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My senior cat is undergoing amputation surgery in 2 days. In need of help and answers!
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20 January 2019
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28 January 2019 - 6:38 pm
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Update on Pablo- my vet just called and said my big boy is doing well(thankfully) and he’s not refusing medicine. He also told me Pablo’s surgery will be Wednesday and he would like to keep him at least 24hrs after to watch him and make sure he’s okay, if he thinks Pablo’s having trouble he may keep him for an extra day(so pick up would be Friday or Saturday). I’m happy to know my boys doing good I just miss him so much I keep wanting to look for him or grab him to cuddle.. But at least I know he’s going to be happy and healthy again soon.

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28 January 2019 - 6:57 pm
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Glad he's doing well, no doubt because you packed him well with things that make him feel safe 🤗

He sounds like a sweet boy, and i know this is hard but you're a very strong young lady. Even though this is hard for you, you know this is the right thing to do for your boy and you have taken all the steps to give him the best life he could have.  Your dad just be very proud of you.

Sending you huge hugs sweetie. If you have a couple favorite pictures you'd like to post, pm me and i will get them posted for you.



Jackie, Bo, Andy, Oscar, Phoebe, and the coolest feral tripawd kitty Huckleberry

Huckleberry's Blog

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28 January 2019 - 7:21 pm
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Thank you it means a lot! I think I got a picture posted it may be on the 3rd page of this post:) (a pic of the whole pack hopefully the picture uploaded).

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28 January 2019 - 7:31 pm
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natalia2019 said
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From left to right top to bottom: Scruffy (13 y/o black shih-tzu mix), Mowgli(3y/o black Bernese/Belgian Turveren), Everest(6 m/o robo dwarf hamster), Pablo(12 y/o tabby), Summit (1-2 y/o black and white mouse on Pablo’s belly in the picture), Onyx (1 y/o maine coon male), Storm (2 y/o maine coon female),Pablo (yes again haha), Iggy (4 y/o boxer/terrier), Sah Zha (means little bear in slavey 2 y/o bengal/tabby). I also have a black Syrian hamster names Burrow and 7 fish tanks.


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28 January 2019 - 7:44 pm
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Oh my goodness!!! What a beautiful pack!! I am speechless 😮

Thank you for the gorgeous pictures, and they all look so happy ❤️❤️❤️

Hang in there girlie, keep busy ( not like that will be hard with your crew, lol!!)

Sending you huge hugs!

Jackie and Huck ❤️🤗🤗


Jackie, Bo, Andy, Oscar, Phoebe, and the coolest feral tripawd kitty Huckleberry

Huckleberry's Blog

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28 January 2019 - 8:07 pm
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Thank you Jackie:) is your kitty a rear or front leg amp? If rear how do you keep it clean since you can’t really bandage it?


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28 January 2019 - 8:23 pm
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I think each one of us just fell in love with your adorable furry family!!!!   Thank you so much for sharing  these pictures with us.  These are some very lucky critters!!   And I love that they get along!!!

Your Vet sounds like he's  really  taking good care of Pablo.  I'm  sure Pablo is charming the heck out of  everybody❤

We'll be cheering  for him!


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

PS. Your kitty members  here will give you more tips on recovery,  but your Vet will answer  all your questions too at discharge.   So make a list and don't worry, okay?  Between your team here and the Vet, you'll know everything that needs to be done to help Pavlo thr eecovery.  You're  gonna do a great job!!!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!


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28 January 2019 - 8:32 pm
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I showed my dad Purrkins video on YouTube (the recovery one) and he agreed with me when I said they (Pablo and Purrkins)look VERY similar.(the video actually brought tears to his eyes)

Awe, I hope they were more happy tears!
That is why we created a Youtube channel and the blog to share Purrkins journey & hopefully help others. Thank you Purrkins is part of my soul! I could not ask for better kitties.

Great job on the photos OMCDMHF 😉 WOW what a magnificent furmily you have. I love it! Awe Pablo is ADORABLE, and you can see he is a love bug & gentle soul! Everyone is Fantastic, Scruffy and Mowgli smooches to them, please. I love the mouse and hamster even too cute! Onyx is the smallest Maine coon kitty I have seen. Sah Zha Bengal kitty alone has to keep you moving;)  I LOVE everyone and that they all get along! You just might have a record there for the biggest furmily here;) 7 fish tanks holy cow you have your hands full in the best of ways!

I'm happy to see you have an update that helps greatly to hear he is doing well. Ok, we have a surgery date for Wed on the calendar extra tripawd power & prayers for Pablo. That is the average time most kitties stay after surgery. I know you want him home, but they can control things better in the hospital & keep him on monitors. He is in great hands.

No doubt this is going to be a looonnnng week. I thought 3 nights and 4 days were long. There is a big hole in your life even with your pack there. Your missing part of you. Check the days off on the calendar and call for updates for peace of mind.

The love you and your Dad have for Pablo WILL get you thru recovery! DITTO! You are an amazing young lady! An old soul in a young body and that is a compliment! We have all the confidence in you!

hugvirual.gifImage Enlarger

hugvirual.gifImage Enlarger

Share with you Dad too please one for each of you and give your pack rubs, scratches and smooches from us, please!

P.S. Prince Huckleberry is a rear leg kitty I'm sure Jackie will pop back in and answer you when she can & she also has a blog .


On The Road

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28 January 2019 - 10:15 pm
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Pablo is hanging tough and will be so ready for that surgery! Your vet is giving him great care, Pablo doesn't sound stressed out, that's pawesome!

Thanks for figuring out how to share photos, you have such a gorgeous family of furkids. Oh I'm jealous!

Meanwhile about cleaning the incision on a rear-leg amputee...I'm sure the kitty moms and dads here can guide you better on this one but my gut instinct says that IF any litter gets stuck around the incision, you can use a warm wash cloth to gently clean it off. No soap or anything, just warm water. 

Tripawds Founders Jim and Rene | | |

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28 January 2019 - 11:31 pm
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benny55 said
I think each one of us just fell in love with your adorable furry family!!!!   Thank you so much for sharing  these pictures with us.  These are some very lucky critters!!   And I love that they get along!!!

Your Vet sounds like he's  really  taking good care of Pablo.  I'm  sure Pablo is charming the heck out of  everybody❤

We'll be cheering  for him!

PS. Your kitty members  here will give you more tips on recovery,  but your Vet will answer  all your questions too at discharge.   So make a list and don't worry, okay?  Between your team here and the Vet, you'll know everything that needs to be done to help Pavlo thr eecovery.  You're  gonna do a great job!!!


Haha thank you I’m very lucky to be able to have the pack I have and so greatful for everyone of them and will do:). 

Purrkins said

I showed my dad Purrkins video on YouTube (the recovery one) and he agreed with me when I said they (Pablo and Purrkins)look VERY similar.(the video actually brought tears to his eyes)

Awe, I hope they were more happy tears!

That is why we created a Youtube channel and the blog to share Purrkins journey & hopefully help others. Thank you Purrkins is part of my soul! I could not ask for better kitties.


Yes they where happy tears he said when he watched it with me that after seeing Purrkins he has no doubts about our boy being okay:). I love your channel your kitty’s seem so sweet my dad and I adore Purrkins!

Purrkins said

Great job on the photos OMCDMHF 😉 WOW what a magnificent furmily you have. I love it! Awe Pablo is ADORABLE, and you can see he is a love bug & gentle soul! Everyone is Fantastic, Scruffy and Mowgli smooches to them, please. I love the mouse and hamster even too cute! Onyx is the smallest Maine coon kitty I have seen. Sah Zha Bengal kitty alone has to keep you moving;)  I LOVE everyone and that they all get along! You just might have a record there for the biggest furmily here;) 7 fish tanks holy cow you have your hands full in the best of ways!


Thank you I love them all so much❤️. Yes he is such a gentle giant that boy:)! For sure haha they love attention! Yes onyx is a petite boy for a Maine coon I believe last time we weighted (2-3 months ago) he was 8lbs though. I think he just has a high metabolism he’s also VERY energetic! Yes Sah is a HUGE handful haha she likes getting into trouble with onyx those two are like putting a mini tornado in your house!(Sah Zahn actually means “little bear” in slavey (My moms side is First Nations and I wanted to give her a unique name in our language). Haha I wonder if I do I honestly wouldn’t be surprised! Yep I always have something to do so hopefully time with Pablo away will go by fast:)

Purrkins said

I'm happy to see you have an update that helps greatly to hear he is doing well. Ok, we have a surgery date for Wed on the calendar extra tripawd power & prayers for Pablo. That is the average time most kitties stay after surgery. I know you want him home, but they can control things better in the hospital & keep him on monitors. He is in great hands.

Yes it gave me some comfort knowing he’s doing well and doesn’t seem stressed right now. Thank you it means a lot:) Yes I do I miss him a lot and it’s only getting to the end of the second day, but you’re right it’s better he’s monitored first especially since we’re so far away.

Purrkins said

No doubt this is going to be a looonnnng week. I thought 3 nights and 4 days were long. There is a big hole in your life even with your pack there. Your missing part of you. Check the days off on the calendar and call for updates for peace of mind.

The love you and your Dad have for Pablo WILL get you thru recovery! DITTO! You are an amazing young lady! An old soul in a young body and that is a compliment! We have all the confidence in you! 

Yes hopefully it will go by faster if I stay busy:) I definitely will my vet also said he’d call daily with updates:)

thank you! No worries I take no offence I actually get that a lot haha! (Especially when people hear my music as I have lots of music my grandpa used to listen to). 

Purrkins said

P.S. Prince Huckleberry is a rear leg kitty I'm sure Jackie will pop back in and answer you when she can & she also has a blog .

Thank you I’ll have to read it:)

jerry said
Pablo is hanging tough and will be so ready for that surgery! Your vet is giving him great care, Pablo doesn't sound stressed out, that's pawesome!

Thanks for figuring out how to share photos, you have such a gorgeous family of furkids. Oh I'm jealous!

Meanwhile about cleaning the incision on a rear-leg amputee...I'm sure the kitty moms and dads here can guide you better on this one but my gut instinct says that IF any litter gets stuck around the incision, you can use a warm wash cloth to gently clean it off. No soap or anything, just warm water. 


yes im happy he’s doing good right now:) it definitely helps having updates being so far away. Haha yes they’re sweethearts:) I’m very lucky to have everyone of them (yes even when they drive me crazy haha). Yes I got some feed back and was to,d exactly that to use a damp warm cloth but pat it don’t rub it:)

thank you you all for your support! I’m really happy I found Tripawds it really is an amazing group! My dad really likes it too(I read all the reply’s with him) I copied the links for the brochures to give my vet for future amp patients(or maybe event current!).

hugs to all from my big pack🐾

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29 January 2019 - 4:13 am
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I was also thinking about maybe making an instagram account (for updates on pablo/his recovery). Not  sure if anyone would really look at it but I don’t mind if it’s just me that goes on it.

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29 January 2019 - 4:23 am
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Good morning!

Sorry, I hit the hay shortly after my last post. I get up early in the morning, lol. Thank you Holly for posting Huckleberry's link! He is a right rear amp and I admit in the beginning until he learned his new balance I had to wipe a little poo off of him, but it did not take him long at all (within a week) to get the cat box down to a science. I use a large cat box now with a little bit of a shorter opening in front. Huck likes to lean on one of the sides a bit to do his business. The short opening helps him to hop in easier and the taller walls give him balance. He has zero problems at all! In the beginning I used smaller boxes for litter, very short  set it in the corner of his crate and that helped a lot. I went through several to try and get it right, but he figured it out pretty quickly. 

Huck was in a big dog crate for his recovery. He was also feral oh-my The crate was set in our spare bedroom, and I was so grateful for Holly and the advise to take the bed off of the frame. I started out by trying to put blankets, comforters, pillows, everything I could find to stuff under the bed, but Huckleberry nosed his way right in like a mouse in a maze laughing

I finally flipped the bed and took the frame off. Placed the mattress on the floor which also helped Huck because now he could not hide to heal, and the bed was short enough so that when I let him out to stretch he could not hurt himself. I got a small set of pet stairs and he used that to get on the bed in the beginning. It worked out really well. It also gave him access to the top of the dog crate which was up against the bed, so I put a big comforter on the top of the crate and he liked to lay there and nap. I played music for him too, and I think that helped a lot. 

I have a little bench in front of my bed, and now Huck roams the house freely. He uses the bench every day to get up on the big bed, and he has no mobility problems at all. He even gets to the top of the cat tree to observe all the activity in the house. Our cat tree is placed against our couch, the highest side butts right up to it so that if he has any problems at all, he would have a soft landing. 

I hope some of this gives you ideas as you are getting your house ready for Pablo to come home and recover. I know we all sound very sure of ourselves now, but trust me I personally was a mess going through my journey with Huckleberry. His story is in the forums somewhere here, I will try to find it and post the link for you. 

Big hugs to you, your dad, and your beautiful furmily heart

Jackie and Huckheart


Jackie, Bo, Andy, Oscar, Phoebe, and the coolest feral tripawd kitty Huckleberry

Huckleberry's Blog

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29 January 2019 - 4:24 am
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PS I love Instagram, I have an account also and would be happy to share it if you make one!


Jackie, Bo, Andy, Oscar, Phoebe, and the coolest feral tripawd kitty Huckleberry

Huckleberry's Blog

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20 January 2019
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29 January 2019 - 5:00 am
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I have a personal Instagram account but I just made one for Pablo:) if you’d like to look at it the username is @Pablos_recovery2019  (feel free to follow if you’d like I linked Tripawds Instagram in my bio)


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29 January 2019 - 5:12 am
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We did not have this concern obviously:) I did have to wipe pee off but had no incision to worry about there. Our instructions were to not to put the washcloth directly on the incision and to keep the incision dry. Basically, we were to leave it alone and check it under his onesie, but this was for a front leg. I switched the onesie out twice a day. We did the compresses as instructed. When they get healing the incisions gets itchy, and I used the washcloth directly around the incision then. All instructions seem to vary so ask your vet too & listen to what worked for others. We just followed our discharge instructions.

Good point to bring up Jackie Purrkins does the same he uses the walls to balance himself pooping, and Purrkins has always stood up on the edge of the box to poop, and he still does this with his one leg 😉 It's a site to see & he has it mastered!

Thank you on Purrkins youtube he is the star I only take the shots and videos. Glad to hear happy tears and Pablo will also amaze you. It is emotional, and I still tear up when I see how far Purrkins has come. Happy & proud tears. Purrkins is the biggest sweetheart he still has a kitty purrsonality and is my velcro kitty;)

Great on the Instagram account we will check it out! We never set one up.

Here is Jackie's forum post when she first joined. 

Feral amputee to be..

Holly & Purrkins ❤️

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