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Indi's grain-free peanut butter treats
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Portland, Oregon
Member Since:
1 September 2010
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26 September 2010 - 8:22 pm
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Indi's grain-free peanut butter treats:


3 cups garbonzo bean flour

1/2 cup peanut butter

2 TBS olive oil or veg oil

1/2 cup water

1/2 cup water


Mix. Roll. Cut whith fun cookie cutters. Bake at 375 for 20 minutes and then let them cool and dry in the oven for a nice crunch.

Garbonzo bean flour gets really sticky! I mix the ingredients in my Cuisinart (love that thing. I make Indi's food in it, too) and then use parchment paper or wax paper when rolling out the dough. I want to make these again with flax seeds next time.


Another grain-free variation:


2 cups garbonzo bean flour

1 cup peanut butter

1 cup milk


I made this one with water instead of milk. It is not as sticky as the first, but it is crumblier.



Our vet recommends no grains at all, so we found garbonzo bean flour at Whole Foods (for $1.50/ lb). There is almond flour, too, by Bob's Red Mill, but it is $4.00/lb and comes in two pound bags.

Indi is on raw meat and veggies, yogurt, eggs, and these treats.

Indi the Saint Bernard mix had her front left leg amputated on August 31, 2010. She crossed over the rainbow bridge on December 17, 2010, because of a spinal injury, not related to cancer.

Member Since:
30 July 2010
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26 September 2010 - 8:50 pm
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ooo I LOVE to bake and I will try this recipe out tomorrow after I go to the store! I have gluten free flour (have a friend with celiac's disease), so I wonder if I can adapt your recipes to what I already have.

Anyway, my question is, is it 1 cup water total for the first recipe? You have 1/2 cup written twice…

I might try with a half batch first because I want to make sure Chloe will actually eat them.  She is a rather picky eater way-confused

-Chloe's mom

P.S  I just checked and my gluten free flour has a mix of garbonzo bean flour, millet flour and some other things, so I'm all set!

Chloe became a rear amp tripawd on 7-29-10. Another tumor was removed on front leg 2-20-14. Found 3rd tumor on neck 2-2015, but she's still kicking cancer's butt at age 14. Chloe's blog

On The Road

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24 September 2009
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26 September 2010 - 9:02 pm
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Pawesme! We'll be sure to put this in the Nutrition blog as soon as you clarify the water quantity. Thanks!

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

Golden Girls
27 September 2010 - 8:51 am
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Yummy! May have to make them for Chloe, since she doesn't get spoiled enough...

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30 July 2010
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27 September 2010 - 2:01 pm
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I made them today and they turned out great! I had Chloe try one to see if she liked them and she did!!!  I am saving the rest for Wednesday since it will be her 2 month ampuversary.  With what ever flour I used (some Red Mill brand I had), it didn't end up very sticky. It was a nice smooth mix.

 I am kind of a bake-a-holic so I probably went overboard in my baking techniques. For this recipe it made about fifteen 2-2.5" cookies (about half a batch from Indi's original recipe).  Here is a picture of how they turned out!

IMG_0276Image Enlarger

1.5 cups Gluten Free All Purpose Flour
1/4 cup chunky reduced fat peanut butter
1 Tbsp canola oil
1/2 cup water

The twist: 1/3 cup Reeses Peanut Butter chips! (yes they do sell these in the baking isle! I already had them so I just decided to use them) 

IMG_0273Image Enlarger

Preheated oven to 375 F

Blended peanut butter, oil and water with hand mixer about 20 sec on low setting in a large mixing bowl.  Slowly added flour, beating together on a low setting until flour blended into peanut butter mixture and resembled coarse crumbles.

Mixed in Reeses chips in by hand. Let batter rest in fridge, covered for 15 min while I cleaned up kitchen (optional). I always do this out of habit for any cookies because sometimes the dough gets overworked and ends up "melting" in the oven. 

Used a lightly floured work surface, rolled out dough to about 1/4" thick and cut them out with cool cookie cutters! Since they are heartier cookies, they don't expand like sugar cookies, so what ever size you make them, they will remain about that size!

Bake in oven 15-20 min depending on how soft/hard you want them.  Let cool on cookie rack (optional) then serve to pooch!


Baking tips for anyone new to baking!!!

Tip 1: I always use aluminum air bake cookie sheets since it prevents the sheet from heating too fast or unevenly (got a 3 pack at Bed, Bath and Beyond only $20).  I have had issues in the past with dark nonstick sheets because any cookies with butter would melt out and I ended up with crispy flat cookies that were a pain to scrape off! 

Tip 2:  Don't know what to do with that left over dough? Don't wan the hassle of baking another batch? I have a solution! Cut the cookies into the shapes you would like, put them in a bag (not touching other cookies) and freeze them! They should stay good for a few months and that way you can just turn on the oven, place the cookies on a cookie sheet and bake them! Less mess!

I just made a blog post about my adventure baking these dog cookies so feel free to check it out! Lots of pictures with step by step instructions! Chloe's blog.

-Chloe's mom

Chloe became a rear amp tripawd on 7-29-10. Another tumor was removed on front leg 2-20-14. Found 3rd tumor on neck 2-2015, but she's still kicking cancer's butt at age 14. Chloe's blog

On The Road

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24 September 2009
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27 September 2010 - 9:05 pm
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Bravo! Look for this to make an appearance in the Nutrition Blog soon. A Tripawds cookbook might not be too far away, dontcha think? 😉

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

Las Vegas, Nevada
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14 August 2009
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28 September 2010 - 2:38 pm
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WHATTT???  Another healthy peanut butter cookie recipe??!!  I thought I cornered the market on 'em:


1 egg

1 cup of peanut butter

1 cup of sugar


big-grin big-grin big-grin big-grin big-grin big-grin big-grin big-grin big-grin big-grin big-grin big-grin big-grin big-grin big-grin big-grin big-grin big-grin big-grin big-grin big-grin big-grin big-grin big-grin big-grin

Her Retired AvatarComet - 1999 to 2011

She departed us unexpectedly  January 23, 2011 at the age of 12 1/2.

She was born with a deformed front leg and a tripawd all of her life.

Member Since:
30 July 2010
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28 September 2010 - 3:05 pm
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1 cup of sugar

I didn't add sugar or else I might actually eat them...This way they are for Chloe and not for her sweet toothed mom!  It wouldn't be the end of the world if I did, I work out enough it probably wouldn't matter...

-Chloe's mom

Chloe became a rear amp tripawd on 7-29-10. Another tumor was removed on front leg 2-20-14. Found 3rd tumor on neck 2-2015, but she's still kicking cancer's butt at age 14. Chloe's blog

Las Vegas, Nevada
Member Since:
14 August 2009
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28 September 2010 - 9:07 pm
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Gayles' mom said we should make power shakes (i.e. milkshakes) to go with my "healthy" cookies!


They are for humans and they are just as good as regular peanut butter cookies. (go a little less on the sugar and they are creamy, like a Reese cup)  These are  Comet's  and Rocket's favorite cookie!  My dogs love sugar!  I know, I know, I know but in moderation - I don't care.

Her Retired AvatarComet - 1999 to 2011

She departed us unexpectedly  January 23, 2011 at the age of 12 1/2.

She was born with a deformed front leg and a tripawd all of her life.

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