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Scent detection a great sport for Tripawds!
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Member Since:
23 June 2016
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31 August 2016 - 1:55 pm
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Hi! I started to compete in scent detection with Novak before his amputation and on september 11, will do our first tripawd trial! I want to get back to doing fun things with Novak. That sport is really great for tripawd and Im recommanding it to you! For fun or if you want to compete, there 2 main organization in the states and one in Canada, don't know about other countries.

This is a video of us praticing, we are still novice


Member Since:
22 February 2013
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31 August 2016 - 7:21 pm
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My blankety blank connection is taking forever so it hasn't shown me the video yet. I'll be back to see it though! Not gonna miss it!

Here's a link from Cassie who is doing nose work with her ttripawd Domino. I know she posted a video, but can't find it right now

This is such a great way to have fun with your pup!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!


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22 February 2013
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31 August 2016 - 7:24 pm
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Oops...Here's the link. http://tripawds.....rk-update/

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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2 April 2013
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31 August 2016 - 8:09 pm
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He's so smart! clap

Donna, Glenn & Murphy 

Murphy had his right front leg amputated due to histiocytic sarcoma at 7 years old. He survived 4 years, 2 months & 1 week, only to be taken by hemangiosarcoma at 11 1/2 years 6/12/17  
Read about Murphy's Life on Three Legs


London, UK

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15 December 2015
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1 September 2016 - 1:02 am
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That's so funny. I just saw a workshop advertised here in the UK later this month and was thinking of taking Meg. You have inspired me to go for it. Thanks so much for posting.

Meg and Clare xx

Ruby, Staffy, born June 2022, became a Tripawd, 23 November 2023, adopted 12 January 2024.

Also Angel Tripawd Meg (aka The Megastar), who died in April 2023, aged 14, after seven glorious years on three, and Angel Staffies Pie and Bille. In the pawprints of giants...

The Amazing Adventures of Ruby Tuesday 

My Life as a Megastar

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23 June 2016
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1 September 2016 - 8:49 am
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I did a little practice yesterday and he did amazing, nothing has really change, except he goes faster and bump the boxes sometime.

Los Angeles, CA
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13 June 2013
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1 September 2016 - 10:36 am
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This is so amazing!!!! 

Shelby Lynne; Jack Russell/Shiba Inu mix. Proud member of the April Angels of 2014.

October 15, 2000 to April 8, 2014

Our story: Broke rear leg in June 2013 - non-conclusive results for cancer so leg was plated and pinned. Enlarged spleen in September 2013 and had it removed and was diagnosed with Hemangiosarcoma and started chemotherapy. Became a Tripawd January 8th, 2014 and definitive Hemangiosarcoma diagnosis. Three major surgeries in 7 months and Shelby took them all like a champ only to lose her battle to cancer in her brain. We had 8 amazing extra months together and no regrets. #shelbystrong #loveofmylife

On The Road

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24 September 2009
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1 September 2016 - 1:10 pm
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VERY cool. I look forward to following Novak's progress, this is something we've wanted to get Wyatt Ray into for a long time.

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

Livermore, CA

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18 October 2009
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1 September 2016 - 1:23 pm
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Thanks for posting this!

I signed Elly up for a 'Sampler' class with our trainer.  One of the sessions is Nose Work and I'm really curious to see how she does.


Tri-pug Maggie survived a 4.5 year mast cell cancer battle only to be lost to oral melanoma.

1999 to 2010


              Maggie's Story                  Amputation and Chemo

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23 June 2016
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1 September 2016 - 7:52 pm
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GO GO GO I encourage you guys to do it! Its fun and not an intense sport for our tripawds! Any sport that use the dog natural abilities is so fun, like herding too. I mean, you can see the nose work and they are just amazing to watch. I have my boyfriend that can hide the odor and then Novak and I go search it, or sniff it LOL  

Keep us in touch with your progress, I want to see 🙂

Member Since:
21 May 2016
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3 September 2016 - 3:38 pm
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That was so great to watch !

Novak is such a clever boy and you work really well together.

Keep up the good work clapheart

Eurydice 77kg/170lb Great Dane limping end of April 2016, amputation (right front leg/osteosarcoma) 4 May 2016 6 courses of carboplatin followed by metronomic therapy, lung mets found 30 Nov 2016. 3 courses of doxorubicin, PET scan 26 Jan 2017 showed more mets so stopped chemo. Holistic route April 2017. Lung X-ray 5 May 2017 showed several tennis ball size mets, started cortisone and diuretics. Miss Cow earned her XXL silver wings 12 June 2017, 13 months and 1 week after amputation and 6 1/2 months after lung mets, she was the goofiest dawg ever and is now happily flying from cloud to cloud woof woofing away :-) 

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13 November 2016 - 12:50 pm
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Today we did our DOT test for the pine odor, only made Novak snif that odor yesterday LOL But I was pretty sure he would react to the odor today. It took longer to indicate the location of the odor, usually he get it at the first snif, but I knew better and we took our time and finally he got it! Super proud of my boy!

Image Enlarger

We can see in the video that he was eager to go and his rear leg was not following fast enought! He was bit tired from yesterday's walk.

Member Since:
14 February 2016
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13 November 2016 - 1:25 pm
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It is so great that Novak has been able to return to his active lifestyle through activities like this!  I might look into whether there is something like this that Gator and I can try.

Otis - 106 pound lab/Dane mix, lost his right front leg to osteosarcoma on Febuary 9, 2016.  Four rounds of carboplatin completed in April, 2016.  Lung mets August 25, 2016.  Said goodbye too soon on September 4, 2016.   Lost his adopted sister, Tess, suddenly on October 9, 2016. likely due to hemangiosarcoma.  

Wherever they are, they are together.

Livermore, CA

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18 October 2009
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13 November 2016 - 1:42 pm
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Good job Novak!

Elly did really well in the nose work sampler class we took, and the trainer if finally offering the intro class in January.  We are signed up and I can't wait!


Tri-pug Maggie survived a 4.5 year mast cell cancer battle only to be lost to oral melanoma.

1999 to 2010


              Maggie's Story                  Amputation and Chemo

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21 May 2016
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13 November 2016 - 4:38 pm
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Well done Novak what an impressive 🐽👌🏽👍🏼

Your Mom should train you to look for truffles, just get your fluffy butt on a plane with Mom ✈️ take some holidays in Italy during truffle season and buy yourself whatever you like 💰after you dig some good truffles💨💨💨🐽🐽

And then A la Tavola 😋🌰🍴🍴🍴 

Many congratulations to both of you 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽💗🐶🐾

Eurydice 77kg/170lb Great Dane limping end of April 2016, amputation (right front leg/osteosarcoma) 4 May 2016 6 courses of carboplatin followed by metronomic therapy, lung mets found 30 Nov 2016. 3 courses of doxorubicin, PET scan 26 Jan 2017 showed more mets so stopped chemo. Holistic route April 2017. Lung X-ray 5 May 2017 showed several tennis ball size mets, started cortisone and diuretics. Miss Cow earned her XXL silver wings 12 June 2017, 13 months and 1 week after amputation and 6 1/2 months after lung mets, she was the goofiest dawg ever and is now happily flying from cloud to cloud woof woofing away :-) 

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