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Zach dog crosses Rainbow Bridge
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26 April 2014
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8 January 2018 - 4:00 pm
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what to say... I started this new thread to give tribute to an amazing dog. Our beloved Zach. Can't say much now because we are overwhelmed with sadness and grief. I will update more soon.  The short version is Zach had a nerve condition that made him limp for several months before it was diagnosed. He had surgery at 12 years olds, and went to his first tripawd event soon after that. He has lived for over 3 years since. He has always been a tough one and not let anything get him down. He has had 2 other types of cancer with successful removal surgeries. This cancer was a nasty one and was attacking his spleen and possibly his heart. Our hearts were broken upon hearing the news I felt he tried so hard to hang on for us, but it wasn't really fair to him. So difficult to decide. We decided that the best case of action was to give him a brave finish to his life. He left in peace and in no pain. He was the best damn dog ever! He will forever be in our hearts. 

On The Road

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24 September 2009
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8 January 2018 - 5:46 pm
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Cheryl and Shannon we are deeply sorry. Thank you for sharing the sad news over here, at very emotional time in your life. We were so saddened to read in your other post that he was ready to cross. 

He was an amazing dog indeed. Zach was truly one of a kind, a wise sage who knew how to make the most of every minute even when cancer threatened to take that precious boy from this earth. He fought so hard to the end, and through your grief you managed to give your strong boy a final farewell of dignity and love. No dog could ever ask for more from his humans. You did right by him, so please try to know that  as the coming days weigh heavy on your heart.

It was truly an honor to meet your boy. He was, and always will be, nothing but love.

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Come back when you're able OK? No rush, we understand. We will be here, and we will enjoy seeing all the photos you want to share of a magical, one of a kind pup.

All our love from our pack to yours. We are so sorry.

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |


Member Since:
22 February 2013
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8 January 2018 - 6:00 pm
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Oh Jerry...ditto Jerry! 

I'm a blibbering mess yet again,so for now I also wanted to post a photo of this BEST DAMN DOG EVER!!    I'm just so heartbroken for you and with yoi!!!

This Zach dog, OMD, what a WARRIOR!!!  Sooooo gentle....such a go-with-the-flow dog....but a firece fighter!!!  

Like a few others here, we were sooooo privileged to meet Zach.....And some of us THREE times!!! 

And a senior when all this started and I remember how scared you were (as allmof us were)   ....And he made it to FIFTEEN (or almos?)

I'll be back....the stupid tavelt doesn't type very well when soaked with tears

All my love ro you and Shannon

Sally and My Chunky Spiritual Being Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

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Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

Oakland, CA
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20 December 2008
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8 January 2018 - 6:29 pm
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I am so, so sorry you lost Zach. What an awesome warrior he was!! Hemangio is the worst ever. You gave him everything he needed to fight the challenges he faced over the past couple years and, in the end, gave him one last gift by letting him go with dignity. I know it hurts like hell right now. Give yourself time to grieve and I am sure you will figure out how best to honor the 'Best Damn Dog Ever!". That will help a bit......

Sending you lots of peace and love, run free Zack!


Martha, Codie Rae and the Oaktown Pack

Woohoo! Tripawds Rule!

Regulator of the Oaktown Pack, Sheriff of the Oaktown Pawsse, Founding member and President of the Tripawd Girldogs With 2 Names ROCK Club, and ... Tripawd Girldog Extraordinaire!

Visit Codie Rae's Blog!

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8 January 2018 - 6:34 pm
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Thank you so much. Your words are so much comfort to us. When I figure out how to post another pic I will. Much love to you all. 

Minneapolis, MN
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23 April 2016
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8 January 2018 - 7:00 pm
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I am so very, very sorry to hear you had to say farewell to incredible warrior Zach.  Cheryl & Shannon, wishing you comfort in so many memories of your best damn dog ever: what a pleasure it was to meet him and see his spirited personality in real life.  Zach, wishing you the very, very sweetest dreams of a happy life. Rest now.

Lisa, Minneapolis

On October 27, 2016, nearly 6 months after amputation, and 18 months since his cancer likely started, we lost Pofi to a recurrence of Soft Tissue Sarcoma in his spine quite suddenly.  His canine sister also succumbed to cancer on March 1, 2019 - we lavished her with our love in the interim, but life was never quite the same without her only real canine friend. Cliff kitty had to leave us, too, suddenly, in August 2019. Lucia kitty grieved all these losses, but helped us welcome two new Lurchers into our home and our lives, Shae and Barley.

Blog: Pofi, Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumor Amputation

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16 October 2012
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8 January 2018 - 7:20 pm
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Cheryl & Shannon,

I was honored to meet Zach.  He is a true hero and shows how a senior dog can live and succeed on 3 legs.  I am sorry that the dreaded Hemangio took your boy from you.  He is watching over you.  Watch for his signs.  He will let you know he is ok. 

No one can tell you when the hurt will go away as grief is so personal.  It will come and go.  One day you will be fine the next you can be crying like there is no tomorrow.  Eventually you will smile at his memory and pictures.  Not to say you won't have days.  You will always miss him.

Run free Zach until you meet your family again.

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Michelle & Angel Sassy


Sassy is a proud member of the Winter Warriors. Live long, & strong Winter Warriors.
07/26/2006 - Sassy earned her wings 08/20/2013

05/04/2006 -  Bosch, Sassy's pal, earned his wings 03/29/19  fought cancer for 4 months.

"You aren't doing it TO her, you are doing it FOR her. Give her a chance at life."

Member Since:
26 January 2014
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8 January 2018 - 7:42 pm
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Cheryl and Shannon my heart is breaking for you! Sally just told me the news so I had to get on here and tell you both how much Zach touched me. He was an original tripawd party dog and to see him come hopping up with you guys at the last party made my heart sing with joy! All dogs are special, but Zach was something a little extra special and we have all been his cheering squad on this journey. He was so brave, as were you guys. That decision in the end is such a hard one to make, but I hope you find peace in knowing that Zach had a great life. He was so loved and in the end the two people he counted on the most didn't let him down. Goodness, I'm just in tears. Hugs to you all crying

Mom to Tripawd Angels Jake (2001-2014) and Rosco (2012-2015) and Tripawd Tanner. “Whatever happens tomorrow, we had today; and I'll always remember it”  


Green Bay, WI
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18 May 2014
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8 January 2018 - 8:00 pm
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Cheryl and Shannon, so sorry for your loss. It was a pleasure meeting you last May, Zach was amazing and beautiful! Wishing you peace in the following days and weeks.

Paula and Warrior Angel Nitro 

Nitro 11 1/2  yr old Doberman; right front amp June 2014. Had 6 doses carboplatin, followed by metronomic therapy. Rocked it on 3 legs for over 3 years! My Warrior beat cancer, but couldn't beat old age. He crossed the Bridge peacefully on July 25, 2017, with dignity and on his terms.  Follow his blog entitled "Doberman's journey"

"Be good, mama loves you" free my beautiful Warrior

Westminster, MD
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31 August 2013
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8 January 2018 - 9:29 pm
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I am so sorry for your loss of handsome Zach, he was so very loved by you, and I am sure that is the reason he lived to extra-senior status...... Those “best damn dogs” surely take a huge piece of our hearts with them when they have to leave us. I am so sorry that awful hemangio took him away from you, it is the same ugly c that my precious Tripawd Polly fought, lost her leg to first, and then her life, it is a brutal disease. It also took my sweet black Lab Maggie before my Polly. 

Thinking of you tonight, and hoping all his joyful memories somehow eventually ease your broken heart 💙💔🐾

Bonnie, Angel Polly, Pearl, and Zuzu 🐾💞

Schofield, WI
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13 August 2015
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9 January 2018 - 8:08 am
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This news breaks my heart!  Zach was such a beautiful gentle soul and it was a privilege and honor to have met him last year at the tripawd party.  Your boy touched many in his life journey.  I know your hearts are shattered as you navigate this hardest part of the journey.  Your boys life was so filled with love!  To the best damn dog,  I salute you mighty Warrior!  Fly free new Angel!  Cheryl and Shannon holding you in my heart and sending much love and many hugs!

Linda & Spirit Mighty Max

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