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New senior cat amputee
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Member Since:
11 September 2022
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27 October 2022 - 3:47 pm
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My 12-year-old boy, CC had his surgery in May and had been doing really well until about a month ago when he started what I thought was phantom pain but seems to really be hyperesthesia.  I've been dabbling with his meds to dial in on how to make him more comfortable. I am just saying this so you can be aware that sometimes there can be other things that come up after surgery.  When I made the same decision to amputate his leg due to osteosarcoma, I really thought that I only had to worry about his cancer coming back. So I just recommend keeping in mind any changes in his behaviors. 

On a side note, I made lots of changes to my house.  Not only did I cut down all the cat doors and the opening of his cat box, but I also built what I call floating steps mounted to the wall with carpet so he can get to any window he wants.  I also made sure my furniture which he likes to jump on was all placed close to one another and provided a step to the bed once he started feeling better after surgery.  And recently I made several raised feeding and watering bowls.  Many have stated, and I confirmed with a PT, that the raised bowls can assist with their balance.  Also, if you don't already give him health supplements, I would recommend looking into it.  I have read and heard many tripawds can develop arthritis and supplements can help with that but overall health as well.   I don't know if Jackson is still really playful or not, if so you will just have to try different techniques to see what works for him.  CC still loves to chase a ball on a string but sometimes we just have to play while he lies on his side.

My boy also gets tired after a few hops and will just sit down for a bit, so very normal.  But then sometimes he gets really playful and bolts around the house!  But I have to say, I still baby him as much as he will let me!!

I hope some of this is of some use to you.  I wish I would have found this site months ago!!  It's been a blessing!

The Rainbow Bridge

Member Since:
25 April 2007
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27 October 2022 - 5:48 pm
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Thank you so much for sharing! I would love to see pix to show others in a Tripawds News post. All your info is so helpful! Feel free to message me here and I'll share the details. Thanks agai.


Member Since:
22 February 2013
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27 October 2022 - 8:44 pm
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All of your posts have been ao very helpful  and chock full of tips and invaluable information. 

Thank you for  always taking the time to chronicle Jackson's journey.  Ot is soooo hel for anyone facing this journey,  especially  for "seasoned" kitties.

I want to come back as uour cat😉


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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