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Kuri: experience with Cat Osteosarcoma and post-amputation recovery?
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Member Since:
25 October 2023
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7 December 2023 - 11:03 pm
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Hi Everyone,

I immediately picked up Cerenia from the vet the day after my last update, cut and smashed the pill, and put it in her feeding syringe with the supplements I bought.

I also tried to interest her baby food, broth, an assortment of other supplements, everything. She is not interested in eating even when the nausea and gagging stop due to the Cerenia.

Although she held down the supplements, after four days of force-feeding her, she still wasn't getting stronger or showing any interest in food, and she absolutely hated it.

By Sunday, she'd become afraid of me -- and my hands. She's never in her life run away from me before (except when she was only one month old when I adopted her.)

She ran into the corner, deep under the bed, and sat with her back to me. Then, she gave me a horrid look back over her shoulder. I knew then. Syringe feeding was just torturing her. She wasn't getting better at all. She was miserable. 

So I accepted it and stopped. Every day, I place little bowls by her private water fountain near her Hidey Hole. Just in case a miracle happens, she has food and can reach it easily. She has a cuddly, quiet place to be.

Today, I played Baroque Adagios. I carried her to her favorite place in the sun until it moved across the window. 

I am not going to have her euthanized. I'm not going to torture her with any more butchery, needles, or strangers in white coats that prick and prod her. The poor thing is so thirsty but can't drink. I'm not going to put a tube in her stomach to keep her body alive if cancer is devouring her. 

I've got her trust back from the syringe-feeding fear. I spent a lot of time with Kuri today, gently caressing her head. But I can tell she is in pain. So, even though she hates syringes, I'm going to give her Gabapentin tonight, which was left over from surgery. Maybe she can keep some down or at least absorb it sublingually. 

I don't want her to suffer. 

This has gone on for two months now. She has shown no signs of recovering from the initial surgery. Her hair never even grew back. She's become a humpbacked, miserable, twisted version of her former self. She never regained strength. Her back legs are weak and wobbly. Her eye is dripping dark, really sticky goo. She's just miserable. I feel so bad.

They told me if it was OsteoSarcoma, the stats are maybe 50/50 or 40/60. I knew there was a risk. I also knew that my only option was to kill her if I didn't pursue the surgery. I had to take that shot. I had to believe we could be in the survival rate group. 

But I'm not an idiot. I watched my mom die of sarcoma. I know what's going on here.

I have a hard time holding the tears down. My heart feels like it is spilling all over the house. 

*Can anyone recommend better pain medicine for palliative care?*

I can pick it up tomorrow.

Thanks for being here. sp_hearticon2 I appreciate you all. This is agonizing. But I guess this is a massive part of life.


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8 December 2023 - 6:55 am
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Im so sorry Kuri is suffering and continues to PLEASE reconsider your thinking on euthanasia and call a service like.
Lap of Love

I am not going to have her euthanized. I'm not going to torture her with any more butchery, needles, or strangers in white coats that prick and prod her

I hate to say this, but it is torture for Kuri now and to let her suffer without assistance! This is the last gift we can give our beloved furmily member and is the most humane thing we are blessed to be able to do. Help them cross over PEACEFULLY. If only we could do the same for our beloved humans!

Kuri is NOT going to die peacefully at home if that is what you are thinking. This is a horrid time, and you have lost all faith in veterinarians and care. For that, I am genuinely sorry.

Please don't let Kuri leave this earth violently. You will live with that scene and memory for the rest of your life. Lap of Love can help you with pain management and hospice care, but honestly, at this point, she has not eaten a meal since Thanksgiving. She needs a veterinarian involved, and Lap of Love or someone similar is who I suggest. Times like these are our worst nightmare come true, and one thing we can do is spare Kuri and yourself a violent death by having Lap of Love come to the house.

Please give Kuri a snuggle and love from us.
I wish you peace and clarity in helping Kuri

The Rainbow Bridge

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8 December 2023 - 12:52 pm
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I'm so sorry about her health, and I know how difficult this is for you. It's not easy to know that she won't get better.  My heart aches for you.

As Holly suggested, please reconsider how you want to remember her. She is suffering, and euthanasia is relief from that suffering. I know it's a very difficult thing to accept. But we have the ability to end the suffering of our pets, and it is truly a gift to know they are not hurting anymore when it's all over. If you have an at-home euthanasia it isn't anything like in a vet clinic, and you will set her free knowing she isn't feeling the stress of being in one. It can be a much better experience if you call in someone like Lap of Love. Please reconsider.

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9 December 2023 - 7:02 pm
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Hi Everyone,

Kuri-chan died peacefully in my arms today of her own accord.

Thank you all for your kindness and support throughout this ordeal.




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22 February 2013
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9 December 2023 - 8:08 pm
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Dear Suzanne, so very sorry to read this.   Our hearts break with yours,

You gave her every possible  chance.  You HAD to try.  That’s a trait we all share on this journey, we have to try.  Usually quality time is extended.  It wasn’t supposed to turn out this way.  This piece of crap disease can be so brutal and cunning.  Unfortunately it probably had already plotted it’s course undetected.  
If it had to happen this way,I’m glad  Kurt’s transition was at home surrounded by your loving arms  Kiriwas ready to be free of her failing earth clothes and showed you she was ready.  It was clear she was phasing put these past several days and her little body was already shutting down.  I have experienced the passing of an animal without intervention when it was clear their earth time  was coming to an end.  I didn’t want to say anything earlier, but I do know, under  certain circumstances a transition can.  I’m so glad that was the case for you.  Her blood pressure had probably already dropped low enough that it would have been painful trying to find a pain and, most likely without success .  Thus the actual injection would be done without the sedation shot first.  

You knew kuri was ready to be released.  You loved her every day on earth and you loved her as she gained her wings.

we know the void and the break in routine for caring for her will hurt so badly.  Take comfort in k owing you did everything possible to help her.  She knew you loved her….and you knew she loved  you .  That kind of bond is unbreakable❤️

She ran to TheRainbow  Bridge young and free and whole.  She’s able to eat and drink and purr again.

When you can, we hope you will tell us more about this very special kitty.


Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!

Happy Hannah had a glorious additional bonus time of over one yr & two months after amp for osteo! She made me laugh everyday! Joined April's Angels after send off meal of steak, ice cream, M&Ms & deer poop!

The Rainbow Bridge

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9 December 2023 - 8:55 pm
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Suzanne, I'm so sorry for your loss. My heart goes out to you, thank you for letting us know, I'm sure it wasn't easy.

Kuri fought so hard, and you did all you could to make sure she had what she needed to live a good life. The kind of bond you shared is something that will never fade, she will be in your heart forever, showing you signs that she is never far. 


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10 December 2023 - 2:07 am
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Oh, Suzanne,
We are deeply sorry to read Kuri has gained her wings!!! We are so thankful she left this earth peacefully and in your arms. Although it won't feel like one now, that is a gift.

Im so sorry she was so young. Cancer has no rules, and as Sally stated, this had its path charted already, it's sickening. 

We are also profoundly sorry you lost your Mom to this evil disease. I envision Kuri sitting on your Mom's lap; they are together and whole. I HOPE Kuri has given you a sign already she is OK and in another form. If not, she will!

Our hearts break for you, the tremendous loss of Kuri, and all that means going forward—the grief, absence, and lack of so many lovely routines.

We hope you can look back and see all you did for Kuri and can hold onto all the lovely memories you had together before this.

We would love to see a picture of Kuri when you feel up to it.

Thank you so much for letting us know. We know how hard this is to do, and the tough times ahead, you are not alone! Know we are always here & you are family here.

Sending Kuri spirit kisses and scratches


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The Rainbow Bridge

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10 December 2023 - 9:23 am
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Oh Sally and Holly, so well said. I love Anne Lamott. 

And yes I'd love to see Kuri too, please feel free to share a photo (this is how adding images works). You can always PM me for help if you'd like.

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