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Pet Amputation Facts

Tripawds Call

Get the help & emotional support you need right now.

Coping with pet amputation for your dog or cat is tough enough without a pandemic.

But we’ve got your back!

Please join Tripawds founders Rene and Jim for the next free video conference call. You will learn the best pet amputation recovery and care tips – and how to feel in control of the situation.

Free Pet Amputation Webinar Details

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Free Pet Amputation Recovery and Care Conference Call

Jim Rene and Wyatt
Tripawds founders and authors Rene & Jim with Spokesdawg Wyatt Ray

Welcome. If you’re facing or coping with amputation for your dog or cat, you probably feel upset, stressed, scared, and alone. The current Coronavirus crisis only makes matters worse. We get that, and we’re here for you.

You’re not alone. We have more than 13 years experience supporting passionate pet parents like you through amputation recovery and care for their dogs and cats.

In 2006 we created the Tripawds community after our dog, Jerry, lost a leg to osteosarcoma. Back then, we didn’t even know dogs got cancer! We’ve learned a lot since then, and we’re here to help you.

Join us on a Free Video Conference for recovery tips and emotional support. Sign up now and you’ll also get a free copy of our inspirational Tripawd Heroes ebook. Plus, we’ll send you videos with amputation recovery and care tips from veterinary experts we’ve interviewed.

We’ll explain the best ways to care for your dog or cat before, during, and after amputation.

This is a traumatic and difficult time. We understand, and we’re gonna get through this together.

Vet Video
Includes Vet Video Interview Series

Join us for this Free Call and find out how to:

  • Be the best medical advocate for your pet to get exceptional veterinary care.
  • Prepare your pet, your home, and yourself for amputation recovery.
  • Prevent and manage your pet’s pain during and after amputation.
  • Find the best Tripawd gear for safety, comfort, and mobility.
  • And, most importantly, how to remain calm and sane during this difficult time.

You will receive:

  • 30-minute Free Video Call and Live Q&A with Tripawds founders,
  • Immediate Download: Tripawd Heroes inspirational ebook,
  • Video Interview Series: Best Tripawd Tips from veterinarians and vet techs,
  • Access to recorded video call, and Personal Support.

View the call on your computer or mobile device. We’ll share our best recovery and care tips, and then open up the chat for Live Q&A to discuss your top concerns. We’re hosting this free call, because we never want anyone to feel like we did after Jerry lost his spare leg.

This call will be recorded, so sign up now to receive the video link if you can’t make it!

Tripawd Heroes

Looking for Inspiration?

Just ask these Tripawd Heroes!

Discover hope with more than 20 inspirational canine amputation success stories of dogs loving life on three legs. Register for the call below to get your instant download.

Sign up for next free Tripawds video call to download your free ebook now, and get pet amputation recovery and care tips from veterinary experts who understand your concerns.

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