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Caring for a Three Legged Dog or Cat

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Member Since:
11 February 2013
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11 February 2013 - 6:20 pm
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Hello all! My dog Max recently joined the tripawd ranks. He was diagnosed with osteosarcoma, who his a whole story onto its own, we are just going to be positive about that.... Anyway
Max is moving like a monster, I am so proud. He eats and feels so much better! However, the last couple days he has been a little off. Lying around a little, not as in my ace for constant attention, just out of it a little. I think he hates the pain meds. He looks completely stoned after he takes it. I have gone down to one pill, but I don't know....he is just a really stoic guy. We have been going back and forth that maybe he is just sore from learning how to be on three legs. I mean, he has to be in pain from the surgery right? It's only been a week! I don't think it is related to the cancer, as he last X-rays are pretty recent and he seems to be ok for now....

Can anyone give me advice? How long did you give pain pills for? Did your dogs get a little tired an sore will learning how to be tripawdic? Little info on him...7.5, not fat, golden retriever. Is this normal? Could he be depressed? Did the meds effect your dogs mood?

11 February 2013 - 9:47 pm
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Welcome to Tripawds, your future posts will not require moderation.
Sorry to hear about Max, but he sounds like he is doing pretty well.
It is not uncommon for new Tripawds to come home from the hospital raising to go, then crash a little. It is a lot of work to learn new balance and get used to using muscles in a different way. And yes, the pain meds can make our pups a little loopy or down. Tramadol caused agitation in my pug Maggie. A necessary evil right after surgery. I guess the average is about two weeks on pain meds, that's what we did. Some do well on less, it depends on the pup.
You might want to read through Jerry's Required Teading List: http://tripawds.....ding-list/. Lots of good info on what to expect with amputation and recovery.
I'm glad you found this site, lots of people here who can share info and offer support.


New Haven, CT
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27 December 2012
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12 February 2013 - 8:12 am
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One week after Jackson's amp, he was also lazy, depressed, sad, or tired, too.  We even had special people come over, and that perked him up a lot - more than what we'd seen in days past.  The day after visit, though, he was back to being tired or depressed.  It worried me some, too, but looking back on it....he just had a leg removed!  There must have been some emotions floating around and/or frustrated with his new normal.  He no doubt was tired from moving about.  And yes, he was still under the influence of tramadol.  We stopped, cold turkey, his tramadol 1.5 weeks post-amp.  It helped his mood a lot!

Have patience.  You'll get there, together.  Give space and time, but in the meantime stay positive!  Can you get a new toy?  New treat?  Some special visitors?

ACL tear in right hind leg 12/5/12 and scheduled ACL repair surgery 12/21/12. Pre-op xrays revealed osteosarcoma. Amputation 12/28/12.  Chemo (carboplatin) started Jan 10, 2013 and ended on April 5, for a total of 5 doses. He handled carbo like a champ!  No side effects.  We started metronomic therapy at his third chemo and have been also doing some holistic treatments.  He's a lively, playful 10 year old huskie-boarder collie and a very proud member of the Winter Warriors!  Our love. Our funny little guy!

On The Road

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12 February 2013 - 10:19 am
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Welcome to Tripawds! We're sad that you're dealing with osteo but glad you found us. What you are describing sounds reallllly normal, especially only one week out. Yes, your dog is stoned with the pain meds, that's what they are supposed to do. Consider how much pain an amputation can cause; the pain meds help keep the dog mellow and able to recuperate. Amputation is a major surgery, one that can take weeks for a dog to recuperate from. And even when that sparkle in his eyes comes back, he will still need time to build strength and stamina as a Tripawd. With patience, he will get there, you'll see! 

Be sure to check out these videos and interviews from California Animal Rehabilitation Center for some great post-op insight.

Thanks so much for joining us, we look forward to getting to know you both!

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

Atlanta, GA
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12 February 2013
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12 February 2013 - 1:18 pm
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I just wanted to second what fetchon3 said.  My baby Brendol and I are new to this site and are only on day 5 of post amputation.  She too was diagnosed with osteosarcoma in her front right leg.  Even before the surgery, I had friends come by to help make her day.  And since the surgery, when it was just her and I hanging out, she pretty much just slept.  But every time someone would stop by, she would perk right up and do things I didn't even know she was capable of yet.  She is maneuvering stairs pretty well as of today, but as an example, she would not go down the patio stairs this morning for me at all... so we had to go to the front of the house to potty.  But a friend stopped by at lunch for me and she went right on out, off the patio, like there was nothing wrong for her.  I was starting to take it personal, but I figure it's just like kids... I'm just mom.  Not quite as exciting as friends coming over.  So you may want to try to get some visitors to help you perk your Max up a little.



Adelaide is a young tripawd Husky, from an injury.  Her amp was on 10/1/12.  She has 4 sisters, Aissa (a senior border collie/chow), Maggie May (a puppy Great Pyrenees), Mathilde and Morrigan and 1 baby brother, Bagheera.  We are all watched over by our angel Brendol, who was dx with OSA 1/30/13, amp on 2/6/13, and left us on 8/20/13.

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On The Road

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12 February 2013 - 1:38 pm
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Karma said
I just wanted to second what fetchon3 said...

Thanks for the feedback Karma, your future forum posts will not require moderation.

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

Fort Wayne, IN
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25 January 2013
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12 February 2013 - 5:38 pm
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Welcome!  You will be so glad you found this place.  I am still fairly new (11 days post amp, right front, osteo is suspected) and this place is so welcoming, supportive, informational and the members just give you the warm fuzzies.

Libby came off the tramadol 1 week after amp but I just put her back on it yesterday only giving her 50mg/daily). Her mood has been up and down so I don't think that's unusual.  Like Karma and fetchon3 mentioned...special visitors help the mood. 


Liberty (Libby) was diagnosed with OSA on 1-22-13.  Right front amputation on 1-31-13. No IV Chemo. Metronomic Therapy started 2-19-13 along with supplements and some home cooking. Lungs clear until 1-06-14.  She's still her happy, hoppy, bossy self.  Living the dog life to the fullest and a proud Winter Warrior. :) RIP my Libby 4-21-03 to 3-19-14

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12 February 2013 - 7:11 pm
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Hi Kciardi, i am very sorry to hear about Max. My Bart is now deceased but after he had his amputation (front right leg, osteosarcoma), i kept him on pain meds for about two weeks. after this he was fine. i was able to pick him up cradling under the op site and he was pain free. I was very fotunate that even at 13 years of age my boy didnt suffer any depression or sorrow. when the vet checked him the morning after he was already sitting up in his cage and proceeded to follow her around the surgery asking for food :)  in fact he was back to chasing rats 3 days after i got him home! the hardest thing is staying positive but you have to keep it up for Max's sake. Bart would get tired after a big day playing with his friends and if he overdid it he'd pretty much rest for a day or two. Bart survived six months post op and i can honestly say i think he knew his time was short. He fitted in soooo much love, play, food and cuddles into those six months it was unbelievable. that was the greatest most rewarding six months of my life with Bart. Its been two months since he died and i miss him everyday terribly but the decision i made to amputate was the best one. It gave him the happiest and most spoiled six months of his life.  


Good luck and i sincerley hope Max does well, stay positive and you will be amazed at how he does over the next few weeks. You made the right decision and Max will thank you for it a million times over. Spoil him with his favourite treats, many many cuddles (one from me) and enjoy every day. Regards, Rick.

12 February 2013 - 8:44 pm
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Welcome to Tripawds bartholemewsdad, your future posts will not require moderation.
I'm sorry to hear that Bart crossed the bridge. It is very nice if you to share your story here to encourage Max's pack. We would love to hear more about your brave boy if you feel like sharing.


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12 February 2013 - 9:02 pm
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thanks Karen, i certainly will offer any help i can if it means just one dog will be given a second chance. I will share more memories of Bart with the group as his story was quite inspirational, i actually just posted a bit of his story in the share your story section. I know how difficult a thing it is to go through and that stories like Barts will help someone. Thankyou Karen, regards, Rick :)


On The Road

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12 February 2013 - 9:32 pm
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bartholemewsdad, it really is an honor to have you here. I'm really sorry that Bart is an angel dog now but how very sweet of you to come here, share your story and provide hope to others. Thank you so much. I can't wait to read your story, I'm going over there now.

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