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Honorary Tripawd Nellie the Foster Dog Joins the Team

It’s been one year and seven months since our Wyatt Ray got his wings on 11/10/20. Life has been really quiet since then. But recently, he sent us an honorary Tripawd, Nellie the foster dog, to make sure we have some excitement around here!

Nobody Came for Her

Honorary Tripawd Nellie Shelter Intake Form
This is the first time we saw her.

We discovered Nellie on Saturday June 11. The Silicon Valley shelter caring for her said she would be euthanized on Monday, June 13 just a few weeks after arriving. Someone found her wandering the mean streets of San Jose, bedraggled, limping, and exhausted. She wore a pink collar and a tag that said “Chanel,” but it didn’t have a phone number, and she had no microchip. The good samaritan thought she was hit by a car. They took her to a shelter, but nobody claimed her.

Unfortunately, animal shelters everywhere are beyond capacity with relinquished dogs right now. Each day, many great dogs get euthanized through no fault of their own. There is just not enough room to care for the number of dogs getting turned in for economic and other reasons. Not even a “vet favorite” like Nellie.

Free At Last, Just in Time

Only the most adoptable dogs are making it out of shelters these days. Chanel is older, limping with an old leg injury, and overweight. She didn’t even make it onto Petfinder or Adopt-a-Pet by the time her “PTS” (Put to Sleep) date was assigned. 

Forty-eight hours before she was scheduled to take her last breath, we were smitten by her video. No, she’s not technically a Tripawd. But her front left leg is barely functional, making her an honorary Tripawd in our eyes! 

So we took action and located an amazing volunteer at San Jose Animal Services. Then we got in touch with a wonderful dog rescuer from German Shepherd Rescue of Northern California (GSRNC) (who also rescued Wyatt Ray). 24-hours later, they got Chanel taken off the PTS list until we, Team Tripawds, could drive the 500 miles to take her in as our foster dog. 

Last week Chanel (now, Nellie), started her new foster home life with us.

Meet our Honorary Tripawd Nellie, the Foster Dog

We are Nellie’s Foster Parents for now!

Nellie rode home to our dog house on wheels like she’s done it all her life. It’s only been a week, but so far we love everything about her! She is a very sweet, patient German Shepherd who fits in nicely with our nomadic lifestyle.

Nellie is a great co-worker here at Tripawds Headquarters. She is confident but not aggressive with dogs or people, she is playful but not in your face. She loves getting outside, exploring, and it’s clear she enjoys being part of a pack again.

This sweet honorary Tripawd foster dog is estimated to be 8 years old, but we think she’s younger. Her front left leg’s wrist (carpus) is fused at an angle, which causes the awkward limp. Two veterinarians examined Nellie and both say the damage is either from an old injury, or it’s congenital. 

Let the Adventures of Nomadic Nellie Begin!

Either way, Nellie gets around as well as any three-legged dog. But her excessive weight and the bum leg hinders her mobility. To get a better idea of the extent of the leg damage, her pain, and obtain some weight loss guidance, Nellie will soon have a full wellness exam at Wyatt’s AAHA vet clinic in Eugene, Oregon (near our present location).

She also has a consultation coming up with Rogue Canine Rehab. Team Nellie will work hard to help her feel like a puppy again!

It’s a joy to have the attention and affection of a great dog like Nellie in our life. Stay tuned for the adventures of Nomadic Nellie as we embark on her mobility journey together.

12 thoughts on “Honorary Tripawd Nellie the Foster Dog Joins the Team”

  1. Nellie, oh Nellie! what a beautiful smoochable face! Boy howdy have you won the doggo lottery! You just lucked into the best hoomans ever!

    Jim, Rene, I’m so, so happy you have dog breath in your lives again. Oddly relieved, like I’ve been holding my breath waiting for Wyatt and Jerry to get their act together and send you someone. Nellie is gorgeous, such a beautiful soul! I’m so happy you found each other.

    As others said, awaiting the “foster fail” announcement…
    Love and hugs,
    Teri, the Roxinator and Angel Isa

    • Teri you are so funny! Thank you for the lovely wishes. Nellie is a great dawg. Wyatt and Jerry knew who to send our way. Foster fail? Maybe!

  2. OMD! So happy that you have the pitter patter of paws again! Nellie is one lucky lady – congrats!!
    Paula and Warrior Angels Nitro and Kodi

  3. OH MY DAWWWG! I am thrilled for you both AND thrilled for Nellie Sending hugs, love, and please give your beatiful girl a smooch ❤️

  4. Oh my Gongases Rene and Jim AND NELLIE!!!!

    I HAVE A GRIN FROM EAR TO EAR RIGHT NOW!!!! Welcome HOME Foster Nellie!!! You are in the BEST paws evah!!! I can’t wait for the news that you are adopted purrrmanently!!!

    The first thing I saw were Nellies’ BEAUTIFUL eyes, such a gentle soul! But those LIPS!!! My goodness, she is competing with Super Stu’s kissable lips!!!

    Such a great news you guys, I’m soooo pleased for you! Oh boy has she signed up for one heck of a life now! Thank you for saving this precious looking girl! Bless your hearts for driving so far!

    Hugs and love to you all!
    Petra, Paul, ChessNut, Tender Teddy and Tripawd Warrrior Spirit Super Stu


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