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Rottie Raven waits for a boost up onto the bed now. *video*
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Auburn, CA
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28 October 2009
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15 November 2009 - 7:42 pm
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So, Raven's favorite place was in the bed. It's an antique bed that was my Grandma's, so it is very tall. He can't get up onto it now without help after his amputation. So, he waits for a boost. I have to lift his 108#...he's getting a wonderful harness from Emily's Mom on Monday to help me help him. 🙂

 Rottie Raven, osteosarcoma at 8-1/2 years old, amputation in October '09 and in February '10 due to liver mets he went back to heaven where he came from.

Now I have Miles, rottie mix amputee from a shelter and traveled 1500 miles to find his way here through the Rescue Railroad thanks to

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20 May 2009
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15 November 2009 - 7:51 pm
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I am so glad that Emily's harness (and Mac before her) will benefit Raven.  Looks like it will help your back, too!


Debra & Emily, a five year old doberman mix, who was diagnosed with an osteosaecoma. She had a right rear leg amputation on May 19, 2009. On November 10, 2009 she earned her wings and regained her fourth leg.

Kirkland, WA
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2 June 2009
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15 November 2009 - 7:51 pm
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I'm not sure if you intended this to be educational or cute, but I found it soooooo cuuuuute!!!!  I love how he's looking at you like, "  mom?  help?? (awwww jeez, she's got the video camera)". He certainly is a big boy, so that harness will help a LOT!  He's adorable and looks like he's doing super, so keep it up Mr. Raven!!!!

<3 Laura Dillon

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28 September 2009
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15 November 2009 - 7:57 pm
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Raven waiting for a boost up on the bed looks just like Tasha when she is waiting for a boost into the car. I had to load her into the car a few days ago by myself, that big booty is heavy !!! She has a harness but she didn't want any part of jumping that day, getting her out of the car the harness really helped. I am sure you will find the harness will help you and Raven. sf-laugh

Tasha 8 years old, First cancer diagnosis 6/26/09, Last cancer diagnosis 9/26/09, Amputation 10/01/09, Loving our girl moment by moment.

Tasha lost her battle and became my Angel on May 4 2011. Forever in my heart….

Auburn, CA
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28 October 2009
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15 November 2009 - 7:59 pm
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Thanks again Debra, we are looking forward to the harness.  I contacted Mac's Mom to thank her too and we have a coincidental connection.  Mac was named MacLeod.  Raven's name is Raven MacLeod Simas.  Both named for the movie Highlander!  Raven's dad was named Conner MacLeod Simas because I was on location with the actor that played him, Christopher Lambert, on a movie shoot when Conner was born.  Sort of neat when I saw that Mac was named for him too...

And yes, it was a post for cuteness.  Big Grin  He was so adorable each time, I had the video camera nearby to catch it.  He actually made it up somehow on his own yesterday when I stepped outside.  When he jumps, he lands on one leg and flounders and waits normally.  But he must have gotten a better jump and landed up there with all 3 feet.  The bad thing about that is I do NOT want him jumping down from that height onto one leg.  So, now he must be locked out of the bedroom when I'm not home.  Sad

Dawn and Raven

 Rottie Raven, osteosarcoma at 8-1/2 years old, amputation in October '09 and in February '10 due to liver mets he went back to heaven where he came from.

Now I have Miles, rottie mix amputee from a shelter and traveled 1500 miles to find his way here through the Rescue Railroad thanks to

Auburn, CA
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28 October 2009
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15 November 2009 - 8:07 pm
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Ahhh, yes, the car.  Raven has *always* done that with my truck (which is tall).  Does Tasha look like this:

boost pleaseImage Enlarger

Yoohoo, hello?Image Enlarger

I took this photo on the way to the vet's to take his right leg off...  Exclamation  Thankfully, almost 3 weeks later and nothing has really changed after all!

 Rottie Raven, osteosarcoma at 8-1/2 years old, amputation in October '09 and in February '10 due to liver mets he went back to heaven where he came from.

Now I have Miles, rottie mix amputee from a shelter and traveled 1500 miles to find his way here through the Rescue Railroad thanks to

Member Since:
19 September 2009
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15 November 2009 - 8:25 pm
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This must be a total Rottie thing... Shilo did it off and on before her amputation. Just that look of well aren't you going to give me a lift?? About time.... Just cracks you up... She does it now too when getting onto the bed sometimes and when getting into her dad's big truck... They are sooo funny!!

Shilo diagnosed with osteosarcoma 9/4/2009, amputation 9/9/2009. ShiloAnne lost her battle 11/23/2009 where she regained her fourth leg and is patiently waiting for her parents to join her. We will always love you baby girl.

Harrisonburg, Va
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29 July 2009
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15 November 2009 - 8:55 pm
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Aww what great pics and video.  I second Laura, he's like "..a little help? 😐 "   Cutie

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13 July 2009
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15 November 2009 - 9:11 pm
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Ha, Tazzie has always done the 'stand and wait for a lift' posture even with my little Subaru. It is ridiculous.  A 6 foot tall dog, standing there waiting for a boost into a small car. The first time he jumped and did not wait for a lift was After the amputation. A good thing because I am less sure how to lift him. Once he stood and waited and people thought 'poor 3-legged dog', while I thought "finally Tazzie is back to his old helpless self".

Wesley Chapel, FL
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13 September 2009
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16 November 2009 - 5:39 am
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I love the video of Raven waiting for a 'boost' up onto the bed! Big Blink We also have a high bed... and one day I walked into the bedroom and saw that Jake was lying on our bed. I wondered how he had managed to jump up there on his own, and then panicked at the thought of him jumping off it, onto his remaining front leg while we weren't home... So, the bedroom doors got closed when we went to work after that!

That's so cool that both Raven and Mac were named after the Highlander movies! Way Cool My husband and I loved all the movies and the TV show too!

Jake's Mom

Jake, 10yr old golden retriever (fractured his front right leg on 9/1, bone biopsy revealed osteosarcoma on 9/10, amputation on 9/17) and his family Marguerite, Jacques and Wolfie, 5yr old german shepherd and the newest addition to the family, Nala, a 7mth old Bengal mix kittie. Jake lost his battle on 11/9/2009, almost 8 weeks after his surgery. We will never forget our sweet golden angel… ….. CANCER SUCKS!

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16 November 2009 - 10:17 am
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ldillon81 said:

I'm not sure if you intended this to be educational or cute, but I found it soooooo cuuuuute!!!!  I love how he's looking at you like, "  mom?  help?? (awwww jeez, she's got the video camera)". He certainly is a big boy, so that harness will help a LOT!  He's adorable and looks like he's doing super, so keep it up Mr. Raven!!!!

<3 Laura Dillon

Totally agree and could not have said it better but would like to add that WE NEEDED THIS RIGHT NOW!  Thanks for reminding me that I can smile and why I should not just stop posting.

Bob & Cherry

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