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Incision Discoloration
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Member Since:
6 February 2024
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12 February 2024 - 7:09 pm
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Hello, all.

My Italian Greyhound, Artemis (5 yrs, female spayed), just had an emergency amputation on Monday, February 5th. Her incision was healing well and then on the evening of February 10th, I noticed some discoloration around 3 of the sutures. She had a checkup the next day and the vet couldn’t tell if it was severe bruising or necrotizing tissue, and informed me to keep an eye on it for the time being. The sutures and surrounding tissue is holding, but there’s a lot of tension because she has very thin and little skin there. I’ve sent the vet additional photos from tonight, but in the last day, the discoloration (not having spread) has begun to harden and crust over. I was hoping to get a second opinion or any thoughts about what to expect or look out for moving forward, especially considering that image searches have been censored as of late, and I cannot find any similar case. She recently has become picky about her food, but I’ve been managing to get her to eat small meals here and there but nothing quite like her normal appetite which could be due to the trazadone or gabapentin. She doesn’t feel feverish and the surrounding area does not feel warm.


Saturday 2/10 Afternoon:

Monday 2/12 Evening:


Member Since:
22 February 2013
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12 February 2024 - 8:23 pm
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Welcome Arin and Greyt Artemis.   Your post has been approved and our " Volunteer" Vet will see this and respond shortly.

In the meantime, what was the reason for the emergency  amputation?

Yes, the Trazedone is a sedative/anti anxiety (does nothing for pain)  and the Gabapentin is for pain.  She just had MAJOR surgery and may not have the best appetite at first.  Keep up the small mea and feed her anyth yummy eight now she'll eat.  Is she peeing and drinking  okay?  May take a few days for poop.

Stand by, our Vet will give her feedback. Thanks for the pictures. I think they will be helpful.


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

The Rainbow Bridge

Member Since:
25 April 2007
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12 February 2024 - 8:36 pm
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Hi Arin, welcome. 

We have some photos of incisions in our Tripawds Gallery. Also see:

Tripawd Amputation Incision Infection Symptoms to Know About

After you hear from Dr. Pam, come join us in Treatment and Recovery so we can support you in your journey! 

Member Since:
6 February 2024
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12 February 2024 - 10:27 pm
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She had a severe break that would have required several rounds of anesthesia and and surgeries, and with the length of recovery quoted (4-6 months), I could not see orthopedic surgery being feasible considering she was jumping and running around the day of her spay surgery.

She has always been difficult with drinking water and would only ever chug it in the night once I came home from work. Now, the only water she will drink is from her food. Otherwise, she has been peeing and pooping normally. She passed her first stool, normal size and shape, on the third night after surgery.

Member Since:
22 August 2008
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13 February 2024 - 7:23 am
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That does look a little necrotic; I would see what it does. Sometimes these heal up just fine. If she is not already on an antibiotic I would probably add that.


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