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Fever and Paraylsis after Amputation recovery
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Member Since:
28 May 2019
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28 May 2019 - 1:54 pm
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Whew. Its been a long weekend and I'm no closer to answers. 

We saved Ronin from the side of a highway and found out that day his right back femur was broken. When we took him to surgery, they found SEVEN additional fractures and had to amputate. He recovered well, got his stitches out, and was transitioned smoothly into being a regular puppy (he's six months old, 40 lb rott/pitt mix). 

A week after stitches were removed,he became very suddenly lethargic and began having 'the shakes'. We took him to the vet immediately the next morning, where he presented with a fever of 105.4!! They did blood work and a urinaylsis, and came back with only an elevated white blood cell count, indicating infection, and no other information. After a day there, his fever still hadn't broken, and we were forced to move him to the Emergency Clinic overnight.

When we arrived at the clinic, Ronin was no longer using his back half, but just dragging it on the ground (noticed when going outside to pee). The ER Vet managed to break the ever in the night, took additional x-rays of his back, hip and knee, and again had no additional information. The radiologist also saw nothing in the x-rays. It was now Saturday afternoon. We took him home, with a prescription for Carprofen for pain and inflammation. Luckily he has been slowly improving, and can now stand again, wag his tail, and control his bladder. He is even taking some 'normal' steps. We switched vets, and the new vet did a physical exam and noted that he was very sensitive on his spine in the mid back. We now have additional prescriptions for 2-weeks of anti-biotics and Gabepentin to help with additional pain management and mild sedation. We still have no answers as to what caused the fever and sudden paralysis, or if he will even fully recover in time. 

Any ideas or advice on possible causes or next steps are greatly appreciated, as we have now spent $5,000 in a month on this poor baby and don't know what else to do.

On The Road

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24 September 2009
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28 May 2019 - 2:32 pm
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Thanks for posting Ronin's story here, Hayley. I'll bet that our Fairy Vet Mother Dr. Pam will have some good insight for you. Stay tuned!

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

Member Since:
22 August 2008
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29 May 2019 - 8:20 am
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It is possible he has diskospondylitis which is an infection of the vertebrae.  It does not always show up on xrays initially and dogs often have pain and a fever.  If this is the case he will need cephalexin or other antibiotic for several months.  It might be worth it to take him to a neurologist if he is not 100% soon because other causes could include meningitis or sepsis from his prior surgery.


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28 May 2019
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29 May 2019 - 8:31 am
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Pam, that was my thought as well. He is on an antibiotic (I'll have to check which one), for two weeks, and we have a follow-up in a week. I'll make sure to discuss the possibility with my vet to possibly prolong the antibiotics.

He is definitely steadily improving, but I would hate for him to get off his meds too quickly and have the infection flare back up again and cause any additional lasting damage.

On The Road

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24 September 2009
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29 May 2019 - 8:56 am
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Thank you Dr. Pam! I didn't even know this condition existed. We always learn so much from you!

Hayley I hope Ronin continues to see improvement. Keep us posted.

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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