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Purrkins Mri done NO TUMORS
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19 January 2021 - 8:50 am
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I just wanted everyone to know all our tripawd magical power, prayers, pawsitivity has worked its magic! NO TUMORS FOUND!!smiley_clapsmiley_clapsmiley_clap

I will fill you all in later Purrkins is up and doing well we can pick our sweet boy up at 1:30 today! 





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19 January 2021 - 9:12 am
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Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

On The Road

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24 September 2009
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19 January 2021 - 9:29 am
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YEEEEHHHHAAWWW! Holly this is such a HUGE relief!! Great news!! We look forward to the scoop when you are able. Enjoy this moment, it's Tripawd Magic at its best.

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Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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19 January 2021 - 10:27 am
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YAY!!!!!  Doing the hoppy happy dance, wooo hooooo! 

As much as I felt in my heart that all would be ok, there is nothing like knowing for certain sp_hearticon2

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Sending lots of love and bunches of hugs sp_hearticon2


Jackie, Bo, Andy, Oscar, Phoebe, and the coolest feral tripawd kitty Huckleberry

Huckleberry's Blog

Schofield, WI
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13 August 2015
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19 January 2021 - 6:16 pm
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This is STELLAR news!  So so happy for you and Purrkins!  Can’t put enough hearts on this!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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19 January 2021 - 6:43 pm
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Great news so glad to hear it.  Yay...smiley10smiley10smiley10sp_hearticon2sp_hearticon2


Sassy is a proud member of the Winter Warriors. Live long, & strong Winter Warriors.
07/26/2006 - Sassy earned her wings 08/20/2013

05/04/2006 -  Bosch, Sassy's pal, earned his wings 03/29/19  fought cancer for 4 months.

"You aren't doing it TO her, you are doing it FOR her. Give her a chance at life."


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19 January 2021 - 7:46 pm
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THANK YOU ALL YES, I cried, and mark and i both jumped up and down in JOY literally! MASSIVE RELIEF and to bring Purrkins home is the greatest gift with no c in the brain! You guys, this was terrifying!

So sorry for the delay; we have our hands full and did on the way home. I Will add that later its cute you won't believe it.

(Below will be a lot of info, but it may help someone else in the future!)

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Pink elephant Purrkins!

First and foremost, Purrkins is HOME, happy to be home, has a full belly & resting at the moment it does not last long:) ! I have to say the neurology group was amazing; they could not have been more compassionate and caring and took the best care of Purrkins! I hate any of us would need Neurology or needs a neurologist, but if your in Michigan, we cannot recommend Dogwood highly enough!

Purrkins Vet Dr. Isaccs 2nd one in the screenshot is the co-founder of the clinic. GEM absolute gem!
Easy to speak to easy to understand, so compassionate! Angel in earth clothes!! He gave us the floor to ask any & all questions and took the time to answer them in detail each time we spoke.

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As you know, Purrkins MRI was this a.m. They found nothing on the MRI and what our utmost prayer/hope was. We knew that if the MRI did not reveal anything, they wanted to do a spinal tap, while Purrkins was sedated, and they did that as well this a.m. We will get the results of the tap tomorrow. DR I. told us not to lose any sleep over the tap results because usually if there is inflammation in the brain, they can tell during the MRI. He did not see anything in the scan, but this was another step we had to consent to make sure nothing else was going on with Purrkins. If the tap comes back abnormal, i believe he said we would start a steroid, but I will need to confirm this if needed.

I asked in the planning/decision making if the spinal tap would be painful for Purrkins, i shuttered at the idea! He told me it was different in animals than in humans, Purrkins would not feel the procedure because he was sedated. He stated that animals could not tell us how it feels. They appear to have no side effects from the procedure. He said in humans, some get severe headaches, and the difference in animals is the head's location and the heart's location. When we stand up, our head is above our heart, and it is almost in line with the animals. This made sense to us. I hope it does to you all reading this.

Please do not judge us on this. Let me explain further, our boys are our boys, and if they were hooman, they would be treated no differently. We did this to help Purrkins be Purrkins to know what we are dealing with and help Purrkins hop on or know what to prepare for. We did not feel there was a choice. We had options; one was to put a bandaid on this and continue to treat something we have no idea what we are treating. Or do the MRI and know we did not have C in the brain.

BACK to Purrkins, Mri is done. Dr. I wanted the tech to call us asap before he could to let us know NO TUMORS were found during the MRI! Of course, this was the most significant concern and our worst fear! NONE FOUND! This was number one on the radar.
They go by age in cats 0-1- 0-5 5 & older - the onset of symptoms.
The older the kitties, the odds of C are greater.

Here was the list of the possibilities for focal seizures
-Meningioma (cancer) could have been treated depending on location. Surgical, radiation, steroid, or combo ( he told us if any species, including humans, had to have a brain tumor, we would all want to be a cat and want it to be a meningioma)

If they found this during the MRI, they would have stopped the MRI and given an IV of steroids to reduce swelling, and we then would have had to make choices)This type of cancer is on the outside of the brain and, depending on location, easily removed and or treated.

There is another type of cancer that infiltrates all thru the brain and as wicked as it comes. We discussed this, but this was not on his list. I'm not sure why.

-vascular stroke that we did not see the full effects of

-another organ causing issues making the brain swell ( which was unlikely because Purrkins bloodwork does not indicate anything)

Or no reason at all idiopathic, but at Purrkins age, this was unlikely! Being a cancer survivor, yes, you know where the thinking was.

It appears we are unlikely at this time.
We can confirm more tomorrow when we hear more.

Of course, we have more questions and ask: Could this onset of focal seizures be Purrkins tooth? His answer was it is possible - in the way that it is a stressor or a trigger for an epileptic patient. He suggests we get the dental done, of course, and resolve that issue. We had the dental booked until these focal seizures popped up!

Purrkins was given 200 mg of gabapentin for the dental pain, and I can 100% tell you these focal seizures became more frequent and severe on the gabapentin. WHY?! still to be determined. More questions.

So the plan is for now - we continue on the phenobarbital and recheck blood plasma levels by the 26th and see how Purrkins does. If Purrkins were to have any more of these focal seizures, i am to record and call Dogwood and our Kitty vet, and they will reevaluate the plan.

All the results from today will go to Kitty Vet and Dr. Matt, and this is where i know Dr matt will have more input.

So I think i have covered everything we know to this point, and please do not hesitate to ask any questions i may or may not be able to answer:) happy to try! PLUS, you might add some more questions to my list for the docs.

We have a wobbly tripawd kitty right now, and this as fast as i could get to you. I'm so sorry! I know you all understand; however, i also understand waiting to hear how a furmily member is doing.

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I WILL KEEP YOU POSTED ON HOW WE GET ON FROM HERE. Be patient with me. I am pretty confident Purrkins will have more footing tomorrow!


I will put this on the blog, so be prepared to read some duplicate stuff when i do:) but it's easy & faster to put it on the forums right now!!

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19 January 2021 - 9:20 pm
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This is great news! What a relief to rule the Big C out. I understand that you want to know what is causing the seizures. I hope you can sleep well tonight and get more answers tomorrow.

It is strange that the seizures started after Purrkins started gabapentin. I thought gabapentin helped prevent seizures but it's worth asking questions. 

No judgement here - I understand your pets are your kids and you are doing everything you can. I know it's important to do all the tests to get the right diagnosis. You are doing the right thing to rule out the "worst". 

Purrkins is so beautiful with his white mug. 

Hugs and cuddles! sp_hearticon2sp_hearticon2

Kerren, Eli and Spirit Mona

Green Bay, WI
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18 May 2014
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19 January 2021 - 10:12 pm
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Awesome news! So happy for you all!!!

No judgement for doing what you do for him....if our circumstances had been different, we may have pursued an MRI. But with Kodi's age, it didn't seem right. 

Anxiously waiting to hear all the results - can't help it, it's the lab rat in me.

Paula and Warrior Angel's Nitro and Kodi

Nitro 11 1/2  yr old Doberman; right front amp June 2014. Had 6 doses carboplatin, followed by metronomic therapy. Rocked it on 3 legs for over 3 years! My Warrior beat cancer, but couldn't beat old age. He crossed the Bridge peacefully on July 25, 2017, with dignity and on his terms.  Follow his blog entitled "Doberman's journey"

"Be good, mama loves you" free my beautiful Warrior

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20 January 2021 - 4:16 am
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So glad he is HOME! Seeing little pink elephants... he is so adorable. Glad this is behind you, thank you for taking the time to post even though I know you were all exhausted sp_hearticon2

Will be waiting to find out how the spinal fluid sample came out, I think the worst is behind you.



Jackie, Bo, Andy, Oscar, Phoebe, and the coolest feral tripawd kitty Huckleberry

Huckleberry's Blog

On The Road

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24 September 2009
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20 January 2021 - 12:06 pm
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GREAT NEWS!!! Purrkins is one-of-a-kind for sure. What a relief in so many ways, but then there's the "Why?" that will hopefully get answered soon. At least there is no cancer, that's the big thing!! smiley_clap

There is so much information you and Mark are having to keep straight, I think my head would explode in a situation like this! But you are doing an EXCELLENT job asking great questions and keeping track of his behavior and reactions and such. Thank you for sharing all of it, you must be so exhausted! How did Saxton hold up while you were away?

So, yes, this will be VERY helpful for anyone with a Tripawd cat having seizures. We appreciate the information so thoughtfully spelled out and chronologically organized! And that information about spinal taps is priceless. I personally learned a TON just from that mention of Dr. Isaac's explanation of spinal taps in animals. Had no idea and it makes total sense why they don't react the same way that humans do.  

Meanwhile, we would never judge, ever, about a medical decision. My own thought about doing an MRI is that is why this technology exists, especially in a situation where there is no known disease but the animal is experiencing symptoms that may mimic one. If you can rule things out with this technology, then its done the job!

How wonderful that the boys are cared for by such amazing humans like you. We are so grateful for your sharing all these details, and hope that the rest of the week is spent relaxing and recuperating from the travel and testing. Keep us posted OK? We're keeping paws crossed that Purrkins stays 100% healthy and well. sp_hearticon2

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |


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20 January 2021 - 1:43 pm
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Thanks, everyone!

Kazann said:

It is strange that the seizures started after Purrkins started gabapentin. I thought gabapentin helped prevent seizures but it’s worth asking questions. 

No judgement here – I understand your pets are your kids and you are doing everything you can. I know it’s important to do all the tests to get the right diagnosis. You are doing the right thing to rule out the “worst”. 

Purrkins is so beautiful with his white mug

Kerren, you are correct. Gaba is one of many treatments for seizures but not the first choice; that's my understanding anyway!

HI sweet Eli, you are so handsome. Have Mum give you a smooch from us, please.

Thanks for understanding i know you all do here. Yes, the boys our boys, and we had to know what we are dealing with to plan i will update when i know for sure, but no C means our insurance will assist us;) YES, we struggle every month on if we should keep Purrkins because we got after the amputation. Lots of exclusions! Every month we both say, ugh, do we keep paying for this?!  But we go back to what "if" and if not c we are covered and will never be in that position of choosing life, treatment, test, or massive debt again. I'll let you know how that works out in the end. We went into this, either way, knowing it is our cost, and we will hope for the insurance! Care credit at its best;)

Dobemom said:

Awesome news! So happy for you all!!!

No judgement for doing what you do for him….if our circumstances had been different, we may have pursued an MRI. But with Kodi’s age, it didn’t seem right. 

Anxiously waiting to hear all the results – can’t help it, it’s the lab rat in me.

Thanks, Paula. I cant tell you how many times I used your quote a gift I needed to quickly grab and did! "Let Your faith be bigger than your fear."

You don't need me to tell you! You guys did EVERYTHING right in our eyes for Kodi, and we would have made the same decision in your shoes. Just saying. Thanks for understanding our situation too!

Pawas 120 said:

So glad he is HOME! Seeing little pink elephants… he is so adorable. Glad this is behind you, thank you for taking the time to post even though I know you were all exhausted sp_hearticon2

Will be waiting to find out how the spinal fluid sample came out, I think the worst is behind you.

Thanks, Jackie; we appreciate you staying on pawstiive side the entire time. Pink and purple elephants, i say ugh, what a night. Yep exhausted, but no complaints whatsoever 😉

Jerry said:

GREAT NEWS!!! Purrkins is one-of-a-kind for sure. What a relief in so many ways, but then there’s the “Why?” that will hopefully get answered soon. At least there is no cancer, that’s the big thing!! smiley_clap

Thanks, Rene.  We agree big c ruled out the rest i think we can handle! I'll keep you posted but yep, lots more questions to ask once we get the tap results back, and we knew this might be possible no cause and what we were hoping for considering the alternatives,

There is so much information you and Mark are having to keep straight, I think my head would explode in a situation like this! But you are doing an EXCELLENT job asking great questions and keeping track of his behavior and reactions and such. Thank you for sharing all of it, you must be so exhausted! How did Saxton hold up while you were away?

Yep,, now you see how much info was swirling in our heads. We had to process and make notes the vet took so much time it was easy to do. All 3 vets;)  have complimented me on the notes, videos, etc. it made their jobs easier, and that was my hope! They wished all their clients were this way;). They have to see these things as they happen since these were periodic &  not constant, lasted seconds. Tough job on my end to step out of the helping role and do, but i did for Purrkins sake.

So, yes, this will be VERY helpful for anyone with a Tripawd cat having seizures. We appreciate the information so thoughtfully spelled out and chronologically organized! And that information about spinal taps is priceless. I personally learned a TON just from that mention of Dr. Isaac’s explanation of spinal taps in animals. Had no idea and it makes total sense why they don’t react the same way that humans do.  

I was in a haze on where to put this post. I'm sorry -I figured you would move it if need be:)

Oh good, glad it makes sense to you too vs hoomans.

Meanwhile, we would never judge, ever, about a medical decision. My own thought about doing an MRI is that is why this technology exists, especially in a situation where there is no known disease but the animal is experiencing symptoms that may mimic one. If you can rule things out with this technology, then its done the job!

Again thanks for the assurance yes we feel the same if doable of course! We are grateful we could make this happen at this time or we would have put that bandaid on.

How wonderful that the boys are cared for by such amazing humans like you. We are so grateful for your sharing all these details, and hope that the rest of the week is spent relaxing and recuperating from the travel and testing. Keep us posted OK? We’re keeping paws crossed that Purrkins stays 100% healthy and well. sp_hearticon2

Thanks, we are blessed to have 2 special kitties. We would do the same for any species. That's one of the reasons, not to mention stoned Mr P.  it took me time to post! I had to reorganize my brain so it would be! I hope no one needs this info but if they do I hope it will give some answers etc. I will get the blog down but i need time to do it. I can't get to the bottom of the blog post and look at an angry face and post it:) 

WE JUST GOT THE NEWS. DR ISAACS JUST CALLED wanted to know how Purrkins was doing and i told him. He confirmed what i already knew he's stoned as along as he keep improving no worries


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SO NOW we go do as planned recheck pheno levels again the 26th- i have to call and set that up next and we get on with our life hopping on with a pill 2 a day for now. Will have Dr matt take a look and will get his input now and get some more question answered if possible. We stopped all supplement for this trial of pheno to rule anything out and the pheno be the only thing in Purrkins system. Dr matt was on board of course! 

Purrkins and i had an all-nighter he would not settle and was drugged to the nines! They warned me he would be, BUT i think that's understated when we are on three. He was so happy to be home! He ate great, drank lots (side effect from the meds), and his hop well it was not good but a splay of legs when we got home. He now has his legs under him not 100%, but phew we are thankful to see him coming out of this haze! He is finally tucked in for a nap.😁🙏🏻👏🏻 He is not showing me any pain signals !🙌🏻

Our furnace is not working FFS; we have to have someone come out tomorrow to take a look. it should be under warranty, but we will see💸 We have a pellet stove for emergency heat, and it quit working too! The Good news Mark got the pellet stove going again so we do have heat in one room at least.

Thanks again, everyone!
Loads of love and massive hugs!
Holly, Mark, Purrkins & Sexy Saxton, and Purrkins & Saxtons Grandma & Grandpa

( my parents) asked me to thank you all for all the support and love too!



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20 January 2021 - 2:15 pm
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YIPPPPEEEE!!  The spinal fluid is all good!!  WOW!!  What a whirlwind for you these past few days and loooong nights!

Anf for goodness sakes, don't  fret about updating us.  Wait, yes, update us on how Purrkins is doing....just don't  worry about taking so much time to give us all the medical details as they unfold.  That has to be stressful to type AND it takes time away from Purrkins!! AND THAT is not allowed, right Purrkins!?

And tell your parents we appreciate them helping to shape the beauiful  kind and giving Soul their daughter has become♥️

Hugs...lots of them!!

Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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20 January 2021 - 2:20 pm
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Pawsome news!! I am truly so relieved with/ for you.  

Now you can breathe a little easier.... whew. 

Please get some rest and ditto what Sally said to tell your parents ❤❤❤



Jackie, Bo, Andy, Oscar, Phoebe, and the coolest feral tripawd kitty Huckleberry

Huckleberry's Blog

On The Road

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20 January 2021 - 3:31 pm
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Well the good news keeps coming, I'm so happy you got the report back with the All Clear! smiley4 WHEW!!! And you've got a balanced Trikitty back and walking too, what a bonus to see him getting around like usual. It's quite distressing to watch any animal but especially a Tripawd have a hard time moving around. You must feel so relieved! We sure do. The plan sounds good and we'll keep our paws crossed for no weirdness. Enjoy this victory and get that rest you so deserve!! smiley_clap

Oh and about the cost of pet insurance, yeah, we felt the same way over the years, often questioning that monthly bill. But when something like this happens it proves that the cost is usually worth the momentary pain of watching the premium come out of our bank account. Last year Wyatt's $5k dental issue was something we never could have predicted, and when his plan covered almost all of it, we were soooo glad we had the policy. We will never be without pet insurance.

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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