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1 year post op blood work questions
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8 July 2018 - 9:19 pm
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This has nothing to do with the surgery.  High lymphocytes are not that significant unless the total WBC is high.  How high is the phosphorus?  At 2 yrs of age that is rarely significant unless the dog also has kidney issues.  A low T4 may or may not be significant but if the free T4 is low and the dog has clinical sign then it might need to be treated.   Can you post a copy of the lab results?


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9 July 2018 - 8:12 am
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Her total WBC is not elevated so I would not worry about the lymphocytes at this point; some dogs just run higher.  If she had a fever or was otherwise sick it might be more significant.  I would not worry about the phosphorus.  When you recheck her next month I would make sure to add a free T4 to the panel.


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25 July 2018 - 9:09 am
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Elevated globulins indicate infection or inflammation.  How high was her number?  Any low platelets?  Many tick diseases can cause this scenario.  An appointment with an internist is a good idea.


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26 July 2018 - 7:42 am
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I wonder if this might not be normal for her.  The globulins are not that high and without an elevated or very low WBC leukemia or lymphoma seems unlikely.  Please let us know what the internist says.


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18 October 2018 - 6:51 pm
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I had to “unjoin” for a bit for privacy concerns and choose a new name but I wanted to revisit and thank you again and provide the internist update. 

Cashew ended up having three zoonotics; cryptosporidium, salmonella and clostridium! She was treated for all three successfully with a ten day course of Azithromycin and had a clean fecal PCR after treatment. It affected her immune system and she has had lots of infections that are now also decreasing since treatment. We are also successfully treating her for suspected allergies. 

 Her repeat labs to recheck her lymphocytosis is 11-7. 

Today during our first ortho consult (we wanted to address zoonotics and allergies first) we discovered a very old tibia fracture in her rear left limb :-/ (occurred also prior to adoption). We will repeat X-ray in 90 days to make certain is not a malignancy. 

Thank you again for all of your help. 

Grateful Cashew’s Mom

On The Road

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18 October 2018 - 7:13 pm
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Cashew's momma I'm so glad you are back! She had HOW many conditions? WOW! I'm glad to hear things are getting under control. Paws & fingers crossed the next x-rays come back with good news.

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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18 October 2018 - 8:09 pm
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I'm glad that all of those things are treatable.  She is very lucky to have you!


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1 October 2017
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21 October 2018 - 8:18 pm
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Lucky indeed! Glad to see you back 💖 

Jackie and Huckster ❤️


Jackie, Bo, Andy, Oscar, Phoebe, and the coolest feral tripawd kitty Huckleberry

Huckleberry's Blog

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21 October 2018 - 8:27 pm
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heartYayayayayay! Thanks guys. I’m pretty tenacious when I think something is wrong. I appreciate your welcome. I’m working in a good picture of her for my avatar. Big hugs to all! 

Livermore, CA

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21 October 2018 - 8:43 pm
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Cashew is back and making progress! 

I'm glad you figured out what was wrong.

Karen and the Spirit Pug Girls

Tri-pug Maggie survived a 4.5 year mast cell cancer battle only to be lost to oral melanoma.

1999 to 2010


              Maggie's Story                  Amputation and Chemo

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26 November 2018 - 4:07 pm
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Hi Dr. Pam!

So...after I discovered the additional previous fracture, I started Cashew on 10mg CBD oil per day to help maybe alleviate intermittent flare ups with the adhesions, etc. This was recommended to us by her physical therapist and I got the OK from the internist even though her preference was that I just use tramadol when it flared up. 

 I was actually hoping that the CBD would prevent any flareups and at the dose she is at I noticed a difference in her psychologically after she takes it ( a tad loopy) so I’m hesitant to increase the dose.... however she is still having flareups  (Aka has been limping for about 48 hrs, unwilling to put much weight on the previous fracture leg)

I’m also aware that there is some liver processing issues with CBD and additional medications for pain so I’m wondering if you have any input at all or thoughts on her situation. Any help you could provide would be appreciated. ❤️💜


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27 November 2018 - 8:34 am
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Some dogs do seem to get a bit sleepy on it even without the THC and 10 mg is a pretty decent dose for a smaller dog (my Mastiff takes 30 mg).

Is she already taking gabapentin?  Can she not take an NSAID?  Tramadol is not that helpful for pain on its own but some think it helps in combo with other drugs.


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27 November 2018 - 11:01 am
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Thanks again 🙂

Yes, she does get sleepy (I give it to her close to bedtime). Thank you for the dose input as it confirms I probably don't want to give her much more (she is 36-37 lbs). I imagine your Mastiff is quite the big pup!

She is not on Gabapentin--but I can/will look into that. NSAIDs scare me as we lost a young dog a few years ago to suspected Metacam liver failure so I am usually hesitant to go to it unless the daily QOL is definitively affected (our last dog was on Carprofen (plus Gabapentin) with no problems). I am not totally opposed to it, esp if you think as a Tripawd she will/may need it and I should push through those fears.

Gratitude from me and Shu...superstarsuperstarsuperstarsuperstarsuperstar


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27 November 2018 - 2:11 pm
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So good to hear from you  and the ADORABLE  CaSHU!!!  You are doing such a good job of taking  care of her.

Maybe you can also check into Galliprant  as an alternative.

Thanks fot rhe update.  Really glad she's  moving past all the hurdles  she's  had to overcome.  Quite a strong pup with a wonderful  advocate  in her Mom!


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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16 January 2019 - 1:39 am
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Thanks again to all of you....Insert Big Shu one legged hugs. 

Ortho repeat visit today to rule out cancer in that rear left previous broken leg was clear. Great news! Discussed the intermittent pain and bc of my NSAID phobia due to a previous loss, ortho suggested Galliprant for flare ups. It was a great visit. 

The orthopedist (who shall remain anonymous) also whispered and went off the record on CBD and was very supportive of its use for her. I told him his secret is safe with me. I loved that he cared enough to break a few rules for the love and care of my dog. 

A final recheck on those lymphocytes, which are down but not all the way, in March. But she is good to go and growing very strong with a good PT program, lots of love and support from you all, her team of docs, Pam, and a special shout out to Jackie for all her love and support. 

There was a maybe-about-to-be-tripawd in the waiting room (GSD pup, elbow dysplasia maybe?) considering amp and met the Shu (who was playing ambassador) and told the pup’s dad alllllll about 🙂

Any new info on Shu will be in a new post, probably related to hopping around. Thanks again to all of you who got her back on her three feet. You are all very special to us. Xoxoxo

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