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My senior cat, Jolie has osteosarcoma: looking for advice
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31 July 2024 - 9:28 am
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Maybe you could share what you are seeing with the Vet.  Perhaps the fluid has returned presented by his labored breathing  and seeming to be uncomfortable. 

First of all, always hoping Julie can get better....based on the results of yesterday it sounds like the disease is no longer treatable  andpallative care has run it's coirse. are trying to let Joloe transition  at home, the Bet needs to gove uou guidance on what to expect amd od there is a u way to help with the transition.  OR.....If it would stress him would you prefer euthanasia at the Vet.

I know these are hard questions  and I don't  mean to upset you.  Another hard question.....what else would you jave to see behavioral  wise to know he doesn't  want to fight anymore?

♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 peace and clarity in knowing wjat Jolie would want

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!


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31 July 2024 - 9:31 am
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Edward just shared these precious photos.   I told him every pocture Mets my jheart.but my goodness, the pictures of these two when he too k them I to hos home at three months?..CUTENESS OVERLOAD.   



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Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!


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31 July 2024 - 9:33 am
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And then their adult fluffy cute phase.🥰

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Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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31 July 2024 - 10:11 am
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It's been only 24 hours since the fluid was drained so if it is already building up again...

Unfortunately I don't think his vet is on duty again until Saturday...I will have to check tomorrow.

I think I will decide soon what to do.....maybe Jolie has already given me a sign. There was a baby or very young cat walking ahead of me as I was walking home then he went into a house's car port and when I  walked by he turned around and looked at me.

I said to him sorry I can't take you in......

It's late....I better get to sleep....

Thankful for your support



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31 July 2024 - 10:41 am
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I do hope yoi get some rest.  Jolie would want that.   Yes,  unfortuantely more often than not we see the fluld up within 24 hrs, maybe 48 .  I can only think of one time a dog had the fluid drained and it remained that way for a month.

I absolutely  100 % believe Jolie is sending you a sign ......not only about her condition, but that she is ALWAYSwatching over you and watching for another cat for you......the whisker thing that the Vet Tech are seeing it in action.

Weall  love you Edward💖💖💖

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

The Rainbow Bridge

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25 April 2007
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1 August 2024 - 10:43 am
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Edward wow things changed so fast, I'm sorry I just got caught up on Jolie. How are things today? Any better? I hope so. Were you able to get in touch with your vet?

There is no easy way to prepare for end-of-life. It is the time we all dread as pet parents. If this is where you are with him, I am so sorry. It's good to stay in touch with the vet team so you can keep him comfortable and not let him suffer. The greatest gift we can give is to help them out of their pain, so they can transition on and always be by our side in spirit.

You are doing everything you can to make sure he is comfortable and aware that he is loved. Of course you deserved him, of course you are a great parent to him! Don't ever doubt that for a minute. Jolie knows this, he's just unable to show it right now, but in time, he will show it again in other beautiful ways. 

Please keep us posted and know that we are thinking of you and the boys.

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1 August 2024 - 12:42 pm
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Jolie's condition was about the same today except that he started peeing in place laying down.

I hadn't thought to get pee pads.

Also I had a discussion with the vet and thought it might beneficial to slightly increase pain meds.

So when I went to get them I helped myself to about 10 from the free pee pad bin. I hate that he has to pee on his beautiful fur.

He seems more comfortable now with pain med increase.

His breathing is 40 breaths per minute which is slightly labored.

I also talked to the vet about pts and she said if his breathing starts getting too labored or he seems in too much pain.

I am keeping watch for a final sign



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1 August 2024 - 1:45 pm
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Edward, hope you dont mind but I added a little "extra ray of light" to the photo because Jolie is a ray of light.  Her bright light is eternal and never ve dimmed💖


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Edward said this is Jolie's  favorite pillow....Such a sweet photo.

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Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

The Rainbow Bridge

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2 August 2024 - 11:24 am
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Awww sweet Jolie. I'm glad you are comfortable. You are so loved! sp_hearticon2 

Edward, you're doing right by him. That conversation with your vet must have been so hard, and we are so proud of you for taking that step. It's this stage that is the hardest, but such a big part of how we care for our beloved animal from beginning to end. This is not an easy time, but your bond with Jolie will grow even stronger than you imagined it could.

Lean on us, and know that we are thinking of you and sending tons of love. Keep us posted.

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4 August 2024 - 8:53 am
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Please pray for the angels to come take Jolie....he's having a hard time.


It's Sunday night here and can't get to the hospital until tomorrow..


Please pray for Jolie....

The Rainbow Bridge

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4 August 2024 - 1:11 pm
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You are in our hearts and thoughts Edward. I'm so sorry and wish we could be there in person.

Are you giving him pain control in the meantime? Is he taking any food or water?

Stay strong Edward, you have this under control, you are stronger than you think.

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4 August 2024 - 1:19 pm
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I have given him pain meds but they must not be strong enough...

I'm afraid there is nothing in my control now....I have been keeping vigil all night. It's 4:17 am. Each whimper of pain is torture.....


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4 August 2024 - 2:44 pm
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I can only see over and over again how our hearts break for you and how our tears fall for you. It's the price we pay for the joy and love you have had all these years with Jolie. It's a hard price to pay, but I know you wouldn't change anything to have had all that time with him.  I Know  he would go through this "rough time" he's having right now a million times  over  just to have had all those years with you.and Mignon.

As of this time that I am writing this I think it's about 5:45 a.m. or so your time so I'm not sure what time you can get ton the Ve t, or, maybe he is with the Angel's now.  

I don't know if the vet gave you any guidance on how much extra pain meds you could give him as his journey in his earth clothes is ending. I forgot what he is taking, I think it is gabapentin. Anyway, hopefully the vet told you you could increase the dose if necessary to ease the journey.  . Of course, I am in no way giving that advice or implying to increase the meds without Vets. approval.   I just know that my vet has guided me in tough times like this.

FWIW, as Jolie's earthly body is shutting down, he probably is not very aware of what's going on. So the whimpering, labored breathing. ... just more signs of him shutting down and his Spirit energy is already in the process of leaving.

Jolie knows you have given him the best life ever and, he needs to exit knowing that, although you will be incredibly sad and heartbroken, you will eventually be able to recognize the joy and happy memories he shared with you. That's what he wants you to remember, not these past few days.r


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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4 August 2024 - 3:30 pm
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I thought the angels would come to take him by morning....but that was not to be.....what a cruel cruel disease......


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4 August 2024 - 4:06 pm
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It is indeed cruel, cunning and barbaric.   Truly one of the most hated diseases among all of human beings and animal beings.

I can tell you one thing with certainty though, you and Julie kicked that piece of crap disease to the curb over and over.You never, ever  gave up and refused to let it win. You demolished  statistics and you and Jolie created one miracle after another.  Even your Vet thought ,any times he would not overcome each hurdle thrown at him and he did.  I think a couple pf times the Vet mentioned he was surprised Jolie was still with us.

We are all so in love with Jolie and are in awe of the exquisite  care you jave given her on thos journey.   Because of YOU, he jas made it this far!  He decided  when he jad hadenoigh and you respected his decision. 


Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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