - 6:57 am
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I just ordered Musher's Secret last week to try.  Haven't gotten it yet.  Daisy hasn't slipped so far on the tile or hardwood but then she never really ran in the house (she's too big and the house too small).  I knew she wouldn't like having booties on her feet and I didn't really want carpet runners everywhere.  I'll try trimming her paw fur, too.  Hadn't thought about that.

Glad Rumbles didn't hurt himself!

Marla & Daisy

My Two Tripawds...Biscuit and Spirit Daisy

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19 December 2011 - 11:43 am
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I know you said allergies/no carpet, which I totally understand, as I have dust allergies too.  But maybe if you still need extra help, those strips of carpet for stairs?  I think Frontgate, or Solutions, or Orvis or one of the catalogs carries them.  It would be significantly less carpet overall and might give the extra help necessary to avoid problems on the stairs.

In your heart, where I belong.
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9 February 2011
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19 December 2011 - 1:10 pm
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I'm a big fan of yoga mats. They might not work on stairs, but they work on hardwood and come in many tasteful and festive colors! Hair sticks to them and doesn't get embedded, so they vacuum easily and mites wouldn't be able to get into them. There is that double-sided tape made for sticking rugs to floors and I'll bet yoga mats could be stuck to stairs that way, if that sounds like an option. I figure those might work for people with allergies.


From abandoned puppy to Tripawd Warrior Dude, Dakota became one of the 2011 February Furballs due to STS. Our incredibly sweet friend lived with grace and dignity till he impulsively raced over the Bridge on 12-15-12.

Dakota's thoughtful and erudite blog is at

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19 December 2011 - 1:32 pm
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Shari - I'm with you on the yoga mats.  I've written here before - they were originally a temporary solution as we had them around the house - now we travel with them everywhere - to friends houses, etc.  We have used them with great success on stairs as well.

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