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Grief counseling
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22 February 2013
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4 October 2017 - 5:26 pm
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One more suggestion that may be a "feel good" project...or not!

You can pick a photo of Rocky that makes you laugh.  You can have that photo converted into a puzzle.   It may be something that you find comofrting.  You can go to a craft store and find supplies to "coat" the puzzle and then turn it into a framed hanging.

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

Member Since:
26 January 2017
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5 October 2017 - 11:18 am
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That's a great idea, Sally! 

I think you can order puzzle photos off Shutterfly. Seems like I saw that when I ordered photos of Rocky the other day. I'll have to check on that again. I have worked on some photo projects. I put an 11x14 of the one of him looking back at me over my couch in the living room. I need to get a good photo collage frame for some more photos. I bought one at Wal-Mart, but I'm not real happy with it. 

I have yet to hit the color book, however. I still need to do that. 

Had my third session with the counselor last night and it went really well. I felt better last night than I had since he crossed over. But another wave of grief hit me this morning. It's probably going to be like that for awhile. 

David and Rocky (and Baxter now too!)

Rocky had his right front leg amputated on Valentine's Day 2017 after being diagnosed with osteosarcoma.

He joined the September Saints on September 3, 2017.

He is the toughest, bravest, sweetest and best friend I'll ever know. 

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26 January 2017
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22 October 2017 - 11:53 am
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Quick update: 

I have a high deductible plan, so insurance hasn't helped much, but I'm really glad I decided to see someone. I still struggle with missing Rocky, but it's helped. I've also been going to the APLB (Association for Pet Loss and Bereavement) chat rooms a couple of nights a week. That's free. It's good to connect with other people who are going through the same thing. 

David and Rocky (and Baxter now too!)

Rocky had his right front leg amputated on Valentine's Day 2017 after being diagnosed with osteosarcoma.

He joined the September Saints on September 3, 2017.

He is the toughest, bravest, sweetest and best friend I'll ever know. 

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4 October 2016
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22 October 2017 - 4:17 pm
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Hi David, 

Just wanted to let you know you are not alone in your grief. Mine comes in waves.. when it hits, it's mostly out of the blue and hits really hard. I got this book that has been helpful:

"Grieving the Death of a Pet" by Betty Carmack

She started the pet grief counseling program at the SPCA in San Francisco. The book is her own stories mixed with stories of many people who have attended the sessions. I find it comforting knowing I'm not alone in many of the places my brain goes to when dealing with all the different stages of grief. Maybe you might find it helpful, too! 


On The Road

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24 September 2009
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22 October 2017 - 5:35 pm
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David, here's a thought in case you wanted to continue the in-person counseling. Admin reminded me recently that licensed therapists have to do a certain number of community service hours at no charge in order to become certified. I'm wondering if you can find a grief counselor in training near you? I did a search using "pro bono Alabama grief counseling services" and found a few associations in different counties. Maybe there is one in yours? 

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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26 January 2017
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22 October 2017 - 7:27 pm
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Me too. I have moments where I feel better and then moments where another wave hits me. That's normal. The only thing to do is just ride it out. 

I'll check out Betty Carmack's book. I've been reading a few as well. Dr. Wallace Sife's The Loss of a Pet (probably pretty similar to the one you're reading) and Biblical Proof Animals Do Go To Heaven by Steven Woodward. 


Thanks, I'll keep that in mind. I'm pretty comfortable with the counselor I'm seeing, so I'm going to keep going for the foreseeable future. A lot of what we've talked about is how dependent I was on Rocky, so it's branched off a bit from the grieving process although we still talk about Rocky a lot as well. 

David and Rocky (and Baxter now too!)

Rocky had his right front leg amputated on Valentine's Day 2017 after being diagnosed with osteosarcoma.

He joined the September Saints on September 3, 2017.

He is the toughest, bravest, sweetest and best friend I'll ever know. 

Member Since:
14 December 2016
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26 October 2017 - 4:28 am
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I haven't been on for a while but I have been wondering how you were doing. Thank you for sharing the info on the counseling. A woman I met here through the handicap dog classes is starting to offer group counseling for people who lost their pets. She invited me to come but I'll hold off on that until Manni really isn't here anymore - it's not something I can cope with just yet but it's good to know it's there.

You know: I, for one, will never forget Rocky. He (and you) has touched many lives. I hope you can find some comfort in this.



& Manni

Guardian of Manni the Wonderdog. -Or was it the other way around?
Osteo and amputation in Dec 2015. Second, inoperable, primary osteosarcoma found in June 2017.
The end of our adventures came Dec 10, 2017. 2 years to the day.

Manni's blog -dogblog-

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16 October 2012
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26 October 2017 - 9:50 am
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Thanks for sharing your experiences with the counseling.  I have recommended a few of my friends here at home to attend some counseling at one of the places that offers it here.  Paws to Angels in Omaha, Ne.   I wish I would have done more when I had lost Sassy.


Michelle & Angel Sassy


Sassy is a proud member of the Winter Warriors. Live long, & strong Winter Warriors.
07/26/2006 - Sassy earned her wings 08/20/2013

05/04/2006 -  Bosch, Sassy's pal, earned his wings 03/29/19  fought cancer for 4 months.

"You aren't doing it TO her, you are doing it FOR her. Give her a chance at life."

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26 January 2017
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30 October 2017 - 7:25 pm
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Thanks for the kind words. I appreciate it. Glad to see you and Manni are doing well. Keep kicking cancer's butt! 

We're trying to space out my sessions a little more. I have good days and I have bad days. It's been nearly two months and I still really miss him. It's just weird not having Rocky following me around everywhere. 

David and Rocky (and Baxter now too!)

Rocky had his right front leg amputated on Valentine's Day 2017 after being diagnosed with osteosarcoma.

He joined the September Saints on September 3, 2017.

He is the toughest, bravest, sweetest and best friend I'll ever know. 

Member Since:
26 January 2017
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12 January 2018 - 12:32 pm
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I haven't actually done this yet, but something I've been told to try: Write a letter to yourself from your lost dog or cat, but use your non-dominant hand to write. So if you're right-handed, write using your left hand and vice versa. It's apparently pretty amazing what comes through when you do this. 

David and Rocky (and Baxter now too!)

Rocky had his right front leg amputated on Valentine's Day 2017 after being diagnosed with osteosarcoma.

He joined the September Saints on September 3, 2017.

He is the toughest, bravest, sweetest and best friend I'll ever know. 

Hudson, WI
Member Since:
23 December 2017
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12 January 2018 - 4:37 pm
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Oh David,  losing a beloved pet is so hard.  It has been a year and four months since I had to say good buy to my little Chester.  I honestly didn't think I was going to ever get over loosing him.  As I type this I have such a sense of profound sadness.  He was diagnosed with Kidney cancer and less than 2 weeks after his diagnosis we had to say good buy.  The pain was excruciating and there were not enough pain medications to ease that pain.  We had no options for treatment for him, so when we told we could take away Bubba's pain we did so without a doubt. 

My heart aches for your sorrow you have missing your Rocky.  My little Chester gave me 11 years of unconditional love as I know your Rocky did for you.  

Many hugs....

Picture of my Chester!

Image Enlarger

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1 October 2017
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12 January 2018 - 4:37 pm
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Jackie, Bo, Andy, Oscar, Phoebe, and the coolest feral tripawd kitty Huckleberry

Huckleberry's Blog

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