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3 November 2023 - 7:41 am
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Funny that you’ve mentioned Solensia cause I’ve been getting that for her since the beginning of the year. I try to do it at least every 6 weeks, but it’s $120. Let me say, prior to her amputation, it did WONDERS for her! Before it, she would sleep all day in my bed and I wouldn’t see her until I was almost done with work. But that all changed and she was up and moving around more. 

I did get her another one two weeks ago. It’s hard to say if it’s been helping cause she’s just having a rough recovery. But I plan to continue it. 


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3 November 2023 - 5:27 pm
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I have read the same from many owners - they cannot believe the difference after a month. I have the pamphlet in front of me, saying once a month. I 100% understand the cost. I'm glad to hear it helped Petunia so much & she had no issues with it. It also tells us she does have arthritis, which is not at all surprising. I just watched a webinar the other day that said 80-90% of cats over the age of 9 or 10 have arthritis. I am sure Solensia will continue to help her even more after her amp, and yes, she had a rough recovery, so it would be hard to know what was what.

I hope you all had a good day & no pain meds is going ok🤞🏻🙏🏻
Scratches to both the kitties, please

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3 November 2023 - 8:25 pm
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Yeah it’s once a month, but 6 weeks is better than nothing. I’m happy to hear you heard great things from other people! I’m sure she has arthritis, but I know the leg that was amputated was a bother for a while, even before the diagnosis. So I wouldn’t be surprised if the shot helped more on her leg than arthritis. Or maybe both the same!


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4 November 2023 - 6:53 am
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Yeah it’s once a month, but 6 weeks is better than nothing.

I did not know how often it was given and was reading the pamphlet. I'm very interested in the new therapy and keep an eye out for all and any info.

Purrkins had a soft tissue sarcoma, and I no longer vaccinate, and any time any injection is or would be needed, I always opt for other options. I hope this treatment continues to get such rave reviews and no one has an issue with side effects. I am so happy to see so many cats getting much-needed relief!!! Much needed progress for cats.

Yes, I hear you and believe that leg was a bother before the amp osteosarcoma diagnosis it is excruciatingly painful. Cats are MASTERS of disguising pain or illness, so when we see it we can only imagine. You will find out much more info at your appt this week. 👏🏻


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4 November 2023 - 10:06 am
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Speaking of pain, I’m getting another refill of gabapentin. Being off of it for two days, she’s definitely still in pain or VERY uncomfortable. A lot more cries are coming out, especially when readjusting in the bed and couch, not so much when trying to walk. And she hasn’t eaten a lot of her food the past 3 feedings. 😞 And this will be good that she’ll be back on it when it comes to her rehab appt, cause I’m sure she will be worked more than she has this last month.

So are you thinking about giving Purrkins Solensia? Or you’re just waiting to hear other reviews? I swear, great timing for it to come out, it’ll be good for her once she gets past these aches and pains from the surgery/learning to walk on 3 legs. 


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4 November 2023 - 12:02 pm
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I'm sorry. I know you were so hoping Tunia was done with the pain meds. Gaba is safely used long-term in many kitties; if that helps you, it is an excellent all-around pain med; it likely was helping with arthritis as well. I 100% agree it's good to be on for her rehab appt, and they will give more input, I'm sure.

So, are you thinking about giving Purrkins Solensia? Or you're just waiting to hear other reviews?

I saw the notice when it was first coming out on the market. I was interested & happy to see some much-needed help for cats. I watch and listen carefully. Im impressed and glad I have not heard of any negative experiences yet. I'm preparing myself for when and if we are in need and need to make that decision. Purrkins goes to a feline-only hospital, where I picked up the brochure;)

The Rainbow Bridge

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4 November 2023 - 4:17 pm
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That's super observant of you to watch her pain signals . I know you're bummed you wanted her off the pain medications, but don't feel like that's a bad thing. As Holly mentioned, Gabapenin is very safe and helpful, and Solensia is cutting edge medicine (monoclonal antibody therapy is a HUGE breakthrough in OA pain control). Between the Gabapentin and the Solensia she will start to get her mojo back soon.

When is her rehab appointment?


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5 November 2023 - 10:56 am
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Jerry -  If its still the same its Wed November 8th;)


The Rainbow Bridge

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5 November 2023 - 1:32 pm
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Purrkins said
Jerry -  If its still the same its Wed November 8th;)


Oh thank you I missed that. Right around the corner ... yay! You'll feel so much better getting an expert to evaluate her mobility. Can't wait to find out how it goes.

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5 November 2023 - 6:07 pm
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Just picked up the pain meds. So today she didn’t make much sounds. Her walking is looking good (still not walking very far though, but she’s been keeping her back end up very well now, so this mama is very proud), but she still hasn’t been eating much food, so I definitely think she still in feels pain. Or this can be a thing for a day or two after getting off pain meds? Her sounds mostly come from readjusting on the couch or bed, which makes sense cause it’s cushiony. But I’ll be giving her the meds every 12 hrs. I don’t think she needs more than that cause she seemed better today. Maybe she’ll eat better now.

Wednesday is the BIG day! I’m so excited for it! I will definitely share her experience and what they say/recommend. They didn’t have an earlier appt, but now when I think about it, I’m kinda glad cause I wanted to see how things were once she got off all her meds. Just gives me more info to share with them. Plus, keeping her back end up now while taking steps is HUGE! I can share her progress with that.

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5 November 2023 - 7:23 pm
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After 1.5hrs from taking her pain pill, she just ate a lot of her food! 🙂


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5 November 2023 - 8:03 pm
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Keeping that back end up, eating, and being more comfortable… Such wonderful news!


petunia really has made very noticeable progress. It is important to keep in mind that she is a senior kitty. With any human up in years any major surgery like this takes longer to heal and to bounce back at a level that can be expected for the elderly at this point. Does that make sense?

You’ve done such a good job of figuring out ways to help her overcome any hurdle. You know her so well

.We’ll look forward to your update.


sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!


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6 November 2023 - 4:24 am
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DITTO SALLY - GREAT NEWS: Petunia is eating after meds and keeping her back up and more comfortable. And YES, you should be very proud of BOTH of you!!! Wednesday will be here in the blink of an eye.
Scratches to both Petunia and Possum, please

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6 November 2023 - 5:39 am
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So it’s only been 12 hrs since her pain pill, so I don’t want me make any assumptions, but …

- She slept HARD once that pill kicked in. Like HARD! 
- She ate a lot of her food, so plus side!

- Her walking seems to be back to her back side not being up anymore. This is my main concern as the pain pills might be affecting her walking, i.e.,She’s too “loopy” to hold herself up better. This would be a concern for me at the rehab appt. I don’t think her being loopy would be the best at the appt? Should I only give her a pain pill in the evening? 

Yes, she was making sounds when adjusting the first two days off the meds, but yesterday she didn’t. Should i have given it another day or two to see how she does? Maybe she can’t stabilize herself when she’s on these pain meds so when she’s off of them, she’s feeling the pain from that … and maybe just needs a few days for her to correct her form, so it will be uncomfortable at first. 

And maybe she would eventually get her normal appetite back. 

Again, these are just some observations. I want to make the best of her rehab appt and her recovery. I am going to call them to see what they say. Should I give her the pain pill in the AM before her appt or hold off. 

But, yeah, after being off of gabapentin for a few days and then having a pill, I REALLY saw the difference! It definitely dooped her up! 


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6 November 2023 - 6:02 am
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FWIW   Because of your observations, she was definitely doing better without the pain meds.   .So maybe continue to skip it for a few days now that you’ve seen the difference with pain meds and without…….or either give her a lower dose or skip it before she goes to rehab.

If I’m understanding what you’re saying, the only signs of possible pain or just when she’s trying to rearrange herself if she’s been in a sleeping or laying down position, right? again, that just may be moaning and groaning from the discomfort or frustration of trying to adjust her position. Also, maybe you can talk to the vet about bupmorphine or another type of pain med.   ok, my spelling is way off but the vet will know what I was trying to say.

You were there with her 24 seven. you know every little nuance with or without the pain meds.  Based on what you’ve explained, it does sound like the GABA was making her loopy and, as you said, really shocked her out as far as sleeping. I know I sound like a broken record, but if she only gives a meow when she’s readjusting her position and not showing any pain signs otherwise, maybe you can skip a couple of days and see how it goes. 

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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