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Foster to 4-5-month-old Ria, 2 days post-amputation
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25 May 2024 - 9:38 am
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Thanks for the update and thanks for not fussing at us for our not so subtle wishes that you could keep Ria!😜

Looks like it's going to be a long process getting her used to this person. Looks like everybody's willing to put in the time and effort though, so that's wonderful.

Let us know how the visit goes and thank you again for all you have done too help this sweet girl.



Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

Member Since:
10 September 2023
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6 June 2024 - 11:25 am
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Sally, you might be happy to hear that the adoption isn't going through! I just got the news today, and I've had so much bad news today I haven't decided what I think about it. It does seem like Ria might be a foster fail, but I'll decide when everything else calms down. Ria had her visit on Monday since it was a holiday here, sandwiched in between visits to police stations about a cat abuse case (it's in Malay; they apparently translated from my Instagram posts and wrote the story). It was my first time getting involved with something like that; usually other people go out and do the rescuing and I just foster.

But anyway, the visit went fairly well although Ria didn't completely warm up to Della and barked at her kittens briefly. None of Della's cats were happy to see Ria, which is to be expected from cats who haven't met a dog before. Ria was uncertain about the shiny tile floor which is a bit more slippery than mine. She made herself at home on the couch and did let Della pet her but insisted on staying close to me and kept looking at me to make sure everything would be okay. Della asked if Ria was so bonded to me she wouldn't be able to accept anyone else. I was wondering that myself. The way we left things was that we'd do a couple more visits and then Ria could try staying there for the weekend at the end of the month since I'm planning a short trip (don't know what I'm going to do about boarding now since the only other time I left her was last October and she ran away). So that was all good, at least some progress, although I did somehow have a feeling it wouldn't work out. Ria is just my baby.

I thought things were settled, police reports done, rescued kittens at the vet not showing symptoms of parvo after 10 days although they did test positive, and more visits planned for Ria. But no, the guy I reported for cat abuse has my address and personal information (long story), and this morning the vet told me one kitten suddenly passed away from parvo and another has symptoms. I'm worrying about what will happen to all my pets if someone comes after me, so I thought it was good that at least Ria would have a place to go. And then I got the message that Della has decided she's not ready to adopt after all.

Hopefully everything will be fine. Ria is oblivious to it all; she's happy as long as she's home with me. 


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22 February 2013
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6 June 2024 - 11:46 am
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Have to admit, as soon as I read the adoption wasnt gpi g thrpugh  I let out an audible YAAAAY!!! 👏👏👏👏 I did!  Really!  Surprised  you couldn't  hear it!


Oh my goodness though, you have really been through some tough times with those kitties and the person who had them.  I'm sure it's scary that he has your address, etc, but I doubt  he will pursue anything further.  He's probably ready to put it all behind him and stay out of trouble. .


      Ria is oblivious to it all; she's happy as long as she's home with me. 


  Della asked if Ria was so bonded to me she wouldn't be able to accept anyone else. I was wondering that myself.        Ria is just my baby.


I really do feel like RIA was meant to be with you from the beginning.  The hurdles you two knocked down one by one together only strengthened  her bond with you....and you with her....and us with the both of you!!!♥️

Ya' know what? Good for Della realizing  this was not meant to be.  RIA made it plain and Della "heard" her message.

You k ow we have to jave pictures of you telling RIA she's yours and you're  hers!!  We can now say it loudly and without  reservation....we are all sooooo happy!!!!  👏👏


Extra hugs!!!

Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

The Rainbow Bridge

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25 April 2007
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6 June 2024 - 12:09 pm
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Woah Susan, that's quite a time you've had!

It does sound like this all worked out for the best with Ria. She is definitely your sp_hearticon2dog and lets the world know it. Some dogs will easily go with other people, some will not and my guess is usually have very good reasons for it. Ria knows her place in this world, with you.

I hope everything is OK with the cat case situation. You are so courageous for helping, and I hope that you know someone (preferably big and burly!) make sure the abuser doesn't harass you. Is there anyone who can keep an eye on things for you? Neighbors maybe? 

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10 September 2023
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25 June 2024 - 8:34 am
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Okay, it's official...I've decided Ria is a foster fail! See video smiley4

Thank you all for your support! sp_hearticon2I wanted to join the Zoom call, but I have to go into the office. Fortunately, the cat killer didn't come after me although it looks like nothing is going to be done to him. He did threaten to report me for trespassing but seemed to have thought better of it since I didn't hear anything more. One kitten survived and is in a foster home and I now temporarily have the spayed, feral mama in my foster cat room. Hope she'll eventually be adoptable since she can't be released back to that place.

I think Ria always knew this would be her home and I hope it's the best one for her! I'm going away this weekend so she has to go to boarding for the first time since the disastrous time she stayed with my friend in October and ran away. I'm a little worried about that, but it's only two nights and she'll be in a room with my other three. 

The Rainbow Bridge

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25 June 2024 - 11:08 am
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WOOHOO!!!! smiley_clapI was secretly hoping for this! Honestly, you did your best to help her find a home but she knew all along where the right place is for her. Love love love this very happy ending and I am SO glad you are not being bothered by the creepy sicko. 

Thank you for all you are doing to help animals and make a difference in their lives. You make the world a better place and now Ria gets to as well, since she will be your sidekick showing all the new fosters the ropes.

I hope this weekend goes well! My guess is she will feel protected by her siblings, and feel safe enough not to do anything too crazy. Let us know how it goes!


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22 February 2013
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25 June 2024 - 2:37 pm
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Yippee  Skippee!!!👏👏💖

  I think Ria always knew this would be her home and I hope it's the best one for her


I dont think we (ok..maybe tow of "us")  were very subtle  when it came to letting you know wer hoping you would end up adopting her.  RIA  made it know from the start you you were hers and she was yours  when she  picked YOU!!  No one else would do!!

Yes, I think RIA will feel more secure being with your  other three.  When you go to,pick her up she will realize she has not been given away and you will always be there for her to take her home!!

I do hope you are doing something  enjoyable for those two days.  Goodness knows you deserve to make time for yourself 😎

Looooove the picture 🥰🥰🥰

Thank you again Saint Sisan for helping RIA, the kitties and all animals!



Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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