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21 November 2023 - 5:16 pm
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“We can “hear” through your post how you were getting more and more relaxed about her progress and more and more confident that she is a very happy, pain free kitty!”

Oh my goodness, ISN’T THAT THE TRUTH!!! 😂 Month 2 has taken a complete 180 from the first!! My world was shaking that first month!


So I do believe there would be more positives leaving the litterbox in the bedroom. For one, she sleeps in my bed and I get woken up in the middle of the night with it being known that Petunia needs to use the litterbox. How do I know? She will climb over me and lay at the edge of the bed (but won’t jump off, which I’m glad). Or I’ll find her at the bottom of the bed. So I’ll just put her down, she’ll walk the 5ft to the box and then come back to be picked up and put back into bed.


I’ve debated on taking my bed frame out and just laying my mattress down. It is a pretty thick mattress, so I would need to bring the ramp back to the room at night, which is fine. However, I HATE clay litter. I wonder if I’m ingesting it while I sleep. I clean it out multiple times a day. I’m actually thinking about going back to pine. I would feel better about having the litterbox in the bedroom with that. Plus A LOT cleaner! I want her to learn to freely get in and out of bed. There hasn’t been an evening that I haven’t woken up at 3:30am. It’s like clock work to be honest. 

She’s been hanging out on the couch for the better parts of the days cause that’s where I’ll work. She may have learned to come up the ramp/stairs to get on, but doesn’t know how to get off. So many times a day, I would pick her up and carry her to the bedroom to see if she needs to go. There are times I’ll leave her in the bedroom cause I want her to walk to the back of the house, to my family room. 

I might have to start working at my desk again (which is at the front of the house, next to my bedroom) and see what she does then. I have yet to do that. I want her to have her freedom back where she can come and go as she wants from the couch and the bed. I honestly don’t know how I can accomplish that to be honest. She wants to be near me for most of the day. 

I live in a 1000sq ft home, so not very big. The litterbox (in its normal place) is halfway between the front and back of the house. A part of me wants to put the box back to its normal spot (their original one is there, but I mean putting her new easy access one) so we can start working on going back to normal. 

Also, sometimes it’s hard to know exactly how tired she is. Sometimes she walk to the back room and stop in the middle of the kitchen either cause she is tired, or she knows I will come get her. But there are those very few times, like in the video I shared, that she will do more walking. 

I did notice a gabapentin in her cat bed this morning. I must not have gotten it completely in her mouth. I don’t know if it was from this morning though. And if it was … could that explain all the walking she was willing to do?


It’s all SO CONFUSING! As always, I appreciate your inputs! 

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21 November 2023 - 5:26 pm
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I should also mention that when I leave the house, I keep her in the bedroom and shit the door. I don’t know if I should let her roam on her own, but it just makes me nervous. I am very curious how she handles it, but I just don’t know. And there are times when Possum wants to instigate a fight, so I’d hate to not be there if that were to happen. But I also can’t lock her in the bedroom anytime I leave the house for the rest of her life … at least I wouldn’t want to, especially that I wouldn’t want the litterbox in my room forever.

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21 November 2023 - 6:03 pm
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Holly - Forgot to mention that was the first time she went off the mats and walked where those chairs were. It seemed like she was smelling something. What, I have no idea. 

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21 November 2023 - 6:20 pm
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Omg! You know what I *just* realized? Remember when I have said in the past that she would meow when she would readjust herself on the couch or bed? I just realized that she hasn’t done that for a few weeks now!!!! Actually since she started rehab. Now, I don’t know if the two are related, but she also went down to twice a day on gabapentin, opposed to 3 times a day, at the same time rehab started. So it’s looking like maybe rehab has a lot to do with it.


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21 November 2023 - 6:36 pm
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Heck yeah, the rehab is helping.  And still keeping her on pain meds but reducing like you are doing could also contribute to her walking more, being more inquisitive, etc.

FWIW, I wouldn’t try to read too much into every little nuance and just let her do her thing her way.  If she walks and then stops, she may just want to observe something or just  be near you but without any need to keep walking.  In her mind, if she has a reason to walk she will.  Even though you want to make hoper walk as much as possible she’s probably thinking, “Why can’t I getwjreI want to go  and then just sit and chill?”

keep in industry “normal” may not look exactly as it did a year ago, or six months ago………she’s developing her new normal in her own way and ,the ost important thing…..she’s content and Happy😎

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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21 November 2023 - 6:45 pm
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Thanks Sally for the input! The rehab specialist also said to have her do what she wants to do, but I suppose in my mind it’s been a tug-and-war cause I wonder if I’m giving her the opportunity to do it. She seriously would lay on the couch with me for hours on end unless I take her off. Just like she will lay at the range of the bed until I put her on the ground. I just don’t know if I’m coddling her too much. A part of me says, “let her rest,” but another part says I’m not giving her that opportunity to practice. Does that make sense? I think it all boils down to her ability to get off the bed or couch on her own when she wants to eat or pee.

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21 November 2023 - 6:48 pm
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I took this video Oct 22nd, so almost a month ago, which was 17 days after her surgery. Look how AMAZING she was walking. Her posture just looked so perfect here. I wonder if she went backwards because of me not giving her more opportunities and coddling her too much. 



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21 November 2023 - 7:29 pm
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Of course I’m not  analyzing every single step like you are, but I don’t see where  she has particularly “gone backwards”  kind of apples and oranges.  She’s going on short jaunt in first video to get to the mat.   These one video she’s going on a longer adventure with things to see, scoping out her path of she takes a quick sit……..

…just can’t  agree with your  assessment she has gone backwards   That was one short clip in time  she was ina hurry to get to that particular destination.   
Cannot stress enough, jiat let her get where she wants to go her way without judgement.  You have her with a Rehab now,….that just means morepeogress just  like you are  seeing now and celebrating!!

Would you be kind enough to do is a favor??   YES you say!! No more  , wudda ,shudda,   cuddla…….You have done everything right!!Letting Petunia rest and cuddle with you those first several weeks during recovery is exactly what she needed .   This os how her body healed from the major surgery she had.

As hard as it is, try and just let her do her thin….without filming …without watchng over her…without following her every step.  Try it for a couple of days.  Of course you want to make sure she gets herself to potty, to her food to her drink.  I bet she spent a ot of time cuddling before the surgery and, as a senior, she stil loves cuddling with you.  I  think most seniors kitties want to spend most of their time sleeping and cuddling.  

oh,and Ido love the routine you two have established to get her up and off the bed.  It works so well for now!
Now get some rest because you know 3 30 will be here before you k ow it!😜

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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21 November 2023 - 8:12 pm
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“Now get some rest because you know 3 30 will be here before you k ow it!😜”

You had me CRACKING UP with this comment!!!! Thank you for that! And everything else you said. I needed to hear this. You are right … short video vs long video. I think my mind is still stuck on seeing videos of other kitties who walk just fine, days after recovery. I understand not all kitties are the same, but I wonder if not as many share those kitties who might struggle (with walking, that is). Cause I’ll be honest, I haven’t seen any. And I understand that because I don’t see any, it might not mean it doesn’t happen. But it would be a bit more comforting if I saw those videos. 

You are right about me not remembering that this was her behavior prior to her surgery. It’s so funny that you mentioned it.  In fact, a few days ago, I mentioned it to someone that I wish I *really* paid attention to her demeanor prior to surgery to have a good comparision. I know what it was … she slept a lot and cuddled. Perhaps I’m too focused on her walking to remember that. There is a post on this forum that asks people suggestions on how they can prepare for surgery, and this right here is one thing I would suggest … truly be aware how they are prior to surgery and WRITE IT DOWN (for a reminder when your mind is clouded).

There is actually a lot that I don’t film, that I wish I did. Just to show progression and big leaps, for myself. But I also think I’m prone not to do that cause this isn’t an Instagram account that only shows the good things. I like to try to be real, and I think I show that a lot in my text. And I want to show that cause it may help some who are going through having the same worries and thoughts. 

But let me say, I am SO GRATEFUL for you all to help bring me back down to earth. To remind me that I am doing a good job and that I should trust my instincts and that it will take time and to be patient. You are one of Petunia’s biggest cheerleaders and I am so grateful for that!!! Thanks Sally!!!


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22 November 2023 - 8:19 am
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This all comes down to you keeping Petunia safe and happy. Is Petunia content in the bedroom? If so, I see no harm in tucking her in there when you leave if you will not be gone for long stretches. You will know she is safe and content that way. I would also look into a cheap little camera so you can check on her & give you a little peace of mind. It would also be great for when you go out of town. You can even talk to them through the camera,. This is what we use - WYZE Cam v3 with Color Night Vision, Wired 1080p HD Indoor/Outdoor Video Camera, 2-Way Audio, Works with Alexa, Google Assistant, and IFTTT

I don't think we discussed this on your thread; you will not be returning to "normal." But a "NEW NORMAL." you are just now getting glimpses into your "new normal" and seeing what that is. This will continue to change with rehab and your work at home. All our new normals are a little different, but some things are the same.

I was much more comfortable seeing Purrkins DO on his own. Once I saw his ability, I could relax better, and you will, too. Purrkins was only 6 when he was diagnosed and had to have the leg removed. I think you need to keep in the forefront Petunia is 16.5. She will naturally want to rest more at her age and needs to. Yes, let her do what she wants to do at her own pace. I would not push her to go further. Follow rehab's input and lead. What I would work on when she is up and about is training on the bed and sofa to ensure she can get up and down safely and tweaking whatever I could to make that easier for her, like putting the mattress on the floor. Yes, it's a heavy pain in the rear. We did that for our recovery, which was lovely; it was one less worry.

Once you see she can get up and down from the bed or sofa with ease, your life will change again. It is coming. We have to be patient; Rehab and your work at home are paying off big time.

And Miss Possum, is this new after the amp the picking fights or the norm? Have you tried a multi-cat pheromone diffuser? I think they are helpful magic NO, but a useful tool. And yes, why not change the clay cat litter to a natural one? It's healthier for all. We all like our grass litter. Chewys has both of these items, too. https://www.che...../dp/116959, https://www.che...../dp/121802

This is the video you shared earlier in the thread, and I ditto Sally. I see no backward walking, but Petunia is going for the bath mat. YOU WOULD KNOW if she did the backward walk, trust us. Im delighted to hear no more painful meows adjusting on the sofa or bed. MOST EXCELLENT I say again, Tuni is making great strides in a short amount of time. You ARE; we ALL can see the benefits of rehab, and it will continue to improve.
Hugs and scratches to both the kitties.

If we don't see you before, Happy Thanksgiving! We have much to be grateful for. Look how far Miss Petunia and YOU have come. 👏🏻🥳🎉🙌🏻


The Rainbow Bridge

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22 November 2023 - 10:02 am
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Petunia & Samantha said
I think my mind is still stuck on seeing videos of other kitties who walk just fine, days after recovery. I understand not all kitties are the same, but I wonder if not as many share those kitties who might struggle (with walking, that is). Cause I’ll be honest, I haven’t seen any. And I understand that because I don’t see any, it might not mean it doesn’t happen. But it would be a bit more comforting if I saw those videos.


I know how comforting it is to look for videos that show your Tripawd will be OK. It's how we made the decision to proceed with our Jerry's amputation. And while you might not see videos of cats with the exact same challenges as Petunia, I guarantee you they are out there. And if not on video, in the memories of people who went through it with their senior cats. Pittens is one cat who comes to mind, who really had a tough time at first.

one thing I would suggest … truly be aware how they are prior to surgery and WRITE IT DOWN (for a reminder when your mind is clouded).

BRILLIANT! We will try to remember to incorporate that into our next Tripawd Cats book! Thank you for that suggestion.

this isn’t an Instagram account that only shows the good things. I like to try to be real, and I think I show that a lot in my text. And I want to show that cause it may help some who are going through having the same worries and thoughts. 

Exactly! That's why we are here, and why we don't spend a lot of time on our social media presence. We want folks to be here for real-time, real support, not the superficial only-see-the-good-stuff fluff that tends to overwhelm Facebooger and Instagram. Your videos and stories here are more appreciated than you will ever know. We are thankful for YOU!

Sally and Holly have such wisdom here, thank you ladies! And thank you Samantha, for being such a great parent to Petunia and wanting to help her live her best life. Trust your instincts, remember how far you've come, you two really are making such huge progress.


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22 November 2023 - 10:30 am
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I had so much to read I misread part of this post🤪 SORRY, I have read it correctly now. You said she slid backward, not that you saw a backward walk. I don't know the answer to say one way or another. Rehab may have some insight into that question. I don't know how much "coddling" you did. I helped Purrkins without hesitation any time he needed it. And I still do this today. Right or wrong? I am doing what I feel is best for Purrkins and as you do for Petunia. We all need help sometimes, and after an amp, YES! You will know when help is no longer needed. You need to trust your instincts; you have great instincts. You waffle (question) those sometimes or after the fact you question. If your gut screams do this: LISTEN to it. It won't steer you wrong. If we don't know, ask just like you are doing. We all learn as we go, and there is no dumb question to ask. Im off to make pies;)


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27 November 2023 - 8:24 pm
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JustChecking in on you and petunia.

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!


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28 November 2023 - 5:25 am
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Ditto! We hope all is well with you three!

Scratches and smooch to both Petunia and Possum




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5 December 2023 - 6:35 am
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I am actually going out of town from Nov 29-Dec 2nd, which has me worried a bit cause I most likely will only have someone stop by to feed them. So I’m hoping for some progress. I will probably just keep Petunia in the bedroom and the lady said she will come by not just to feed, but also to give them pets and such, so maybe she can let Tuni out of the bedroom for a little bit.

I swear I read you were going out of town a while ago and searched all 17 pages two times and have just now confirmed YES Nov 29-Dec 2nd.

We HOPE all went well and Petunia and Possum did well. We were ALL worried when we didn't hear anything, so when you have time, please update us on how things are going.

(((Hugs))) give Petunia and Possum a chin scratch from us, please


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