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1 October 2016 - 9:29 pm
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Could you please review this post and offer ANY insight?? The poor pup is in lain and the owner is very stressed watching him in constant pain.

As ALWAYS, thank you so much for the support you so selflessly give!


Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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2 April 2013
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1 October 2016 - 9:35 pm
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You're the best Sally! heart

Donna, Glenn & Murphy 

Murphy had his right front leg amputated due to histiocytic sarcoma at 7 years old. He survived 4 years, 2 months & 1 week, only to be taken by hemangiosarcoma at 11 1/2 years 6/12/17  
Read about Murphy's Life on Three Legs


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21 September 2016
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2 October 2016 - 7:24 am
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Thank you so much everyone for your support, and any medical review.

He is still doing it on the Ace right now (1 25mg tablet given 8 hrs ago), but more easily comforted and doesn't cry out. Had 2 gabapentin an hour ago (300mg each) and is due for Robaxin and Codeine in 15 min.

I really wish we could get to the bottom of this and get him more toward a normal recovery.

thanks so much,

Mary Beth 

Minneapolis, MN
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23 April 2016
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2 October 2016 - 12:10 pm
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Hoping you get some answers soon!


Lisa, Minneapolis

On October 27, 2016, nearly 6 months after amputation, and 18 months since his cancer likely started, we lost Pofi to a recurrence of Soft Tissue Sarcoma in his spine quite suddenly.  His canine sister also succumbed to cancer on March 1, 2019 - we lavished her with our love in the interim, but life was never quite the same without her only real canine friend. Cliff kitty had to leave us, too, suddenly, in August 2019. Lucia kitty grieved all these losses, but helped us welcome two new Lurchers into our home and our lives, Shae and Barley.

Blog: Pofi, Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumor Amputation

Member Since:
22 August 2008
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3 October 2016 - 12:25 pm
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You would have to run it by your vet but it is not too late to add a 75 ug Fentanyl patch.  I would continue Deramaxx, tramadol or codeine, 600 mg gabapentin every 8 hours, and consider using 10 mg diazepam every 8 hours instead of the Robaxin. You can use the acepromazine for sedation but it does not offer any pain relief and may not be needed with the added narcotics.


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21 September 2016
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3 October 2016 - 1:15 pm
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Thank you so much.  We are adding Amantidine 100mg, only using the Ace at night to sleep.  And keeping the Gabapentin, Robaxin and Codeine.  I didn't see your post until after I talked to him.  He showed his video around, including a neurologist, and no one has seen anything like it following an amputation.  Said its probably a "nerve response" that will dissipate over time but not a typical recovery.

Should I try to see a specialist?  If so, orthopedic and soft tissue specialist?  I was thinking of sending Ollie's animal hospital the video to see if they would take a look and possibly see him if he doesn't start to show improvement in a couple more days.  Is an ultrasound in order?    

He gets his staples out thursday and is supposed to start chemo friday but I can't imagine doing anything else until we get him under control.

He basically can't be awake and be comfortable.  But when he's so medicated he can no longer walk well.  Its all so terribly upsetting. 

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3 October 2016 - 1:32 pm
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He also always has gas after he does it, he has pooped once in 12 days, has an awful lot of food in there.  I am doing the pure pumpkin but thought maybe I should add a gas supplement to help with any possible discomfort.  Is it okay to not have gone any more than this?

Thanks again.

Mary Beth & Charlie


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22 February 2013
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3 October 2016 - 2:03 pm
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Ugh...just soooo sorry you're going through this!It mabe worth trying this new pain plan and combo Dr Pam has suggested. I would DEFINITELY run it by your vet thoughas you there may be a wash out period before switching to this plan. It sounds like keeping him on ACE with all of the new meds suggested would be too much dangerous sedation.

Jist guessing that the lack of pooping is related to all the meds and their sedation effect. But yeah, once in twelve days sou ds like an OWWEEE!

When was his last poop and was it one?

Not sure what food an ultra sound would do, but that's a Vet question. Does his tummy feel like he's impacted at all? I guess an ultra sound would show any sort of blockage, or any separate issue that could be causing him problems.

And I would send that video to anyone willing to look at it!!!!! And BEG them to look at it!!

Of course, I'm not a professional, but I ABSOLUTELY WOULD NOT start chemo until he returns to a more normal recovery!

If it's a nerve thing that's this unusual, I would hope SOMEONE, SOMEWHERE, who has dealt with this could offer some solutions....although, I guess the meds are the best hope for now.

We ALL wish we could help!

Keep us posted AND make note of ANY little improvement, times, etc.

Lots of love and hugs

Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

Member Since:
12 March 2013
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3 October 2016 - 4:04 pm
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Codeine can be quite constipating for humans. Not sure if dogs have the same reaction to it. Any possibility of switching him to some other pain med that doesn't have the same side effects?

Kathi and the Turbotail April Angel...and the Lbradork

Murphy is a five year old Lab/Chessie cross. He was hit by a car on 10/29/12 and became a Tripawd on 11/24/12. On 2/5/13, he had a total hip replacement on his remaining back leg. He has absolutely no idea that he has only three legs!

UPDATE: Murphy lived his life to the fullest, right up until an aggressive bone lesion took him across the Rainbow Bridge on April 9, 2015 and he gained his membership in the April Angels. Run free, my love. You deserve it!

Santa Fe, NM

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19 July 2016
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3 October 2016 - 4:27 pm
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Poor Charlie! I've not anything constructive to add, just many hugs for you both! Charlie is making Isa's recovery look like a picnic. Hang in there and look into the wine and chocolate highly advocated around here (for you).

We're here for you - hang tough! I'm thinking happy thoughts that you'll get this figured out soon.

Right rear leg amp 7/12/16 due to OSA. Metastatic lesion on her right front leg, January 2017. Joined the Winter Warriors January 19, 2017. Run free my sweet girl.

Minneapolis, MN
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23 April 2016
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3 October 2016 - 7:28 pm
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murphsmom said
Codeine can be quite constipating for humans. Not sure if dogs have the same reaction to it. Any possibility of switching him to some other pain med that doesn't have the same side effects?

Kathi and the Turbotail April Angel...and the Lbradork  

This is what I have been wondering about and Dr. Google says YES, Codeine can be constipating for dogs.  And as it just doesn't seem to be a common problem for many dogs in this forum post op and as most of them seem to be on a different narcotic pain reliever, I personally would be talking to the vet about switching the Codeine out for another option.  Tramadol is not without side effects, but I don't think anyone has recently talked about it being associated with it.

If it were me, I would call and see if they could switch out the prescription - something is causing the constipation and it seems likely the constipation is causing the spasms.  Of course, I am not a vet.... but I would call and ask about Coedine and constipation.  And ask for alternative.

Lisa, Minneapolis

On October 27, 2016, nearly 6 months after amputation, and 18 months since his cancer likely started, we lost Pofi to a recurrence of Soft Tissue Sarcoma in his spine quite suddenly.  His canine sister also succumbed to cancer on March 1, 2019 - we lavished her with our love in the interim, but life was never quite the same without her only real canine friend. Cliff kitty had to leave us, too, suddenly, in August 2019. Lucia kitty grieved all these losses, but helped us welcome two new Lurchers into our home and our lives, Shae and Barley.

Blog: Pofi, Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumor Amputation

Member Since:
22 August 2008
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4 October 2016 - 10:23 am
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If your vet can't adequately control his pain then I would seek a second opinion.  Why did they stop the Deramaxx?  He probably still has inflammation at the site.  I have never used codeine myself and our clinic uses tramadol for dogs but it is a good point that narcotics often cause constipation.  He should definitely be pooping more.  Have they xrayed his abdomen to see if he is impacted?  Maybe that is contributing to his pain.  How about adding lactulose?


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