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r.i.p. sweet tazzie
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Member Since:
13 July 2009
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7 December 2009 - 9:29 am
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Tazzie had a good day yesterday. But his nasty tumor was growing and he was in more pain as the night passed. Stoic Tazzie just let out low groans, but you could tell it hurt. He did get up this morning to got outside to do his 'stuff', and ate a bit, but was in pain with quivering all over his body. He could not go on.

A kind vet came to the motel room to release him from his pain. Tazzie's body is now in the car and we will bring him home.

I will miss him so much. May his bright heart and fun-loving spirit be felt by tripawds and their human companions everywhere.


Northern Indiana
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15 January 2009
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7 December 2009 - 9:47 am
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Oh no Susan....I don't know what to say!!!!!!!  I have been in love with that beautiful face from the first time I saw his picture! I pray you will also feel his bright heart and spirit with you always.

You are a brave and loving Mom, his pain is over and he is running free....whole and pain free. I am sending you love and prayers and have shed a tear for his sweet soul.

Gineej & Paris

Grateful for every moment we had with Paris… regrets!

Honoring her life by opening our hearts & home to Addy!

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4 December 2008
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7 December 2009 - 9:55 am
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Susan and Spirit Tazzie--

I just sent you  a PM also. 

I'm SO SO SO sorry, it's just unfair.  But in the end, you did the right thing, and the big guy is in peace.  I'm sorry that we didn't get to have our impromptu Tripawds party in Omaha or Ft. Collins, but never say never!

Tika is ready to give him a big chest bump and welcome into the special Tripawds enclave.

I'm so sorry, I'll be thinking of you today, and shedding more than a few tears. 


Kim and Spirit Tika

East Bay, CA
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6 August 2009
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7 December 2009 - 10:02 am
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My heart is so heavy right now. I don't know what to type. But I feel like I have to say something because you were, and are, always so good to me.

Oh Tazzie. I'm glad he got a big adventure, and to see your friend yesterday. Is there some method to the madness of why this happened this way? I don't know.

You and Tazzie are both very strong. Thank you for sharing with us so soon, so we can all mourn Tazzie in our own way. I know it could not have been easy to get on the computer and tell us..

Thinking of you, and still trying to find what to say,


May 2001-Jan 21, 2010.....I'm a dog and I'm AWESOME!..... Always.

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2 October 2009
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7 December 2009 - 10:07 am
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I'm am actually speechless Susan, because I just don't know what to say, as I am in tears writing this post. I just wished Tazzie a Happy Birthday and now I am offering my condolences to you for your loss of Tazzie. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Tazzie is with his all of his Tripawds friends at the Rainbow Bridge and will meet up with you again, one day. He is no longer suffering from this terrible disease, he is pain free. Again, please accept my condolences.

Mary and My Guardian Angel Angus

Harrisonburg, Va
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29 July 2009
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7 December 2009 - 10:15 am
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Nooo.  I'm so sorry Susan.  I too am at a loss for words.  When I was feeling down Tazzie's smile above all others made me smile and feel better.   I didn't think the day would be so soon.  I am glad he is out of pain, but he will be missed.  You have been so determined and strong through this whole thing and gave all you could.  I hope that fact brings you some comfort. 

Livermore CA
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24 January 2009
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7 December 2009 - 10:17 am
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Susan...I am soo sorry that Tazzie had to go. You were such a good mom and he knows that.  I hope he will send help to deal with the black hole that is in your life right now.

Tears and hugs


Cemil and mom Mary, Mujde and Radzi….appreciating and enjoying Today

Cemil's blog

Montréal , Canada
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31 July 2009
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7 December 2009 - 10:19 am
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Oh Susan.  This hurts!!  I can't help but cry. I did not have the chance to meet Tazzie but his funny-spirit has been deep in my heart since the first time I read your posts.  I will miss him so much.  RIP dear Tazzie.  You were so brave through all this.   

All our deepest thoughts to you Susan as you are coming back home.

Suzanne, Marc-André & Oslo

Orange County, CA
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28 November 2008
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7 December 2009 - 10:29 am
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Susan, I'm very sorry to hear this sad news.  I too was hoping Taz would hang on just a little longer to make it to CSU for treatment, but he let you know it was his time to go.  He was a good boy and he loved you. 


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20 May 2009
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7 December 2009 - 10:32 am
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I am so, so, so sorry to read about Tazzie.  I was not expecting it at all.  You were such a good Mom to Tazzie and he was so blessed to have you.  I know all to well you will miss him so much.  Maybe both Tazzies and Emily and the all to many furry friends we have lost recently are eating hershy kisses and pizza.  Hugs to you.  Again, Susan, I am so sorry.

Debra & Angel Emily

Debra & Emily, a five year old doberman mix, who was diagnosed with an osteosaecoma. She had a right rear leg amputation on May 19, 2009. On November 10, 2009 she earned her wings and regained her fourth leg.

Las Vegas, Nevada
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14 August 2009
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7 December 2009 - 10:53 am
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I am so sorry for your loss in Tazzie.

This is so sad.

May you find peace and comfort in knowing how much your sweet boy loved you and how lucky he was to have you as his family.

Best wishes -

Her Retired AvatarComet - 1999 to 2011

She departed us unexpectedly  January 23, 2011 at the age of 12 1/2.

She was born with a deformed front leg and a tripawd all of her life.

Northern CA
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23 December 2008
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7 December 2009 - 12:32 pm
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I am so shocked and sorry to hear of this tragic loss. Please know you are in our thoughts and prayers. What a wonderful mom you were and what a great finla gift of love you gave.

May you find peace knowing you did all you could - and everything is never enough for our babies.

Seanne and Angel Wrigley

On The Road

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24 September 2009
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7 December 2009 - 12:37 pm
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Oh Susan, we are so devastated by this news. Cry

Tazzie will always be a true hero in our book. His spirit shall live on here forever, helping others face the same difficult decisions you have. Bless you for taking such good care of him. Please know that we are thinking of you.

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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7 December 2009 - 12:48 pm
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Susan, I am so very sorry that you lost Tazzie today. You both fought so so hard. Words can't even begin to express the sadness in my heart for you and your sweet Tazzie.

Jo Ann & Tasha

Tasha 8 years old, First cancer diagnosis 6/26/09, Last cancer diagnosis 9/26/09, Amputation 10/01/09, Loving our girl moment by moment.

Tasha lost her battle and became my Angel on May 4 2011. Forever in my heart….

7 December 2009 - 12:55 pm
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oh my goodness...I am so so sorry to hear this!!!! Shocked is more the word. My thoughts and prayers are with you right now. It sounds as though you did the right thing and Tazzie is free and running around now. Thinking of you
Erin and Jack

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