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Magic's Journey Has Ended
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Member Since:
10 March 2010
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21 June 2010 - 6:47 pm
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In the last two days Magic has taken a dramatic turn for the worse. At night starting two nights ago I could hear him retching and not bringing anything up. And his breathing was getting more and more labored and today a rattle started to be audible. Last night he could NOT find a place to be comfortable and was on the move most of the night. Today he was laying on the patio and not even getting up to drink water, nor did he want any when offered. When Casper came home he lifted his head to sniff but no interest in getting up and seeing what this strange new kitty with the plastic head was doing.

The doc who had treated him during the cancer treatments was off and it was her birthday and she was on her way to the ocean but she offered to come as soon as she got back....then she talked to the doc who had been his vet for eleven years up til the cancer diagnosis (I needed appts on days when she wasn’t working unfortunately) who came in on her day off, picked up a nurse and came to our home. With the cathedral chimes ringing and laying next to the fountain to cool the air, Magic went to the Bridge where he can now romp and play and breathe freely with no pain.

I thank God I got this little Magic mini me who is now laying in my lap....he will be a comfort to me. I will miss Magic so very much, he has been my constant companion and the house already seems so empty.

Cancer indeed sucks.

Member Since:
22 December 2009
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21 June 2010 - 6:55 pm
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Oh, Diane.  I am so sorry.  

I could just scream!  What is with all the losses as of late?!

Cancer does indeed suck!

Amputation on 11/10/09, due to Histiocytic Sarcoma in left elbow. Angel Harley earned his wings on 06/24/10.

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28 September 2009
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21 June 2010 - 7:04 pm
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 I am so terribly sorry that Magic's journey has come to an end today. I am just so so sadden by this loss. I hope that you will find great comfort in Casper as your grieve for Magic.

 Cancer does sucks big time!


 Jo Ann & Tasha

Tasha 8 years old, First cancer diagnosis 6/26/09, Last cancer diagnosis 9/26/09, Amputation 10/01/09, Loving our girl moment by moment.

Tasha lost her battle and became my Angel on May 4 2011. Forever in my heart….

My heart lives at Rainbow Bridge
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28 November 2008
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21 June 2010 - 7:26 pm
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Oh God, what to say.  You and I have had so many long e-mails and I've grown so fond of you and Magic.  This breaks my heart, even though I understand we all must come to that final journey. You are in my thoughts.  I'm sending you every ounce of strength I can find.

I am so very sorry and I wish words could take away the pain.  You will one day find peace in all the memories you have of the beautiful boy, but first the grieving process must take place.

RIP sweet Magic.  Run Free at Rainbow Bridge.

Shanna & Spirit Trouble ~ Trouble gained her wings 3/16/2011, a 27 1/2 month cancer survivor, tail wagging. RIP sweetheart, you are my heart and soul.  Run free at Rainbow Bridge.
The November Five - Spirits Max, Cherry, Tika, Trouble & Nova. 11/2008 - 3/2013 An era ends as Queen Nova crossed the Bridge.

Wesley Chapel, FL
Member Since:
13 September 2009
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21 June 2010 - 7:31 pm
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OMG! I'm so sorry!!!cry You did everything you could to help Magic... Now you have his little 'mini-me' to help comfort you... My heart goes out to you...

Sending you a big hug... Rest in peace sweet Magic!

Angel Jake's Mom

Jake, 10yr old golden retriever (fractured his front right leg on 9/1, bone biopsy revealed osteosarcoma on 9/10, amputation on 9/17) and his family Marguerite, Jacques and Wolfie, 5yr old german shepherd and the newest addition to the family, Nala, a 7mth old Bengal mix kittie. Jake lost his battle on 11/9/2009, almost 8 weeks after his surgery. We will never forget our sweet golden angel… ….. CANCER SUCKS!

Pahrump, NV
Member Since:
17 February 2010
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21 June 2010 - 7:36 pm
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Diane, I'm so terribly sorry you had to say goodbye to Magic.  You have been through so much, and took such very good care of him.  Magic is free of his pain, and now gets to be with OJ.  It's hardest for us because we just miss them so much.  Think of all the happy times, and the joy he brought you, and of course, you know we're all here for you.

Deepest sympathy,


Sadie is my 9yr old Rott/Shepherd mix. Diagnosed with osteosarcoma in her right scapula 1/28/10. Our brave girl had her amputation 2/13/10 and her last chemotherapy on 6/6/10. Unfortunately, a tumor appeared in her back right leg and on 10/7/2010 Sadie's earthly journey came to an end.  On 10/24/2010 we adopted Ranger, a handsome Rott/Lab mix tripawd (got hit by a car) I think Sadie sent him to us.

Palm Desert, California
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8 February 2010
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21 June 2010 - 7:36 pm
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So sorry for your loss of Magic; cancer is definitely unfair.  Coming three months after amputation is such a shock!



Chuck Holliman & Rusty

Rusty is a Labradoodle who was diagnosed with level 3 Fibrosarcoma on January 16th, 2010 and had his left hind leg amputated on January 25th, 2010 five days before his 18 month birthday. Please see Rusty's blog  He is putting up one heck of a fight against this terrible disease.

Calgary, AB
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30 January 2010
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21 June 2010 - 7:44 pm
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Diane I am so very sorry to hear about Magic. It was all far too sudden. Thank you and bless you for taking such great care of him, loving him so much, and having the strength and wisdom to let him cross the Rainbow Bridge when his time had come. You are a true inspiration to Tripawd pawrents. I will be thinking of you always and hoping that Majic's Mini Me brings you the comfort you so deserve at this sad time.


Tai – 9 yr old lab. Diagnosed Osteosarcoma Dec 18/09. Front right leg amputated Dec 21/09. Started chemo Jan 7/10. Lung mets discovered Sept 16/10. Valiant to the end on Oct 26/10 when cancer reappeared in a leg and we made the decision to set her free. Forever in my heart where not even cancer can take her from me.

21 June 2010 - 7:45 pm
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You know how sorry I am Diane!  We're losing everyone! 

Cancer sucks sucks sucks!

Pat and Spirit Ruthie

Edmonton, Alberta
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11 January 2010
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21 June 2010 - 7:48 pm
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Diane, I am so so sorry. Oh, there have been far too many losses recently; how I hate cancer.

He was a beautiful, brave boy, Diane, and your love for him came through on each and every post you made on these forums. It must have been so hard to let him go.

My deepest, deepest condolences. 

Carmen, Catie and Riley





Catie -

Birthday – November 4 2003

Amputation – January 13 2010

Crossed the Bridge – June 2 2011

 Catie Caitlin 

Las Vegas, Nevada
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14 August 2009
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21 June 2010 - 8:07 pm
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How do you write something for such a dear friend as you Diane in your time of grief?  I, along with Shanna have gotten to know you and have loved each and every minute.  I can't find the words to say how deeply my heart breaks for you.   I can only cry right now.


Her Retired AvatarComet - 1999 to 2011

She departed us unexpectedly  January 23, 2011 at the age of 12 1/2.

She was born with a deformed front leg and a tripawd all of her life.

Livermore CA
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24 January 2009
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21 June 2010 - 8:18 pm
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Diane, I'm so sorry.  I was shocked to see your post--it seems too soon.

I'll think of you with the little kitty on your lap, hoping he will give you comfort during these upcoming difficult days.

Rest in Peace, sweet Magic Boy.  You're missed by all your Tripawd friends.

Mary and Cemil

Cemil and mom Mary, Mujde and Radzi….appreciating and enjoying Today

Cemil's blog

Los Angeles
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2 November 2009
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21 June 2010 - 8:21 pm
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Oh Diane,

I can't believe what I'm reading - I'm just heartbroken for you and know how much Magic was a such a huge part of your life.  You were a great tripawd pawrent and took such great care of him.   This just must feel like a deep, dark hole in your heart right.  I'm so sorry for your loss and can't hold back my tears.  This is just all too much with all of these losses of our wonderful tripawd heroes recently.  I am giving Mackenzie huge hugs for you now.  I wish there was something I could say or do to help heal your heart.

You are in my thoughts and prayers.


My sweet golden Mackenzie.  She became my angel on Dec 29, 2010 at the age of 8 1/2  although she was always my angel from the time we brought her home.  She was diagnosed with osteosarcoma in Sept 2009 and officially became a tripawd (front leg) on Nov 5, 2009.  She will be forever in my heart and now she's running free with all of our other tripawd heroes.  I love you Mackenzie!

Member Since:
27 February 2010
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21 June 2010 - 8:24 pm
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Diane - like Ge'Lena - I can only cry right now. There are no words to tell you how terribly saddened I am for you. Your humor and big heart will help carry you through this pain. And, Casper - the plastic headed cat. I am grieving with you tonite. 


Sophie (1998 – 2010)

"Going Dog" def: living every day in the moment

"It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are."


Coquitlam, B.C. Canada
Member Since:
28 November 2009
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21 June 2010 - 8:37 pm
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Oh my gosh I am so terribly sorry. This has been an awful few weeks for our amazing Tripawd's. My heart breaks for you all please know that they are now running pain free on all fours with some wonderful Tripawd Angels across the bridge.


Darlene (angel Tehya's Mom) 

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