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Dog Strollers
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New England
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25 November 2022 - 2:31 pm
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I wasn't planning on shopping for a stroller just yet... But I'm looking at back Friday sales and I'm tempted to go ahead and buy one. In particular, I'm leaning towards the Burley Bark Ranger (with 2 wheel conversion kit and kickstand accessories). https://burley......ark-ranger

Does anyone have experience with this particular model? Or have other recommendations?

There are the criteria I'm looking for 

- must have good handling "off road" (grass, gravel, dirt paths) 

-must be low to the ground (easy in/out) 

-prefer a kickstand or break

-must fit my very long 40lb tripawd 

Any advice or experience is appreciated! 

The Rainbow Bridge

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25 November 2022 - 11:15 pm
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Oh wow, that's a nice one. They do make fantastic trailers.

I don't think you'll have any problem fitting Dudley in one of them. The only problem I see with the Burley is that skinny front wheel. It's awfully small and in my experience, the smaller the wheels the more difficult to maneuver off-pavement.

What about the Booyah? This is my first choice right now:

I have a full report coming up on our latest review of the Happy Ride by PetSafe. It's an awesome stroller but there is an issue that makes me uncomfortable recommending it these days. It used to be our first choice, but until that issue is fixed, I'd say the Booyah is the best all-around for off-roading.

New England
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26 November 2022 - 6:46 am
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The interior height of the booyah is too low. Loki is over 20" height.

The other one that I'm interested in (but is not on sale and is out of stock ) is the Ibiyaya Large Pet Stroller (Hopefully the link works - last time I posted a mobile link from Amazon it didn't work)

I'm not committed to buying either one at the moment. I'm assuming sales will be valid at least through Monday. I'm going to do some more research before making a decision. 

New England
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26 November 2022 - 11:06 am
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One more f the things that draws me to the Burley is the way it can sit on the floor like a soft crate with all of the wheels removed. This would make it easy to leave in my house and slowly introduce Loki to it. She cna be an anxious dog and I don't expect her to take to strolling right away. If I can make the body of the stroller a safe place for her, I think it will really help in acclimation her to strolling. I haven't seen that particular feature in any other model. 

Livermore, CA

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30 November 2022 - 10:32 pm
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I'm late to this thread... maybe you already made a decision.

Here is my input in no particular order:

Make sure the handle is at a comfortable height or is adjustable.  The first stroller I had was basically a crate on wheels (purchased in 2006, not many choices then) and the low handle height made my back sore. 

I was able to take the crate part off the wheels and did just what you talked about- set it in the living room and worked with Maggie on getting comfortable. Then I put it on the wheels and did the same thing.  I had to modify one of doors to make a ramp so she could get in and out by herself but I liked that feature. 

I now use a jogging type stroller, a three wheeler.  I have a problem with the one swivel front wheel, it does not track properly.  I don't know if it is my particular stroller or a common problem.  The wheel starts wobbling and makes the stroller vibrate pretty violently, I have to stop walking to get it to stop.  I have tried several fixes but none worked.  I just keep it locked in a straight position now but it makes it harder to corner.

I like the jogging stroller because of the big wheels and some shock absorption.  I'm down to one dog now but I have had 2 in the stroller without a problem.  I do have to lift them in but Elly is small so that's not too much of a problem for me.

If you get a stroller with pneumatic tires I recommend replacing the tubes with puncture resistant types as well as adding tire liners. This is especially important going off road.  I once punctured two of the three wheels on one walk!  Luckily I was close to home and able to drag the stroller back home.

Karen and the Spirit Pug Girls and Boy

Tri-pug Maggie survived a 4.5 year mast cell cancer battle only to be lost to oral melanoma.

1999 to 2010


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New England
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1 December 2022 - 5:40 am
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Thanks for the info, Karen!  

I ended up ordering the Burley through Amazon.  They were offering the same 20% off as the manufacturer, plus I had a credit that brought the price down further.  The delivery estimate is today, but it hasn't shipped yet.  I'm not happy about that.  I'm hoping to test it out on a variety of surfaces (using a 30lb bag of dog food to simulate Loki's weight) and I'll return it if it doesn't handle well.  However, I was really banking on it arriving on time so I could test it this weekend.  I'm volunteering at a nosework trial and the venue has all of those challenging off-road surfaces (gravel, packed dirt, mulch paths, etc).  It still could show up in time to test there, but I'm losing hope.  I'll have to get creative to run into those surfaces elsewhere - everywhere I walk my dogs has a paved trail.

What really swayed me in favor of the Burley were some reviews on YouTube by a guy who took his Malamute on a 2500 mile bike trip in the Burley.  I'm never going to put that much wear and tear on it.  But I also couldn't find many reviews that used it as a stroller instead of a bike trailer.  The two wheel conversion kit already arrived (lol) and the front wheels are big and sturdy.  Now if only the rest would show up...

Either way, I'll write up my thoughts on the stroller and share them here.  If this isn't the right fit for us, I have some time to keep looking.  My main use will be for toting Loki around at nosework trials (I want her to save her energy for the searches) and I'm just not convinced we're going to do anything more than an ORT in 2023.  I'm leaning towards not trialing with Loki until my older dog gets her ELT-CH.

New England
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6 December 2022 - 5:32 am
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It's here!  I unboxed it yesterday and took Tempest for a short stroll on uneven grass.  The stroller handled nicely and the brake held even on an incline.  Now I've got it set up in my living room with the wheels off and the zipper panels open.  Loki took an hour long snooze in it last night!  That was way more than I was expecting for day 1.  This weekend I'll have the chance to test it on gravel, which I suspect is one of the most difficult terrains to handle.

The Rainbow Bridge

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6 December 2022 - 9:00 am
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Oooooh fun! I can't wait to see pics and video!

I love dog strollers !

New England
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12 December 2022 - 5:17 am
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Tempest and I took the Burley for a test drive yesterday.  We took a short walk through the woods on a dirt path (with plenty of obstacles like roots, rocks and one small tree fallen across the path), down a gavel path, over grass.  It performed admirably!  We briefly got hung up on the fallen tree (it was probably 12" and the stroller has about 10" of clearance).  Unfortunately, it had snowed a little overnight and the ground was frozen, which probably made the conditions very favorable for a good test.  I'm going to keep my eye on the weather and the next warm-ish day we have, I'm going to go in search of mud and soft dirt.  

The Rainbow Bridge

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12 December 2022 - 12:08 pm
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Oh wow that's awesome! Burley isn't cheap but there's a reason for it, obviously.

Maybe you need snow chains for the buggy now? lol!

Have fun and stay warm 🙂

New England
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12 December 2022 - 1:23 pm
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It's not cheap and I understand that's not for everyone.  Between the 20% off for Black Friday and an large credit on my Amazon account, it was within my budget.  I'm hoping it will hold up for Loki's lifetime - she's only 18 months old now.  Hopefully she has many years and adventures ahead of her.  Tempest may get some use out of it as she ages as well.

Ha - I don't think we need snow chains (yet?).  As long as it passes the mud test, it's going to spend most of the winter wheel-less while miss Loki gets used to it.  I'm a cold weather person, so the stroller will definitely see some winter use!

Livermore, CA

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12 December 2022 - 1:43 pm
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How cool!  10" is pretty good clearance.  We do some off road but we haven't had to get over anything that big yet. 

Since Elly's hip injury last summer I've been using the stroller more for her than I used to.  I'm just now starting to extend her walks and finally I don't have to take the stroller on every walk.

I'm going to send you a PM with a question about NW trials and stroller use.

Karen and the Spirit Pug Girls and Boy

Tri-pug Maggie survived a 4.5 year mast cell cancer battle only to be lost to oral melanoma.

1999 to 2010


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23 December 2022 - 1:36 am
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Not trying to hijack the thread - but I thought for anyone searching in the future it might be good to add this on here too. 

I'm in UK so The Booyah stroller that looked great is very hard to source here, and impossible to try before you buy.

Further research led me to Innopet. they have The Sporty, and the Hercules. Both have a good reputation for being good off road (we mostly walk in open country and long hikes hence needing a stroller for Pip so he can still come out with us for a few hours but have rests after walking (hopping?) for 20-30 mins)

I found a place where you can hire the stroller before committing to a purchase which was fab as I could see lots of types and work out the best fit for us. The Innopet Sporty was too small for my 18kg border collie. He could have fitted all curled up, but thats not comfy for any length of time, so we went for the Innopet Hercules. 

The Hercules is a really well built (not much plastic used) and you can see from the hire one how well they last. It copes brilliantly with grass, dirt tracks, muddy paths and still gives a good stable and comfortable ride. 

If you are in south of UK then check out Happy Hot Dogs for a rental (they are in the New Forest)

We are heading out today for our longest hike post amputation (probably 3-4 hours) and taking the Hercules. Pip has been happy sitting in it for short rides - this will be the longest we have done but I have no doubt he will enjoy having some riding time. Bonus is - lots of room to store water bottles, poo bags, dog treats and our lunch without taking a rucksack 🙂

New England
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23 December 2022 - 5:15 am
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You are so lucky you found someplace you could try out strollers before committing!

After looking up your stroller, I believe it's sold in the US as the Ibiyaya Hercules.  Innopet is a much better brand name.  I did consider this one, but I don't think I could find it in stock anywhere.  It definitely has all of the features you could want.

The Rainbow Bridge

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24 December 2022 - 4:57 pm
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mischief said
You are so lucky you found someplace you could try out strollers before committing!

After looking up your stroller, I believe it's sold in the US as the Ibiyaya Hercules.  Innopet is a much better brand name.  I did consider this one, but I don't think I could find it in stock anywhere.  It definitely has all of the features you could want.


 Oh you're right, it is! Here's a link to the Ibiyaya stroller. 

You didn't hijack this topic at all. I'm not familiar with that stroller and appreciate your pointing it out. And I'm also stunned you found a place where you could go on a test/rent ride! Never seen a store like that here in the States. I'd love to hear how it works out. Good job getting one for Pip! Hope he enjoys the ride.

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