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31 October 2023 - 6:54 pm
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I know Sally will back me on this and have the same suggestion: EAT the dang CANDY. 😁 

Too bad you didn't send the video to the vet first. Yes, if you told me the same, I would be saying the same thing: take her in without seeing. From the video, I don't see an emergency, but as we always say, follow your vet's advice. Our fairy godmother vet could also direct you. Muscle exhaustion could cause that.I know you will have more peace of mind once you have your rehab appt., and I hope you can get in sooner, but if not, it is not that far away, thankfully. Still, call and see.

Yes, try the sling idea. It may or may not help. I can only tell you it helped Purrkins.

I will happily give Purrkins your love!
Keep breathing;) HUGS and scratches to the kitties, please.



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31 October 2023 - 6:58 pm
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Hehe, see, I told you we would have the same advice eat some chocolate;) & then get some rest and. Sally's typo was we are not vets;)

We must have been typing at the same time Sally💝! 

The Rainbow Bridge

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31 October 2023 - 7:09 pm
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Wow tomorrow will feel like another big step in the right direction!

I wouldn't force her to stand or walk any certain way until the rehab therapist sees her. Forcing any kind of unnatural gait could make matters worse and shift any problems to another party of her body. You can try stabilizing her with a homemade grocery bag sling, but that's about all I would do for now.

It's hard not to think the worst right now, I feel for you! If it seems like things are getting worse be sure to document everything about her mobility, the bad, and the good that you can see. You'll have something to compare each day to and maybe just maybe there will be more progress there than you thought there was. We have our paws crossed for more of it!

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31 October 2023 - 8:19 pm
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Yes, I had two candies, plus a snickers ice cream bar earlier. Will have a few more before bed! 🙂

I think that doing all the things for her is the best idea. I created a heightened box to put her food bowl in, and maybe sitting up caused her a lot of discomfort cause the contractions/twitching started after I fed her food and then her meds. I decided to just bring the food to her laying down from here on out. I think the only time I would have her stand is to use the litterbox, as I will try to help her when I can, but she might want to do it on her own. I have been bringing her to the litterbox, and sometimes she does use it, I just hope I’m bringing her enough times where she doesn’t feel like she needs to hold it in cause she can’t walk to it.  But it makes me happy that I am using the clay litter cause that has to be a bit more comfortable since it’s “squishy” under her paws. Of course I hate the idea of her laying all day, makes me sad, but I just have to do it. I’m actually curious if there will be any changes once she is off the antiviral meds. That would be so nice! I will call the rehab place tomorrow to get on a waitinglist. The only thing is they are only opened Monday-Thursdays for 8 hrs (Monday only 6 hrs), so I’m sure it’ll be hard to get an earlier appt. Definitely doesn’t hurt to try! And if not, it is only a week away. 


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1 November 2023 - 4:39 am
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Good for you on treating yourself. Hopefully, you were able to get some rest, too!

When you take her to the litter box place her in and let her do that on her own, turn you back since she is a private gal, that should be fine. Stay in the vicinity, of course. When you hear the litter move and she is done scoop her back up. I hope they can get you in earlier. Do express your concerns when you call; she is a new 16.5 tripawd, and how she is doing. It never hurts to call and see/ask—great job on raising her food & water bowl as well. I hope the sling proves to be helpful too🙏🏻🤞🏻 And keep videoing along with journal as Jerry posted. Videos are great as we cant explain as much as a video can.



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2 November 2023 - 4:19 am
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So it’s been over 24hrs since she has had her antiviral meds. I also have reduced her gabapentin to every 12 hrs starting the night before last night. Just now (around 4:30am, Petunia, for the first time, started to try to walk off the bed. I put her on the floor, and she was determined to start walking out of the bedroom. I stopped her cause she is pretty weak in the back leg and I wouldn’t want to attempt to see how she does until I get the yoga mats down (hopefully it’ll be delivered tomorrow).

I almost feel like this morning was the first time she truly seemed awake. Out of the meds trance and it was so nice to see! I definitely feel hopeful this morning.  It’s also been SO NICE not to have to give her those (3) 1/2 pills twice a day! And she definitely pooped yesterday so that made me feel relieved. 

So tonight I’ll do a nice deep clean of the floors in anticipation for the yoga mats arrival cause I KNOW I’ll want to get them down as soon as I get them! I’m so ready for Tuni to get her freedom back! 


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2 November 2023 - 5:04 am
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I wondered how Petunia did yesterday without the antiviral. Any more muscle twitching? YAAY for having HOPE 👏🏻🙌🏻 more to come🙏🏻
Great news and exciting to get the yoga roll tomorrow & cut to fit.

YAAY for more poop


Tuni will get her freedom back, and with her rehab appt, that will provide invaluable insight.
Scratches to both Petrunia and Possum, please


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2 November 2023 - 12:29 pm
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Omg! What a GAME CHANGER! This is her second walk for treats (we went a bit longer the first time) and she’s actually walking so good!!! This just might be the best investment ever!!!

Now to do the rest of the house later! I just love that I can cut them down to size. And you can see my footprints, so it definitely has some cushion to it! I won’t work her too much, at least until the appt, but I think some walking will be good to keep up her strength. 

The Rainbow Bridge

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2 November 2023 - 1:04 pm
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YESSS! We will take it too! smiley_clapsmiley_clapsmiley_clap

Thank you for this fantastic update, she looks so much better! Do you think that Possum in the lead had anything to do with her motivation to move forward on the mat? 


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2 November 2023 - 1:10 pm
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I assure you, we are sharing in your excitement and joy to see petunia do so well! Who knows, you add the yoga mats, lower the pain meds, illuminate the antiviral, all of this could have added up to such a great success! That, and your perseverance!

can’t wait for Holly to see this



Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!


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2 November 2023 - 2:26 pm
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standingo.gifImage Enlarger

We are so THRILLED to see this update. Whoo hoo!! BRILLIANT Petunia. That's what HOPE can do👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
I agree that this is the best investment for you three. She will gain more confidence, and with rehab, lookout 😁 You will have other concerns than -what she will do;) 
YAY, Thanks for making our day.
Scratches and treats for Petunia and Possum, please


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2 November 2023 - 3:53 pm
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Jerry, Possum was just sitting around me for the treats. I would have loved to say that she would be encouraging to Petunia, but in fact she instigates almost all the fights. Not lately cause I’ve been keeping Tuni either in her play pen/bedroom, or next to me in bed or on the couch, but there was one time Tuni was on the floor and Possum jumped her. 😂 

Thanks Sally! I think her being off the antiviral meds will do so much good for her! Tonight is the last time I’ll be giving her pain pills as I only have one left. We will see how she does. Hopefully no more refills will be needed as she has been on pain pills for 29 days. I think it’s time. At least time to see how she reacts. 

Thanks all for always cheering for my sweet Petunia! I’ll definitely keep giving more updates! 

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2 November 2023 - 5:51 pm
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There is usually a measurement for success in everything. It is different for every situation. And after watching the video I posted a few times, I feel like the moment I see her walking with her tail up, I know she feels on top of the world! I hope I can help her reach that goal! 😃 

The Rainbow Bridge

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2 November 2023 - 8:47 pm
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LOL siblings! Maybe Petunia was like "I'll show YOU!"

Yes it's a good time to see how she reacts to no pain control. We all have our paws crossed for no more pain. Let us know how the next 24 hours goes.


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3 November 2023 - 6:37 am
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I hope I can help her reach that goal! 😃 

You are both on your way to that goal. I know it's hard to be patient, but she is getting there!  With the rehab insight and tools they will give you, things will continue to improve. Look at the difference in one day being off antiviral and spaced-out gaba, yoga mats.

You are doing everything in your power to help Tuni!!!

Fingers crossed on the no gaba. I will be shocked if she does not have some arthritis at 16.5. I would say she is a unicorn if she doesn't;)🤞🏻

She MAY need an ongoing low dose of meds, or they have new injections to treat (solensia). I have heard great things about the Solensia. It's so new that it makes me leary only because it's an injection. So don't be disappointed if she needs something added in. See what the pros determine.


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