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Sooo many losses in August and September...just wanted to send a small tribute to some MAGNIFICENT Souls of Light...
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22 February 2013
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27 September 2014 - 11:44 pm
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In less than sixty days, these lovely souls have become eternal light as stars sprinkled through the night sky............we honor you......we remember you always.....

2014-09-28-01-26-47_zpsmaevudv1.jpgImage Enlarger

Forever in our hearts,

Sally and My Eternal Light Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!


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22 February 2013
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27 September 2014 - 11:54 pm
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PEACE!!! You were on my "Star List"....but I had to re do it a few times and posted the wrong one...the one without your name!!! So here Peace....this is just for you!

2014-09-28-01-49-29_zpshg6klqro.jpgImage Enlarger

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!


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22 February 2013
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28 September 2014 - 12:03 am
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2014-09-28-01.56.40_zpsnrqemt6x.jpgImage Enlarger

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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27 July 2014
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28 September 2014 - 12:14 am
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Ahhh Sally, this is precious. They truly are brilliant stars sparkling in the memories and hearts of all.


Los Angeles, CA
Member Since:
13 June 2013
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28 September 2014 - 7:24 am
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Oh Sally... your soul is amazing ... what a beautiful thing ...

August and September has been heart-wrenching BUT our angels have greeted their new friends w/open arm and us humans stay here to help heal their hearts ....


much love,

alison with the spirit of shelby fur-ever in her heart (and little jasper too) 

Shelby Lynne; Jack Russell/Shiba Inu mix. Proud member of the April Angels of 2014.

October 15, 2000 to April 8, 2014

Our story: Broke rear leg in June 2013 - non-conclusive results for cancer so leg was plated and pinned. Enlarged spleen in September 2013 and had it removed and was diagnosed with Hemangiosarcoma and started chemotherapy. Became a Tripawd January 8th, 2014 and definitive Hemangiosarcoma diagnosis. Three major surgeries in 7 months and Shelby took them all like a champ only to lose her battle to cancer in her brain. We had 8 amazing extra months together and no regrets. #shelbystrong #loveofmylife

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1 September 2014
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28 September 2014 - 8:56 am
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This was so very sweet of you. Thank you!

Sonya & "Millie"--born Feb 1999, diagnosed with OSA 8/27/14, set free 9/27/14
(RIP baby girl)

On The Road

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24 September 2009
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28 September 2014 - 10:02 am
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Sally that is just beautiful, thank you for your compassion and thoughtfulness.

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
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17 May 2014
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28 September 2014 - 10:06 am
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Sally -  beautiful tribute to our angels of the Tripawd Community, and their brave "pawrents", that serve as examples to all of us that are battling this battle.  Not a day goes by without an example of courage, resilience, and love.

Daniel & Johnnie

Our awesome Golden Boy was diagnosed for OSA in April 2014 in the proximal humerus, front-leg amp on 05/20/2014. Finished chemo (Carbo6) on 07/10/2014. Ongoing treatment: acupuncture + K-9 Immunity Plus ( 3chews) and home-cooked no-grain diet.   Stopped Apocaps because of liver issues.   Liver issues: controlling altered enzymes with SAM-e and Milk Thistle.  October 17:  started having seizures.  Taking fenobarbital for seizures.  April 18: started prednisone.

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18 June 2014
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28 September 2014 - 10:27 am
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As usual u selfishly support us. Thank You so much. You are truly an amazing person.

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30 July 2014
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28 September 2014 - 10:28 am
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That's so beautiful. Thank you so much for honoring Peace and all our other furry friends that have gone on. You are a really special soul, Sally!


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26 January 2014
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28 September 2014 - 11:50 am
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Gosh, I was just thinking what a harsh couple of months it has been. This is beautiful always call on your Earth Angels, and YOU are definitely one of ours :)  

Mom to Tripawd Angels Jake (2001-2014) and Rosco (2012-2015) and Tripawd Tanner. “Whatever happens tomorrow, we had today; and I'll always remember it”  


Orrtanna Pa.
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25 January 2014
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28 September 2014 - 6:26 pm
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So beautiful Sally! We love you! Lori and TY

TY GUY, Best Black Lab ever! Diagnosed  and had amp in January, 2014. Kicked MRSA's butt. Earned his angel wings on April 16, 2014. Run Free my boy and don't forget a shoe. Ty is a proud member of the " April Angels". Ty sent us Daryl, a Tripawd rescue in Sept. of 2016. Daryl is 5 +or -. We are also Pawrents to Chandler, a Border Collie mix who is 15 and 1/2, Lucy, a Corgi who is 7, 2 minis, 2 horses, and a feisty cat named Zoe. Zoe had a non skeletal Osteosarcoma removed in July 2015. No Chemo, she was at least 16. She is going strong although she is now completely blind. She is now close to 20 and her hobbies are eating and sleeping in front of her personal heater. 

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16 October 2012
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28 September 2014 - 7:23 pm
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Beautiful Sally...  Just like last year Awful August and September struck again... This is such a great tribute to the Angels who just passed.

Keep up the great job Sally :)



Michelle & Angel Sassy


Sassy is a proud member of the Winter Warriors. Live long, & strong Winter Warriors.
07/26/2006 - Sassy earned her wings 08/20/2013

05/04/2006 -  Bosch, Sassy's pal, earned his wings 03/29/19  fought cancer for 4 months.

"You aren't doing it TO her, you are doing it FOR her. Give her a chance at life."

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14 March 2014
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28 September 2014 - 8:51 pm
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Awww, Sally... Thanks for the lovely tribute to our August and September angels. I take so much comfort picturing them playing together and knowing that they were welcomed by Happy Hannah, Jake. Shelby, Polly, Ty and so many others.

(((Big Hugs!!!)))

Deb and Angel Lexie* Diagnosed at age 13. Tried radiation first; wish we had amputated upon diagnosis (even with lung mets). Joined Club Tripawd April 2014 & Lexie loved life on 3 legs! Advice: Start physical therapy as soon as your vet clears it, especially hydrotherapy if available :-) See Lexie pics here.  

Westminster, MD
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31 August 2013
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28 September 2014 - 9:25 pm
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So very thoughtful and sweet.......and so many more brave Tripawd princes and princesses shining their eternal light; Continuing to keep all their moms and dads in my thoughts, and hoping each day brings them closer to peace and much less pain within their hearts.


Bonnie& Angel Polly

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