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2 months after Jerry Cat went to the Rainbow Bridge, he sends me a friend
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22 January 2018 - 4:02 am
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Good morning Hattie,

The snippet was good. They have 2 versions of this book (actually more but those are animated) I almost bought the wrong one at first. One version is the big book for young readers. I really had been price checking (on my cell lol) and I finally realized the difference. The other is a dollar or 2 more, it is the regular adult version. I bought it. There was enough to hook me, lol... so far it is good, I am only through the first chapters. No word from my son yet, sigh. My daughter in law's grandmother passed away over the last week so they have been horribly busy between wakes, funerals, catching up time. I am going to try him again today. Usually we speak often but this has just thrown everything off. 

I know the feeling in the animal department, lol. I lost my Gazoo and then Molly within a very short period. Molly really started going downhill after Gazoo passed. They were both about 15 years old when they passed. First his kidney kicked out, then hers. We went "looking" around about a month later. The house was so quiet. We brought Andy home that day. A month later Mr. Oscar needed to be rescued, and about 1 1/2 years after that along came Huck, lol. We got Mitch after Rosie passed about 5 years ago. My husband just fell in love with him and wouldn't stop talking about him lol. He lived at the shelter for 2 years before we found him and he got his furrever home. They are hard to lose, but it is amazing how deafening a house can be without them. I just love them all.

Have a good day at school!



Jackie, Bo, Andy, Oscar, Phoebe, and the coolest feral tripawd kitty Huckleberry

Huckleberry's Blog

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22 January 2018 - 6:11 pm
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Hello Jackie-

Sorry to hear about your daughter-in-law's grandmother. I hope you are able to catch up with your grandson soon.

With the snow days we just had I managed to read three books last week. That is a record for me! I need to finish the one I started two nights ago, and then I will look into Finding Gobi. I'm glad it seems good so far. 

Mitch lived at a shelter for 2 YEARS?! Whenever I hear something like that I want to just cry. I am so glad he has a great home now. Yes, the silence in a house that has lost pets is so hard to deal with. My dog Sox behaved just as another Boxer I once had (Samson) lost his companion. They both refused to eat, lost a ton of weight and isolated themselves in an unused room. I don't know what would have happened if I hadn't adopted a Pug buddy (for Samson) and Stella (for Sox when the Pug and Jerry Cat passed last year). 

I love sharing my life with animals, but saying good-bye and losing them is so difficult!

Have a wonderful evening!



Hattie and Jerry Cat (right front leg and scapula amputation due to chondrosarcoma at age 14, lived 2 1/2 years post amputation, succumbed suddenly to suspected lymphoma at age 16)

10/2001 - 10/9/2017 R.I.P ~ Love you always

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23 January 2018 - 4:23 am
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Good morning Hattie,

Yes, the story goes (from the people at the shelter) Mitch and another dog were rescued from another shelter when they were older pups. Mitch lived there for a year (no kill shelter) and was adopted out by one of the volunteers. A few months later they surrendered him back. It seems the person that adopted him lost their job and home. Back to the shelter he went for another year or so. He was kinda like their mascot of sorts. But he has that big fat pibble head even though he looks like a yellow lab and he was pretty ominous looking. We took him out for a walk and he really was a good boy. My husband adores him, totally fell in love with him. I was not ready to adopt a dog but he was just so smitten with him. We went back to the shelter the following week and adopted him. We have had him about 5 years now. He has a bad back end, I think from being in that little room all those years and not being able to stretch out much. He had cruciate ligament surgery last year and now he is having incontinence problems. Before they did his surgery they x-rayed his back and found the tiniest of stones in his bladder, but he never showed any signs of discomfort or incontinence until he had the surgery. We are in the process of having it checked out, although to be honest it seems like the house peeing thing seems to be done when he is mad at us more than anything. He is just getting older and ornery lol, but he is a good boy and good company 🙂 He ignores the cats and mostly sleeps during the day now. 

Oh shoot, lost track of time, gotta go get ready for work! Have a good day!!



Jackie, Bo, Andy, Oscar, Phoebe, and the coolest feral tripawd kitty Huckleberry

Huckleberry's Blog

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23 January 2018 - 3:08 pm
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Hi Jackie,

Jeez, how rough for a dog. I can't even imagine a dog living in that busy environment in small quarters for such an extended period of time! Not pleasant! I kinda had to giggle when you mentioned the house peeing thing when he's mad. I don't mean to joke, because it's definitely not fun to clean that stuff up. Hope his health checks out and he has many more years in a cozy home with the people he loves!!

It was 70 degrees here today! Last Tues was a snow storm! And of course I have the sniffles now...AGAIN...because of this craziness. 



Hattie and Jerry Cat (right front leg and scapula amputation due to chondrosarcoma at age 14, lived 2 1/2 years post amputation, succumbed suddenly to suspected lymphoma at age 16)

10/2001 - 10/9/2017 R.I.P ~ Love you always

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1 October 2017
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23 January 2018 - 3:24 pm
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It was in the 60's yesterday. Today it is in the 40's with a wind-chill that is making people put hats, scarfs, and gloves on what-everI really hope the vet can help us, he is starting to ruin the floors. David and I put down laminate floors a few years ago and they do not like pooled fluid sitting for any period of time. Today my husband told me that he took Mitch out and then layed down for a nap. He wasn't down for 20 min and Mitch peed the floor again. I have never had a dog do this, not like this. I may have to crate him at night as much as I hate to do it. Just seems as time passes this becomes more frequent but it is so hit and miss. I am calling to make his recheck appointment as soon as they can see him, we need to stop procrastinating and just do this (I am just afraid of what they are going to tell me)

Thank you for sharing your story. I know how hard that must have been. I was at work when I read it, (I know, bad girl!) I had a some down time. I do feel privileged to have you share that with us. And you are right, somebody that needs to see your story will see it and it will help them, maybe even save their life.

I am into my new read a few chapters and it is engrossing me, lol. You know when you start to read a story and everything else disappears? I can see that is where this is headed, lol.  

I am home. In for the night, down for the count, and tired. I think a nice fire and pajamas are going to be in order.

Big hugs,



Jackie, Bo, Andy, Oscar, Phoebe, and the coolest feral tripawd kitty Huckleberry

Huckleberry's Blog

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24 January 2018 - 1:44 pm
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Oh ok, jeez. That's no longer amusing! I hope the vet is able to see Mitch ASAP and determines it is nothing major health wise. I know the feeling of wanting to know, but not really. I hesitated a few months to bring my Pug in this past summer because I knew he was going to say she was nearing the end. Not that that is what is happening to Mitch. I just didn't want to go because then I'd hear it, and then I'd know it was really happening. If that makes sense.

I am so glad you are enjoying the book. WooHoo! I always feel nervous recommending things I've read and liked to patrons that come into the library because I'd hate to waste anyone's time, but good to know you like it so far. Although I'd be surprised if I ever came across a "bad" feel-good animal story.laughing

Please keep me posted on Mitch. I am rooting for him!



Hattie and Jerry Cat (right front leg and scapula amputation due to chondrosarcoma at age 14, lived 2 1/2 years post amputation, succumbed suddenly to suspected lymphoma at age 16)

10/2001 - 10/9/2017 R.I.P ~ Love you always

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24 January 2018 - 4:22 pm
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We have an appointment bright and early on Saturday morning at 8am with Mitchell and Andy. I think I have an extra specimen cup so we will catch urine before we go (he is not a lift his leg, pee on command dog, lol), Andy they will have to get it by cysto. I am afraid they are going to tell me he needs another $1000.00 surgery to remove stones. Between Huckleberry, Andy, and Mitchell we have made a ton of vet bills in the last year. Mitch had cruciate ligament surgery about a year ago, we almost lost Andy a year ago when he became 100% blocked (I never saw that one coming, no sign at all!) and then there is Huck of course. The vet that took care of Huck was very expensive. She paid no mind at all to the fact that I was bringing in a feral stray lol. It's all good though. I would just have liked to have a little recovery time before another major procedure. Other than that everything is ducky laughing

Mitch had no accidents today but he had David taking him out every 45 minutes all day long. We go from that to him sleeping on the couch for 5-6 hours without moving. We have to shake him to wake him for dinner he sleeps so deeply lol. Last night he went all night long with no accidents, he kept his wrap on and it was dry this morning. He is driving me CRAZY, lol. 

On to more pleasant topics, heheh. I like all kinds of books from mysteries, love stories, thrillers, I am pretty versatile. Lately I have been reading more books that are animal oriented. I love to read, but I went a long time just being "too busy". I read a book not too long ago, it was something I bumped into on my cell while we were on a road trip, and I got hooked again. I have decided that I NEED to take some time for me. I need to do some things just for me to make me happy and content. So I have been reading and meditating again. I pick morning or evening, just 10 minutes and focus on just being. I started it a while back and then I dropped it for the same reasons I dropped reading. I feel a whole lot better just doing a few little things for myself, so I guess that is my resolution for the year. 

On that note, I am going to go sit in front of the fire and relax for a bit. My husband made dinner, it smells wonderful!

Have a great evening,



Jackie, Bo, Andy, Oscar, Phoebe, and the coolest feral tripawd kitty Huckleberry

Huckleberry's Blog

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26 January 2018 - 6:02 pm
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Hi Jackie,

So glad to hear Mitch didn't have any accidents the other day. I will be thinking of you guys at your vet appointment tomorrow morning, and wishing for the best possible outcome for him and you guys!

I'd love to continue sharing book suggestions with each other - if you are interested and want to keep in touch through email, feel free to shoot me one at

Bet you would have never been able to guess that would be my email!

Again, will be thinking of you tomorrow. And I hope tonight you are also taking time for yourself by the fire. I may be cashing in on a Christmas gift card and get a pedicure tomorrow as a treat for MYself. We'll see....

Have a great night!



Hattie and Jerry Cat (right front leg and scapula amputation due to chondrosarcoma at age 14, lived 2 1/2 years post amputation, succumbed suddenly to suspected lymphoma at age 16)

10/2001 - 10/9/2017 R.I.P ~ Love you always

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