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My senior cat, Jolie has osteosarcoma: looking for advice
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14 December 2023
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22 December 2023 - 7:02 pm
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The vet put Jolie on several medications: 2 kinds of meds for low kidney function, an appetite stimulant, pain killer, and at home IV.  The IV, the vet taught me how to do it. It consists of 2 50cc salene solultion injections via iv port twice a day. I succeeded in doing it at home. You do it subcutaneously behind each shoulder. But I noticed the salene solution migrated down to the sutures area and made a pocket behind them. I called the vet because I was afraid the sutures would pop open. I sent a pic of it to the on-duty doctor. She said it seemed ok. I'm afraid to do it again so I will wait to talk with my doc about when I take Jolie in for follow-up on Monday. I'm not sure it wouldn't be a better idea to stop the kidney treatment for now and continue it after recovery. Any thoughts?

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22 December 2023 - 7:07 pm
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I just gave him a full dose of pain killer. I massaged his throat to stimulate the swallowing reflex and had a minimum of foaming at the mouth.

Wearing the cone drives him crazy so I got him a shirt that covers the surgery site in case he starts licking, which he hasn't yet.

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22 December 2023 - 9:15 pm
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Honeymoon is over. Now down to the hard work of recovery.


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22 December 2023 - 9:43 pm
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Jolie sure is a licky boy to jave such a capable  and diligent hooman taking care of him.

Yeah, check with the Ve5pt, but maybe you can back off of the kidney treatment  untill you can get through recovery...or back off some of it.  ONLY WITH VET APPROVAL!!!  IF the values aren't too out of whack ot may be something you can do and then resume in another two weeks, more or less. 

Check with the Ver but uou can maybe massage the Sub  Q  "bubble" bump of fluid to help disperse rather than have it settle at the incision. 

Yeah, cones are truly hated by dogs and cats....espec cats.  Glad you switched  to the shirt.  

I'm still amazed and happy at how well Jolie is handling recovery..   I know it still is hard, but he really is sailing through faster than many.

Good job....both of uou!!!


Sally  and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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22 December 2023 - 10:50 pm
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Thank you for your message. The kidney medicine seems to make him lose his appetite. Or maybe its the pain meds. He also hasnt used the bathroom today.  He has been mostly sleeping since i gave him the full dose of pain meds. I woke him up to give him some snacks and he ate some of his dry food. His attending vet is not on duty today. I will call her tomorrow. I'm becoming a little apprehensive about all these meds and what effect they're having on him...

The Rainbow Bridge

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23 December 2023 - 12:29 am
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Edward you are doing such a great job. Giving at home injections is not easy.

I wouldn't stop anything until you talk to the vet team. My guess is it's the pain medication that's causing his appetite loss. But you also want him to be comfortable so it's a fine line. If he ate something despite the drowsiness that is a good sign that he's doing well. 

My concern is that he hasn't gone to the bathroom. Is it because he cannot get up or because he is straining to go?

Jot down all of his symptoms so you have the info ready when you talk to the vet.Let us know what they say. 

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23 December 2023 - 3:03 am
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He had a big bowel movement the first day home. And he hasn't eaten all that much to have another yet I don't think. But he has been peeing regularly. He is already a pro at using the bathroom tripawd-style. He doesn't seem to be straining...

I stopped the injection because that fluid migrates down to operation site and I'm afraid the pressure will burst the stiches

He has been eating little by little...

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23 December 2023 - 5:33 am
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I came home and Jolie ate about 25 hard snacks and one tuna/chicken mousse snack tube. (Earlier in the day he ate maybe 15 of his dry food) He took the during meals kidney powder medicine much more easily today. He gets the after means kidney capsule soon. He is still dozing and doesn't seem to be in pain. So I'm debating whether or not to give him evening pain killer dose....what do you guys think?


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23 December 2023 - 6:19 am
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Sorry, I'm trying to catch up on the night here - I have no experience giving fluids at home, but I know how helpful it is. And it's a blessing you can do, and Jolie is ok getting them.  Jolie is doing fantastic. Trust us when we tell you this.

Here are some excellent sites on Kidneys to check out


This one is a support group for Kidney Kitties - https://feline-.....RF-Support

Lack of appetite is typical on pain meds; the fluids would help in many aspects of recovery and are needed for his kidneys. I would NOT stop the fluids!!! Please continue until you speak to your vet. The kidney pill (no idea what that is, but again, speak to the vet.) 

Jolie is eating right, just not the usual amount of food. That is normal!!! Please do NOT stop the pain meds. Think of this like we got our arm or leg amputated. OK, pain meds are needed!!!!! Our animals are no different. We cut bones, muscles, and nerves. No, stay on the pain meds, or Jolie will be in pain & suffer, and then you will have to chase the pain. We have seen so many recoveries where the cat needs pain meds and suffers its misery for both humans and cats!!!! You have them, please use them. 

Jolie may not drink at all while receiving fluids, even if he is typically a big drinker. That's okay; he is getting his hydration.

Pooping also takes a bit while on pain meds, so don't worry about the lack of poop right now. You can add Miralax. It's over-the-counter, 1/4 tsp am and 1/4 pm to help to poop. And another reason not to stop the fluids- it will help him stay hydrated to poop. 

Peeing - 24-36 hours. Most importantly, make sure Jolie is not straining and not producing or producing very small amounts. 

I'm glad you ditched the cone. We did a baby onesie, too, and it worked fantastic for Purrkins. He did not mind it or bother his incision until it started to heal and get itchy.

I understand all of these therapies are new, and all the meds need to get in, but they are prescribed to help Jolie, not harm; I understand questioning all these things, too. Stay on the fluids and the pain meds, and put in a call to your vet with your concerns. We don't want to mess around with PAIN or KIDNEYS. Let the vet tell you what you can cease if any of them.

This is recovery from an amputation. It will take a few weeks to heal.  Stick it out on the meds as prescribed, and I promise you will be glad you did. But do call your vet and explain your concerns about the kidney pill and the pain meds. Let him explain what is NEEDED and why. Maybe alternative pain meds he/she could prescribe, but most pain meds do mess with appetite, and Jolie is eating that is huge. We can't expect NORMAL right now, and Jolie is doing brilliantly so far.

I hope some of this eases your mind!!!

Hugs and scratches to both kitties, please

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23 December 2023 - 7:57 am
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I'm still on schedule with the kidney meds and appetite stimulants. I forgot to say that he also has a pain patch but I think that has just about run its course.  I just gave him the evening dose of pain killer.  I worry about over medication as much as under medication.

It makes me so sad when he doesn't eat because he was a very hardy eater. I hope he can be a hardy eater again.

He is drinking and peeing regularly.He has learned to hop in and out of litter box quite gracefully!

This cancer journey has been a long one but thank you to everyone for making it a less lonely one.


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23 December 2023 - 8:39 am
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Excellent on meds and appetite stimulant & patch! Yes, likely the patch is wearing off or worn off. Did they instruct you what to do, or leave it until your next recheck?

I worry about over medication as much as under medication.

We understand those fears - and the vet would not over-medicate. Again, try to think of our cats/dogs as a human going through amputation surgery; humans would still be in the hospital and not doing as well as our animals do. It helps put this in more perspective. Our animals feel pain the same way we do, but they can't say OUCH and HELP. 

It makes me so sad when he doesn't eat because he was a very hardy eater. I hope he can be a hardy eater again.

Jolie will be a hardy eater again; this is temporary and normal in recovery. Plus, the kidneys are added in, which is also very common in older kitties.

Jolie is doing fantastic, and so are you!!! He is 15.5, just had an amp from osteo., was diagnosed with kidney disease in the hospital, and is recovering. He is eating, drinking, hopping, going potty on his own, Not in pain and suffering. You can't ask for much more.

This cancer journey has been a long one but thank you to everyone for making it a less lonely one.

No doubt a long one!!  You are welcome. 🫂 We have all been on your side and are happy to help. We were helped in the same way.


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23 December 2023 - 8:51 am
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The Rainbow Bridge

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23 December 2023 - 4:57 pm
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Edward! I just got your photos. What a beauty!!!! And so is Mignon!

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23 December 2023 - 5:21 pm
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OMC, look at these two handsome fellas;đź’ť they are beauties. I do recognize the huge pupils on Jolie; the meds are doing their job.:) I'm so glad they seem to be getting along with no issues.

Litter mates, yes?
Smooch to them both.
(((Hugs )))

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23 December 2023 - 5:36 pm
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Yes.They have the same mama. I have had them since they were 3 months old. 

Jolie wouldn't eat any hard food this morning but he ate 3 tikki chicken mousse tunes.

He has been drinking his water tho....

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