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My senior cat, Jolie has osteosarcoma: looking for advice
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23 February 2024 - 12:06 pm
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Agree with Sally Mignon? You are a rock star, too, buddy.  Great job on Cerenia! Nothing to pinpoint a cause? Prayers are up!
Glad Jolie is doing well, and poops on both the boys are good.


The Rainbow Bridge

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23 February 2024 - 12:39 pm
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Those boys are keeping you on your toes Edward! I hope Mignon's upset belly is calm and happy now. SUPER glad to know that Jolie is holding his own. Savor the victory!

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23 February 2024 - 6:44 pm
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Hello All&^

I'm glad to report that both Mignon and Jolie are doing well today.  I think Cerenia did the trick for Mignon. Both are eating today so all is right in my world. Thanks to this site (shout out to Purrkins!) I know about Cerenia.  



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23 February 2024 - 7:43 pm
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So glad to hear that, we needed some good news today! You tell those two boys to behave themselves and quit coming up with reasons to scare everybody!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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23 February 2024 - 8:52 pm
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I know! Sometimes it feels like a roller-coaster...


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23 February 2024 - 10:32 pm
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Yay,smiley_clap and yes, boys, enough, please.
We love to hear they are eating well—Cerenia Tripawd power, good juju, and prayers at work.

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25 February 2024 - 7:52 am
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Hello All♡

Jolie went to vet for follow up today. RBC is back up to 37 and kidney function is stable, no better or worse than before. I got more Cerenia and a printout of the blood work.  Everything is stable enough that we are going try one month until the next follow up. I'd like the kidney group to look at the blood work report. Perhaps I should send it to Maureen?



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25 February 2024 - 8:17 am
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We LOVE STABLE RBC back up and one month recheck. Whoo hoo 👏🏻🙌🏻👏🏻 great job on the cerenia and labs!!!
Yes do send your labwork to the group. Use the same thread and update it that way, we KNOW Maureen will see it, and she can help post the information to the board if you have issues. 

Also, I thought about Mignon last night- keep a log of how often the puking happens. Please put it on the calendar, and that you gave the Cerenia, and it was resolved. This is the only way to keep track of how often it is or isn't happening. Add anything that may be relevant. Nothing is irrelevant, i.e., a new food, treat, etc. (anything). You know how insistent i am on keeping logs:) do for both the boys, it doesn't take long and its golden to have at moments notice. You have this thread going to look back on too if you need the dates.

HUGS and love to the boys, please.


The Rainbow Bridge

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25 February 2024 - 2:09 pm
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Stable = PAWESOME! All of your nursing care and attention is paying off. YAY!

Let's see how the next month goes. You've got tons of pawsitivity coming your way for a good 30 days ahead!


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25 February 2024 - 7:28 pm
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Alright, a. Good check up and you can wait for a whole  month until the next one.  YAY!!!   -  I know that's a relief for you and takes some of the stress off you.....and kitties too!


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

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25 February 2024 - 8:44 pm
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I am glad to get a month off from going to hospital...I can start trying to catch up on credit card payments.

Actually both Mignon and Jolie have been vomiting on and off during the last few days. But I think it is because eating has become pleasurable to them again and they overeat. They don't act sick and they still eat well.

The vet didn't seem overly concerned when I told her.

Jolie's weight initially went down but it is stable at 4.2 kilos or so. Maybe this is his new normal?

They both seem content and active.

The only thing the vet seemed concerned about was that maybe I should give more iv in the evening and bring it up to 200 cc per day.  But I am afraid that would be too stressful and the vet admitted that she didn't know if that would improve the ckd numbers or not



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26 February 2024 - 8:54 am
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We understand going to the vet all the time, the finances, and the stress for all involved. We don't have choices sometimes; they had to monitor Jolie's labs and treat the anemia/kidneys. We do what we can for our furmily; it takes many tolls.

I don't know what to say or think about the vet not being concerned about the vomiting. A trend in vomiting for Mignon would/should be looked into. Jolie, we know the cause - CKD. He will have days where he is nauseous & you have meds on board to manage.

Are they vomiting on the cerenia or days off of? 

I would highly suggest trying every wet food out there! That would help kidney health by getting moisture in their food and digesting it easier. It would be a win if you could find something they would eat. It takes lots of 3 oz cans, patience, and waste to find such foods, but it would pay off in their health and those kidneys starving for fluids. They would also vomit less by not inhaling the dry ( they are puking up the whole kibbles) 

The weight being stable is brilliant. Yes, Jolie lost a limb and has been through a lot. He has stage 4 CKD, so to be STABLE is an EXCELLENT SIGN!!!. Thats the goal STABLE. We can't ask for more. The main thing is trying to maintain the weight. Less weight on Jolie is less work for those three remaining limbs. He looks great in the images.

The fluids this was what Maureen wrote before
Image Enlarger

That is a considerable concern with Jolie's heart and the unknown there. If you give too much, you are in another emergency, and the heart can't handle it. The fact that the vet is unsure & suggested it bothers me!!! This is where a cardiologist would advise on the fluids because it is terrifying. Were you ever able to ask about the saline vs. lactated ringers? You may get away with less since it is a different composition. 

Send your labs to Maureen and the vet's advice. See what input/advice she gives and what questions she may have that you could phone the vet on. We all have the same goal: we want the best for U & the boys! I'm delighted they are eager to eat and active 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻MASSIVE!!!

Give them both a smooch and chin scratch from us, please!!!


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26 February 2024 - 9:27 am
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Today was the best day yet as I came home to a completely empty food dish and no vomit.

Their condition was excellent today. I have asked the vet here about ringers versus saline and they recommended the saline still. And since Jolie is used to the saline now I lean toward not changing it because I don't know what his reaction might be to it.i think 100 cc per day is enough and I tend to think that 200cc is too much from what I've read on the internet.

They both have vomited fairly often since I've had them. I have a cabinet filled with uneaten snacks and wet food that I desperately tried when they wouldn't eat anything at all.

They do now eat four wet food snack tubes per day so at least that is something. I am just happy that they are eating. 

It is just so frustrating not having access to  American style vet care. I have been to so many vets here over the years and it is so difficult to find one who is trustworthy that I would probably not have anymore pets here in korea.

I hope that the next 4 weeks will be stable with no surprises.

Thanks for staying with me thru the many ups and downs of the last 2 months. I do very much appreciate all the advice and kind words.



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26 February 2024 - 9:48 am
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👏🏻🙌🏻👏🏻 we LOVE hearing this! Empty bowls and no puke!! 

They do not puke on the cerenia? Just confirm for my head, please:) Yes, the 200 scares the 💩 of me with Jolie's heart!!!

YES, on the four wet tubes, thats huge!!! We are too delighted to hear they are readily eating. You have all come so far thanks to your care, Ed!!! 

I DO understand the frustration on the vet and the translation, etc. it would make this all harder, but she has gotten you thus far and saved the boys. No vet is perfect. They all do their best, and when we have multiple issues, it's extremely hard to manage, and ideally, when we have specialty care $$$, that is not always doable!!!  This is when it is helpful to get first-hand experiences in these conditions and learn as much as possible. Then, we advocate and see how far we can get. Keep doing what you are doing, Ed. It is working, and thats what counts!!

You are very welcome, glad we can be !!! It's been a bumpy road, and we all do better with our support team!!

We are sending all the tripawd power, good juju, and prayers for an uneventful month!!! 



The Rainbow Bridge

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26 February 2024 - 10:00 am
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Best day yet? OH YEAH! smiley_clap Empty bowls has been the goal all along and you three did it! YESS!!!

I have to agree with Holly, no vets are perfect. It's not so much an American style of veterinary care that is the goal, but rather how open a veterinarian is to extra continued education, and new therapies. It doesn't matter where they live, what matter is how wiling they are to step outside conventional thinking to push the boundaries of how they can help animals. Your vet so far sounds like she is more cautious but still doing pretty well as far as working with you to manage all of the situations that have been happening. And now you have empty bowls? And two happy boys? OH YEAH! 

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