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r.i.p. sweet tazzie
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Member Since:
26 November 2008
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8 December 2009 - 8:39 am
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We are shocked and saddened by the news and would like you to accept our deepest sympathy.  We were on the site only once early yesterday morning but should have felt that the TriPawd comos was misaligned.  You have been there to help so many during your journey and the two of you have fought a valient fight.  Through all your postings the love and devotion to Tazzie was obvious and while it may be of small consequence now, you should always know that you did everything possible to save him.  This is just another way in which this Cancer twists our minds and lives.

Tazzie may have crossed that Rainbow Bridge to wait that joyous time with you will be united for all eternity.  However, Tazzie is not realy gone for the gifts that he has given you will live with you for the rest of your life.  We pray that you will find peace and for that day when you can remember Tazzie with a smile and not just the lonliness that now envelopes you.

Bob & Cherry

8 December 2009 - 9:44 am
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Sorry to hear of your loss. May you have a safe trip home, Taz will be watching after you.

The curse of a dog lover is that our best friends go way too soon. We know this but yet we continue to open our hearts to these wonderful creatures too experience their unconditional that only a Dog provides and then endure the agony all over again when they pass.

One day when it is our time to make the crossing, our friends will be there, and oh what joy there will then.

Good Luck and hope your pain eases with the passing of time

Shaun & Supai

Member Since:
10 September 2009
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8 December 2009 - 2:41 pm
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I am so sorry to hear about Tazzie!  I hope you find peace in knowing that you did everything you could for Tazzie.  My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Kristin and Toto

And Toto, Too – fighting the good fight against hemangiosarcoma      Amputation - 9/21/09      Earned his wings - 7/09/10

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5 April 2009
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8 December 2009 - 6:46 pm
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I read your post this morning and have been thinking what to say all day.

I'm so sorry for Tazzie leaving to soon, I'm sure he knew how much you loved him and how much he will be missed by tons of us.

I hate cancer, I hope you will see Tazzie in the little things you do and remember he will never be far away.

Your in our hearts and prayers.

Cindi, jack and the zoo 

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13 July 2009
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8 December 2009 - 10:04 pm
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Dear all you crazy tripawds,

Thanks for your thoughts and concern. It is going okay here. People are around and distracting my mum so that it she is finding it a bit hard to even find a place or time to grieve. Except when she mentions my name. Then it all starts to flow. Her friend that came to do the drive to Colorado called the vets in Sioux Falls (we were so fortunate that one came to the motel room - it might have been horrible otherwise) and drove her and me back home, although I am not only resting. Speaking of the vet, when he came to our motel room, I even let out two barks, enough so that mum had to say 'he is friendly, and wagging his tail' (which I did a few times), right to the very end.

Her friend is still staying at the house, and another friend with a malamute named Noka came by tonight. When the humans were not looking, Noka ate an entire chunk of triple creme brie (worth about $15) and a big chunk of medium Gouda that my Mum bought from a fancy cheese store for company that might visit in my honour. I don't think she was thinking of Noka when she bought the cheese. I was impressed. I had no idea Noka was so talented. He did not even fake it by acting guilty the way I used to act.

As yet, she hasn't been alone to see the really dark side, at least not for too long. I think she was so very scared of seeing the dark side once I left and not being able to handle it, that it was a big part of the reason that drove her to make the trip toward Colorado. Probably we would have been better at home. But at least I acted happy on my last big adventure, with the entire front end of my body standing in the front seat looking around with my open mouth grin even when I'm supposed to be in the backseat, although she fears I was starting to really hurt. Maybe she will get around to figuring out how to post some of these pictures. She probably took a few thousand in the last 4&1/2 months.

When we came to customs, she said 'they will probably only think that I am a sleeping dog'. They don't know that I, Tazzie, NEVER EVER sleep in the car. Not in my entire life have I stretched out and laid down on the back seat. Not even on my last day of life on earth. The trip home gave my mum a bit of time for adjustment. She didn't want me to be taken right away from her, and of course that could not happen. But the difference between crazy Tazzie (Tazmaniac) and 'silent slumbering Tazzie' is pretty obvious. Everytime the car turns or someone walks by, she expects me to whine, jump up or bark. She could tell I wasn't there any more.

She brought me to the vet in my home town today and they were very nice about the arrangements that will be made, placing me on a nice rug and being very gentle. Her visiting friend is a woodworker and made a nice box in which they will put my ashes, if they fit.
Last night when she was getting upset she looked at some pictures and videos. She wanted to see if I looked happy during the last day, but ended up seeing pictures from the last few months (I think she only got to early October). It helped a lot to see that I had been happy since the amputation. That is me, Happy Tazzie. The hard part is knowing that she will never meet anyone like me again, never be able to hold me or smell me. That is the really hard part.

Wesley Chapel, FL
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13 September 2009
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9 December 2009 - 5:40 am
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Rest in peace sweet Tazzie... Crying

Angel Jake's Mom

Jake, 10yr old golden retriever (fractured his front right leg on 9/1, bone biopsy revealed osteosarcoma on 9/10, amputation on 9/17) and his family Marguerite, Jacques and Wolfie, 5yr old german shepherd and the newest addition to the family, Nala, a 7mth old Bengal mix kittie. Jake lost his battle on 11/9/2009, almost 8 weeks after his surgery. We will never forget our sweet golden angel… ….. CANCER SUCKS!

Montréal , Canada
Member Since:
31 July 2009
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9 December 2009 - 7:03 am
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Tazzie, we all know you were happy up to the very last second. You were the one who taught me what "perky" meant.  Everytime I will say this word from now, I will think of you.  Perky = Tazzie.   "Repose en paix"  You are in our hearts forever.

Congrats to Noka! I too am impressed at his talent and at his fancy taste!

Suzanne, Marc-André and Oslo

Cordoba, Argentina
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20 August 2009
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9 December 2009 - 8:25 am
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Dear Tazzie, thank you so much for your last post... it actually brought a smile through my sadness. Good to know that your mum has company to keep the sorrow at bay a bit.

Please use your contacts up there to get her to post the pics of you sitting in the car grinnig at the world to the very end.

We will miss you terribly if you don´t keep giving us your advice and perky talk now and then... we know that we will keep getting useful and supporting posts from you mum.

Have fun running around sweet Tazzie.


Cecilia & Spirit Hori

Spirit Horacia, Castaño, Olympia + human family Cecilia, Georg and Julia - - - Hori first diagnosed 8/6/09, ampu 8/12/09, run over the bridge 9/10/09 – We miss you every day dear girl!

9 December 2009 - 1:46 pm
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I am so sad to hear about Tazzie. Although most of us will never meet there are some deep conections made here because of our shared journey.
You guys put up a valiant fight, and you had the courage and kindness to release him when he told you he was done.

I hope when you are ready you will continue to be here.

Karen and the pug girls.

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20 May 2009
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9 December 2009 - 4:18 pm
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I think that Nokia ate the cheese in your honor so he should not even have to act guilty.  Tell your Mom we are here for her when she needs us.

Debra & Angel Emily

Debra & Emily, a five year old doberman mix, who was diagnosed with an osteosaecoma. She had a right rear leg amputation on May 19, 2009. On November 10, 2009 she earned her wings and regained her fourth leg.

Linden, MI
Member Since:
11 November 2008
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11 December 2009 - 1:56 pm
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Susan, my heart breaks for you. I am so sorry to hear of Tazzie's passing.

Tazzie, thanks for letting us know how your Mom is doing. Stick close to her for awhile so she knows you're thinking of her.

A big sloppy Great Dane kiss to you from Nova.

Sue and Nova 

Dane Mom Sue at and Mom to Beautiful Great Dane Queen Nova, a Blind Tripawd, who kicked cancer's butt from 11/08-03/13. The Queen is Spirit Nova now, but her legacy lives on here at Tripawds!

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