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Snuggles 15 days post surgery he gets weird attacks
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20 April 2017
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21 April 2017 - 5:23 am
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My Snuggles had right rear leg amputated. The last 2 days he has had this odd attack where he freaks out and starts to hop around in circles and then gets upset and hisses. Hes on his gabapentin still  low dose .5 ml aday . He had this odd attack  seems to happen on bed  . He ran off the bed walked a bit and started eating. Is this a spasm or phantom leg pain ? It lasted a minute or so and the  getting off the bed a walking seemed to help. When he was having it he was hissing a biting me not hard but to say dont touch. Ive read on the forum others have similar experiences. 

On The Road

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21 April 2017 - 7:30 am
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Hi and welcome! Yes that does sound like phantom pain Definitely let your vet know so his meds can be adjusted. Have you mentioned it? Sometimes this happens when the animal starts to be more active, but it's something that can be alleviated.

What was the reason for the amputation?

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |


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21 April 2017 - 8:25 am
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Hello and Welcome to you and Snuggles.
This seems to be happening a lot with the rear leg kitties.
I'm sorry he is having these attacks. Sounds like phantom limb pain.
And the cause as Jerry asked?
How often are you giving the Gabapentin?
Our cat Purrkins front leg amp was on Gabapentin for 14 days 100mg every 8 hours.
Purrkins was on also on Buprenorphine 0.3mg for 12 days that was every 8-12 hours.
You might just need a tweak in his meds for Snuggles to be comfortable.
I would call the vet and ask

Love Snuggles avatar! Tuxedo?
Keep us posted please
Holly & Purrkins

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22 April 2017 - 3:57 pm
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Thanks so much ❤️I called the vet we are upping his gabapentin to .6 2 times a day. She thinks it has something to do with the sciatic nerve being severed . Its scary and upsetting . He is eating and using his litter basket well . I hope this is just part of the process. Thank you for your help. 

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22 April 2017 - 4:02 pm
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Snuggles had a shattered femur the dr said it was possibly a vaccine sarcoma but the biopsy was not cancer. It shattered from a run in the house, she said it looked like an old break that shattered. We never knew he never limped. Snuggles is 11 and   Repairing it with screws and wires wasnt the best option since it opens him up to infection,pain and it not healing.  I hope snuggles heals and stops spasming

On The Road

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22 April 2017 - 4:10 pm
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Oh I'm glad your vet made it easy to adjust the medication. It should help out. Rarely does this kind of thing last for more than a couple of months, at most. 

A shattered femur? Ouch! What a tough kitty. I'm glad he's on the mend now. I'll be he is too!

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |


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22 April 2017 - 4:19 pm
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Glad to hear Snuggles got his dose increased! I do believe it will help. The drug is for nerve pain 

Will be keeping our paws crossed it does the trick!

Yeah for no vaccine sarcoma! That's great news. He will heal up and you guys can hop on without worrying about cancer!

Please let us know how he does with the increase. We will celebrate with you!


Holly & Purrkins

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19 August 2017 - 7:47 pm
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My Shadow did that too after I brought him home last March. He was here for 4 days and then it just started. He would just be laying and then hiss and growl and bite at me if I was nearby. I felt awful. I took him to vet and he was put on gabapentin for a couple weeks and then tapered off.  He has not been on it since then. But he still has these spells where he will just growl or hiss for no apparent reason. Sometimes just walking/hopping through the room, sometimes just laying on the floor, sometimes while playing (we are currently working on weight loss). The other day we were playing with 'da bird (his favorite wand toy) and he just stopped, flopped onto his side and then bit his one back foot. (He is a right front leg amputee due to non-treated fracture probably from getting caught in a trap). I only rescued him after his amputation surgery. So I know nothing about what he was like before that trauma.  I just can't tell if he is actually in pain or just irritated that he can't play like he obviously wants to. I have mentioned these episodes to the vet with no real resolution. So I thought I would pick someone else's brain.  

I also wondered if the humidity affects any one else's tripawd? He seems to be more irritable when it gets very humid. As such I have been running the central air a lot but some days even with that one he will be growly and hissy. One day he had 8 growling/hissing/seemingly irritable spells, while the AC was on. I asked at the vet's office last Saturday when I picked up his new food. The gal at the desk also has a 3-legged cat (trauma related amputation) and I asked if her cat seemed bothered by humidity and she said no. I explained about Shadow and she said "I guess he just doesn't like the heat". My sister just says "he's a cat" and "I guess he is allowed to have a bad day every now and again". So, if anyone has any suggestions I'd appreciate it. Thanks. I have not been able to catch any of these spells on video...much to my dismay. 


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3 September 2017 - 5:13 pm
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Sorry to hear Shadow is still having episodes! I would be looking for a new Vet & get a second opinion if you are not getting any resolutions where you are that is unexpectable!  Sounds like he is still in some pain! Purrkins is a front leg amp and doesn't have any of those episodes he is over 1 year amp now. Humidity or air conditioning does not bother him! I'm not saying its not bothering Shadow but something is and it should be addressed. I don't think bad days are ok when we don't know the reason why & we have ways of helping our animals. A Vet should listen to your concerns & give you some solutions & when they don't its time to find a new vet!


Holly & Purrkinsheart

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