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Remaining front foot turning inward
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16 April 2012 - 7:36 pm
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Tomorrow will be 2 weeks post-op and my boy is doing amazingly well. I noticed yesterday (and today) that when he is standing up he tends to turn his remaining front paw inward, I am guessing for balance. I am thinking this could potentially cause problems. Anyone else have this happen and if so what did you do?

knoxville, tn
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12 February 2010
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16 April 2012 - 8:31 pm
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yes, this happens.  gayle's front left foot turned in slightly, and it centered more under her chest to make an equallateral triangle.  also, her front leg got much stronger (from the shoulder on down) and more muscular as she became more active on three legs.  gayle got acupuncture treatments (about every two - three weeks) and i did daily laser treatments on her.  keeping the spine/shoulder area healthy is the key. 


charon & spirit gayle

Life is good, so very, very good!!! Gayle enjoyed each and every moment of each and every wonderful day (naps included).  She left this world December 12, 2011 – off on a new adventure.

Love Never Ends


Las Vegas, Nevada
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16 April 2012 - 8:59 pm
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Oh yes!  That's very normal! 

As far as problems....I don't know.  As they age, their little body does take it's toll but all you can do is like Charon said and add even physical therapy and hydro therapy and anti-inflammatories.  But don't worry, that's a long time away for Cheeto. Comet's mobility was fine until she 6 or  7.  Her back knees went out but we had them fixed and she was good to go until she was well into her senior years.  But don't worry about any of that now!  Enjoy Cheeto!  Someone has suggested just a fish oil supplement a day to help with joints.  So, that might be something to consider now.


Here's a good angle pic so you can see how Comet balanced.  Keep in mind, the other front leg and shoulder blade is deformed so just pretend it's not there! big-grin


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Her Retired AvatarComet - 1999 to 2011

She departed us unexpectedly  January 23, 2011 at the age of 12 1/2.

She was born with a deformed front leg and a tripawd all of her life.

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16 April 2012 - 9:30 pm
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Cheeto has decide he is going to walk erect like a human as much as possible especially in the kitchen so he can reach any available counter treasures.

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16 April 2012 - 9:53 pm
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Hi, this is especially true for Shelby.  Not only does her leg turn in, her paw has spread to carry the weight.  You should see Cemil's paw -- it's the size of a dinner plate!  We take Shelby to the Chiropractor every 5-6 weeks, and most importantly do not allow her to jump up and down onto her remaining shoulder.  She has a ramp up to our bed (yep, my old Total Gym I never got around to using covered with a yoga mat for slip resistence) balanced on steps.  Also, we placed a riser outside the doggie door so that when she goes outside she doesn't have to reach way down to the first step.  Let's see, there's the ever-present Roughwear harness to help lift her into and out of the truck.  And her little red wagon (or chariot if you are Lylie Girl), for long distance and slipper surfaces!  Lots of 'meaningful petting', where we massage her shoulder on down to her paw and wiggle her toes to make sure everything stays loose.  Hmm, did we mention we are the maid and chauffer?  Lots of love!

On The Road

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17 April 2012 - 10:29 am
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Yep, it's normal for a front legger (see?), and it's how we learn to balance. Front leggers will experience different physiological challenges later in life but as Sheby's chauffeur says, there are many exercises and routines you can do to help prevent/decrease them.

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Portage Lake, Maine
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17 April 2012 - 1:13 pm
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My tripawd is a rear legger but her rear leg has done the same....turned inward and toward center.  So much so, sometimes it's REALLY scary to look at her at times when she's standing still balancing.


Maggie was amputated for soft tissue sarcoma 10-20-09

Maggie lost her battle with kidney disease on 8-24-13


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17 April 2012 - 3:45 pm
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Isn't it amazing how they intuitively know what to do. Stitches out so we are all moving back upstairs tonight I think I am going to take his crate as he is just too excited by his siblings lol

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17 April 2012 - 4:32 pm
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Miss Pegz (front ledger) has what we call the "Big Paw"!! Like someone said...splayed like a "dinner plate" and turned inward. She loves to jump up on us when she gets excited...and when she does...we cover our vital organs!!! There is more power in that paw than a jackhammer. We do massages on the Big Paw leg as well as the one that isn't really there. She just loves the "phantom" massage. smiley

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17 April 2012 - 4:34 pm
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that would be front legger...not front ledger.

Miss Pegz is not an accountant. 🙂

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17 April 2012 - 5:10 pm
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Cheeto does the jumping thing too and has learned he can stand on his hind legs leaning on the front one and everything edible on the kitchen counters is scrumptiously in reach!

Las Vegas, Nevada
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17 April 2012 - 10:31 pm
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Miss Pegz is not an accountant. 🙂



Cheeto does the jumping thing too and has learned he can stand on his hind legs leaning on the front one and everything edible on the kitchen counters is scrumptiously in reach!


Next rescue a shorter dog!  big-grinbig-grinbig-grin

Her Retired AvatarComet - 1999 to 2011

She departed us unexpectedly  January 23, 2011 at the age of 12 1/2.

She was born with a deformed front leg and a tripawd all of her life.

Scottsburg, IN
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5 February 2010
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18 April 2012 - 7:35 am
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kviz said
She loves to jump up on us when she gets excited...and when she does...we cover our vital organs!!! There is more power in that paw than a jackhammer.


You aren't kidding!!! In our house, if someone yells out you'll usually hear a "I just got pawed!" right after.  Roxy is only 45 lbs, but good Lord that girl causes so much pain with that paw.  I bruise so easily so I always look like someone has been beating my legs.  It's horrible.

9 May 2012 - 1:05 pm
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I noticed that with star, never thought about it till i read this thread! her remaining paw is spread and more centred too. im covered in bruises where shes jumped up( i bruise like a peach anyway!) she also has very muscular legs. my fear is the strain on her heart cos she never stops and gets so tired!



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