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Caring for a Three Legged Dog or Cat

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A Tribute and Thanks
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Member Since:
15 October 2010
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9 June 2011 - 4:06 pm
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Tess was euthanized last night, 8 months after her amputation. Over the last 10 days she had significantly declined. Then last night she refused to eat. Fortunately I wrangled her back to a dog bed next to my bed because I woke up late last night to her breathing rapidly with a desperate look in her eyes. I got her to the emergency clinic where they found she was in florid heart failure from dilated cardiomyopathy. She had lung mets and was in clear distress so the decision was not difficult.

Tess chose me 4 1/2 years ago when she looked up from inside her kennel at the shelter, unfurled her large frame and stood and barked and barked and barked directly at me. That night she laid next to me on the couch, put her head on my lap and heaved a huge sigh. The shelter had told me she was 7 years old and as I petted her that night I told her I would take care of her until the end of her days. She had been seized as part of an abuse case and had been used as a breeder. Her last litter was born in my hallway 2 days after I adopted her. Talk about memorable! Six months later she survived gastric torsion and then weaved herself into my daily life, leaping up onto my bed every night so she could sleep touching me. Even with three legs she could leap up until just a few weeks ago.

We had a beautiful time together and I miss her deep in my bones.

I just wanted to again thank this Tripawd community. Without the information and support I would not have had the strength to get her through the amputation, and we never would have had 8 more months of wonderful life together.

In your heart, where I belong.
Member Since:
9 February 2011
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9 June 2011 - 5:31 pm
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Oh sweet Tess! I'm so sorry she's gone, but I'm so grateful that you did right by her, as hard as it was. What a great story about her beginning! Did you know how close to motherhood she was when you adopted her? You know there is a special place in heaven for people like you who open their hearts to creatures like Tess, right?

"Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy."

I'll keep you in my thoughts and Tess in my heart, as I know you will do forever.


From abandoned puppy to Tripawd Warrior Dude, Dakota became one of the 2011 February Furballs due to STS. Our incredibly sweet friend lived with grace and dignity till he impulsively raced over the Bridge on 12-15-12.

Dakota's thoughtful and erudite blog is at

On The Road

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24 September 2009
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9 June 2011 - 5:48 pm
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Ohhhh noooooo! Tess, we are going to miss you, we just started to get to know you around here.

Alice, seriously, like Dakota's Mom said, you are a saint for adopting this beautiful girl and showing her true love during her senior years. Wow. You will be forever changed by this experience and Tess will always be by your side in spirit. A love like that just doesn't go away.

Tess, may your puppy spirit run amok among us, we are deeply sorry you are gone but will never forget your pretty face.


Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

knoxville, tn
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12 February 2010
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9 June 2011 - 6:33 pm
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we're saddened by tess' passing.  you gave her an amazing life - what great memories you made together.  you also gave her a final selfless gift by letting her transition.  our thoughts are with you during this sad time.  love never ends.

charon & gayle

Life is good, so very, very good!!! Gayle enjoyed each and every moment of each and every wonderful day (naps included).  She left this world December 12, 2011 – off on a new adventure.

Love Never Ends


Mount Pleasant, Ia
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27 October 2010
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9 June 2011 - 6:37 pm
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we are truly sorry for your loss. Your story with Tess is so much like our story with Cooper - it really touches our heart .. may Tess rest in peace.



Coopsdad/ Kenneth Blackburn

the monkeydogs only THINK they have invaded the tripawd state

Greater Western Washington area
Member Since:
25 August 2010
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9 June 2011 - 7:23 pm
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Her story made me cry, I am so glad you found her and she found you.  I pray for you both, and I know she will be by your side in spirit.  I am sorry your time with her was so short, I wish you had her from day one because you sound like an angel to recognize what she was saying to you.

Bless you both and my prayers are for you tonight.



Diagnosed with osteosarcoma in the right front leg 8/23/10,

leg fractured 8/27/10,

leg amputated 8/30/10


I couldn't begin to say how special Sammy is to us.  Living and laughing with and loving this wonderful boy is priceless.

Orange County, CA
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28 November 2008
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9 June 2011 - 9:15 pm
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I'm so sorry to hear of Tess's passing, but what a great life you gave her!  She obviously knew you were the right person, that's why she barked at you until you took her!  Bless both of you.

Member Since:
10 February 2011
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9 June 2011 - 9:39 pm
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I shed tears for your loss!

 I know you will miss her deeply!

 Saying a heart healing prayer for you and a shout out to heaven for Tess and those who got to greet her!

Calgary, AB
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30 January 2010
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9 June 2011 - 10:27 pm
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Sorry to hear about Tess but thank you from the bottom of my heart for adopting her and taking such wonderful loving care of her. It is so hard to say goodbye. I know Tess will be forever by your side and in your soul.


Laura and Angel Tai

Tai – 9 yr old lab. Diagnosed Osteosarcoma Dec 18/09. Front right leg amputated Dec 21/09. Started chemo Jan 7/10. Lung mets discovered Sept 16/10. Valiant to the end on Oct 26/10 when cancer reappeared in a leg and we made the decision to set her free. Forever in my heart where not even cancer can take her from me.

Las Vegas, Nevada
Member Since:
14 August 2009
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9 June 2011 - 11:46 pm
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I'm just so very sorry for the loss of Tess.  Even though I know 4 1/2 years isn't nearly the time you want when you fall in love, it sounds like the quality of that time was incredible and will be a lasting memory.

You did a wonderful thing and I know that Tess will look after you for many years because of it.

My deepest condolences.

Her Retired AvatarComet - 1999 to 2011

She departed us unexpectedly  January 23, 2011 at the age of 12 1/2.

She was born with a deformed front leg and a tripawd all of her life.

San Diego, CA
Member Since:
29 October 2010
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9 June 2011 - 11:53 pm
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So sorry to hear of the loss of your beauty Tess. It sounds like she was so lucky to find you. I know you will have beautiful memories of the love she brought into your life. Run free on those long legs of yours, Tess!

Sending warmest regards and deepest condolences,
Jackie, Abby's mom

Abby: Aug 1, 2009 – Jan 10, 2012. Our beautiful rescue pup lived LARGE with osteosarcoma for 15 months – half her way-too-short life. I think our "halflistic" approach (mixing traditional meds + supplements) helped her thrive. (PM me for details. I'm happy to help.) She had lung mets for over a year. They took her from us in the end, but they cannot take her spirit! She will live forever in our hearts. She loved the beach and giving kisses and going to In-N-Out for a Flying Dutchman. Tripawds blog, and a more detailed blog here. Please also check out my novel, What the Dog Ate. Now also in paperback! Purchase it at Amazon via Tripawds and help support Tripawds!

10 June 2011 - 5:44 am
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well- thought I'd post another lament about Baer.  IN two other forums you've heard the unfortunate story of Baer's passing away on the op table- during diagnosis, and with a lot of life, energy and love left.  I quickly contacted this site for support on a possible left rear amp, but the stress of exploratory surgery, and attempting removal of the tumor were his demise.  He trusted us completely, and we did what we thought was the best, to no avail.  Thanks to all for posting- and helping us start to remember the wonderful times we had with 10 short years of Baer's walks through the local small town zoo- barking at buffalo and turtles alike!  His love was snow and then wading in the creek.  Just last Wed. it was 90 degrees here in NOrthern Wi. so I took him for a good soak in the creek- made his day!

Member Since:
14 April 2010
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10 June 2011 - 5:54 am
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So sorry to hear about Tess, I love the part where you said she gave that big sigh  on your lap, I hope its those memories that help you through this time, and also knowing you gave her a caring home will give you comfort for the rest of your life. Our thoughts are with you, Spirit Gus and Dan

My buddy Gus had a left front amputation on April 7, 2010 and lived a great life until July 26,2010

Golden Girls
10 June 2011 - 6:30 am
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I'm also very saddened to hear about Tess. You are truly an angel for taking her in, loving her all these years, and then knowing when to let her go. RIP sweet Tess! Run free at Rainbow Bridge.

Sending you many golden hugs, and hope the many sweet memories you have of Tess will slowly replace tohe grief you are feeling now.


My heart lives at Rainbow Bridge
Member Since:
28 November 2008
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10 June 2011 - 7:12 am
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I am sorry the beautiful Tess has left you. You rescued her, gave her a royal life, and walked this journey with her. It will be lonely in your house for a long while, but as time passes you will begin to smile once again as those wonderful memories fill your day.

RIP sweet Tess.  Run free at Rainbow Bridge.

Shanna & Spirit Trouble ~ Trouble gained her wings 3/16/2011, a 27 1/2 month cancer survivor, tail wagging. RIP sweetheart, you are my heart and soul.  Run free at Rainbow Bridge.
The November Five - Spirits Max, Cherry, Tika, Trouble & Nova. 11/2008 - 3/2013 An era ends as Queen Nova crossed the Bridge.

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