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Rita -- a new kitty amputee
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9 March 2021 - 9:22 am
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What  a sweet photo.  She looks like a Spring Chicken!  And remember,  age, is just a number!

I only know overall greelip mussel oil is supposed to be a great joint supplement.  Holly can advise further.

I'm going  to post  link to your Honor Roll Tribute here so no one misses it, okay?


Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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9 March 2021 - 9:52 am
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awwww.  Thanks. That tribute makes my heart smile. 🙂 sp_hearticon2sp_hearticon2

On The Road

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9 March 2021 - 10:41 am
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Oh that video is hilarious! Yikes! Did you ever re-do the puzzle?

To share videos directly here, you'll need to upload them to YouTube first, then copy/paste the video URL back in your Forums post. 

As for supplements, oh boy do we have recommendations! Here's ourjoint support articles in the Tripawds Nutrition blog .

And I agree, your tribute is so beautiful and we are so grateful for your generous support. My heart hurts for all that you've been through, I'm so sorry. But you and Rita are such beautiful examples of the resilient nature of animals. We have so much to learn from them and you clearly have. 

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |


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9 March 2021 - 5:29 pm
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kmdenver said
Thanks. Wow, according to that chart, Rita is an old lady! 😉 This was Rita just 10 months ago (at what would be her late 70s in people years). I just added a video of her at rita_photos | (I can't figure out how to add it directly on this post). Thanks for the ramp info. I will look at it for the bedroom. The same company that makes the one I got for the couch makes one for the bed. But it was too steep and pretty big and heavy. Maybe this one is better.  Thanks!

Hmmm... I didn't think about arthritis. She gets supplements for kidney disease (yes, we've entered that point, though with all the supplements, sub q fluids, and energy work, her kidneys have improved [at least before her surgery and anesthesia]). One of the supplements she gets is greenlip mussel oil (omegas), which should help with arthritis. But do you have specific arthritis supplements to suggest?  



I thought the age might help you put Rita in perspective see;) Do you see brilliant now? YES

The one with green-lipped mussel is great. Yes, it will help!

Other omega 3 oils are welactin, nordic naturals & krill oil. I was just told by our holistic vet it is best to alternate between oils.

Some joint supplements are Cosequin, Dasuquin, Duralactin, Caneva, Vetriflex, glycoflex. You can't go wrong with any of those. Get one that fits in your budget and one Rita does not mind taking;) It sounds like you see a holistic vet now. If so they are the best to guide you with what Rita is already on.

Screenshot from a trilimb webinar on suggestions.
Image Enlarger

I don't have any personal experience with that ramp, to say one way or another, but read the reviews and see what others say and measure;) Let us know what you do get for the bed and what works for Rita, please.

OMC Rita and the puzzle, thanks for the giggle;)icon_lol

Hugs & scratches to Rita, please!

Holly & Purrkins💝💝💝

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3 May 2021 - 5:38 pm
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You asked for a Rita update. There isn't much to update. She still doesn't run through the house or scratch her scratching post, which are two actions that always made me laugh! But she is as sweet as ever. She sleeps with me every night, which she hadn't done for a while before the surgery. I thought it was because my other cat pushed her out of the bed. But obviously it was because she couldn't easily get in the bed, so she didn't bother. Now with stairs, she can get into the bed. I stopped looking for a ramp for the bed because she seems to do fine with the stairs. 

I decided to let her come outside with me when I'm in my backyard because she can't get out.  I added a video of her outside She usually only stays out for about 5 minutes and then goes back inside. I decided it was unfair to let her out with me and not my other cat.  He injured his leg as a youngster, so he also cannot jump on the fence or get outside. Unfortunately, he's a bratty brother to Rita and often scares her when she comes outside. Sibling jealousy . . . sigh. So, that may be partly why she doesn't stay out long. 

Most of the time, Rita just hangs out on her heated cat bed. Every night she walks up the stairs to join me on the couch.  Otherwise, she's in her bed. She continues to get sub Q fluids for kidneys and energy work for her overall body. I continue to be enamored of her and adore her. 

Thanks for caring.   


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3 May 2021 - 9:25 pm
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Such a nice update on the lovely Rita (and her bratty brother😉).  

She seems well adjusted to her new normal and perfectly content  to lounge around.  I love that she climbs up in the bed with you now. Ahe clearly feels so much better now that recovery  is done and she can just be a happy and spoiled kitty 🤗

The video of her "helping" you with the puzzle  was hillarious... as was your audible  reaction!  She looks so comfy in her little bed.  You clearly have created a kitty palace for her. 

Thanks for checking in👍


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

On The Road

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4 May 2021 - 10:54 am
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What a pawsitive update! She's made some good progress in hardly any time at all. It's nice to know she's able to get on the bed again and snuggle with you. It's also great to watch her get around the yard, really shows how strong she's gotten in these last few weeks. That was a lot of walking and she appeared to do well with the distance. Not too shabby for a mature gal like her. 

That's too funny about her bratty brother. So now you have one Tripawd and one honorary-Tripawd with a bum leg. They keep you busy!

Did you ever decide on an arthritis supplement for Rita?

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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4 May 2021 - 4:59 pm
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Thanks.  I guess I had unrealistic expectations about what she'd look like as she walked with three legs.  I watch her and think her walk looks so laborious! So thanks for saying she looks good. The good thing about bratty brother is that when she wants to run away from him, she can really book it! It's kind of amazing actually. It bothers me that he scares her like that, but it's amazing to see how she can move when she thinks it's necessary.

And yes, her brother has a bum leg. He arrived at the shelter injured (likely hit by a car), and the shelter was going to amputate his leg. Luckily, it must have healed enough that they didn't have to take it. I guess I was destined to have a cat with amputation. 😉 When I see cats roaming the neighborhood, I want to find the humans and tell them that both my cats got injured (likely by cars), so please don't let their cats roam, especially because I'm on a busier street. Sigh.

I didn't decide on an arthritis supplement yet. I put so many supplements in their food due to kidney disease that I'm hesitant to add more. Taylor (four-legged child) won't eat if there are too many supplements. They get the green mussel (, which is at least good for arthritis. In the past I tried turmeric, and they would not eat it. So, for now, I'm holding off.  Hopefully that's not a mistake. 

I did give Rita laser treatment a couple of times after her surgery. If she didn't hate getting in the car and going to the vet, I'd definitely do that regularly to help with arthritis.

On The Road

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4 May 2021 - 5:55 pm
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She really does look good for a pretty new, senior Tripawd kitty. No, she will never have that sleek gait again but ask her if she cares 😉  It's always worse for us.

I think that if her pesky brother is motivation for her to get a little more of a workout in, then so be it as long as she's not traumatized.  I'm sure they have their own language that sets the terms of the game without you even realizing it.

Yep, whenever I see free roaming cats I think the same thing. Cats can be totally happy outside in something like a catio. It makes me sad to know that so many lose limbs to car accidents. I wish more people would build those cool outdoor enclosures.

Ok good to know about the supplements, thanks for the link. I can't blame you for not wanting to add one right now. It's all about quality of life and if they hate something in their food, it's no fun for anyone to try to get them to eat it if it's not medically necessary. I think I've only met one cat here who would actually eat a tumeric supplement. Can't blame them. I sure don't like the taste when it's not in curry!

What about having a mobile therapist come to the house if that's something you can swing? Lots of therapists travel with laser units. 

Oh by the way I asked Farabloc about using the blanket on a heated surface. Here's what he said:

The fabric itself will not affect the application that provides the heat, like small electric blanket. Would be interested to learn of any observations when the Farabloc is used by the same person with and without the heated bed.

Let me know if you decide to try it.

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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10 May 2021 - 3:45 pm
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Thanks for the info on the Farabloc . I get paranoid about fire. I've always been like that, but our house had a fire 6 years ago. The cats and I lived in a hotel for a little over 6 months. So, now I'm even more paranoid. I was worried about the metal in the Farabloc heating and burning on the heated bed.  But I'll give it a try. Thanks. 

I'm sure they have their own language too.  I used to have a third cat (Boo).  Boo would attack Taylor, Taylor would attack Rita, and Rita would attack Boo.  It was a perfect system. He died in 2018, however, so now it's just Taylor being pesky to Rita. Sigh. He does groom her occasionally; I think it's just jealousy and wanting all of my attention. 

Hmmm.... I haven't considered a traveling laser person.  I'll have to think about that.  I don't think my vet's office has a traveling person.  The chiropractor does house calls but no longer has a laser. So, I'll have to look into it.  Thanks. 

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10 May 2021 - 3:46 pm
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Oh, and I agree on the catio.  We have a pretty sweet one here. Now I'm letting them in the yard because they can't get out, but until last month, they only had a catio. They loved it.  

On The Road

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10 May 2021 - 7:33 pm
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I can't blame you at all for being nervous about "The F-Word" as we like to call it. 😉 Yikes!! Glad you all made it out of the house OK.

Ooooh show us your catio in another topic, we want to see it!

If you'd like help finding a traveling rehab therapist let me know. They're not as rare as you might think.

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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11 May 2021 - 9:41 am
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Rita scratched on her scratching post yesterday!  I thought maybe she'd never be able to use it since she is now missing her back leg.  But yesterday she used it for the first time since her surgery!  It was so exciting for both of us. And cute . . . 

On The Road

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11 May 2021 - 12:27 pm
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WOOHOO! It's exciting for us too, that's wonderful news!

Thank you for sharing, it's so good to see her mojo come back. Senior pets tend to take a little longer, and when they do something that was once so "ordinary" like using a scratching post, it's a real reason to celebrate!

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |


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11 May 2021 - 1:06 pm
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SPECTA-CAT-ULAR.  UPDATE!!!!  Seeing  Rita. start to be Rita again is  such happy news!!!  Rota's sparkle hasnt left her and should be showing itself  pre and more!!!

YAAAAY RITA......AND MOM TOO! You are a great team and siich an inspawration to others starting  this joirney. 💖


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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