Today’s Tripawd Tuesday spotlight celebrates the gentle giant Geralt.

This handsome young three-legged Great Dane lost his leg to infection but bounced back thanks to the love and care of his mom Kira, who wrote to us to share his great news:
I sent it for Tripawd Tuesday! I have visited your site many times since Geralt came into my life. I found a lot of inspiration from the stories posted and hope his will do the same! — Geral’s mom, Kira
This is the story of my Great Dane Geralt, a.k.a Little G!
Geralt of Rivia turned one year old on January 10th of this year. From the first moment I held him, I knew he had a fighting spirit and the will to survive even though he was so sick.

At only two and a half weeks old, the breeder brought him into the hospital where I work with a wound on his paw. Not being properly cared for, three days later he came back extremely dehydrated with an infection in his paw which was so severe all of his bones were now visible. Once he was stabilized, Geralt had his first (partial) amputation within 24 hours.

They tried to save his leg, but had to amputate anyways.
This amazing dog has gone through so much in his short time with us from almost a year of antibiotics battling bone infections, eight months of routine bandage changes and four major orthopedic surgeries to try and save his leg. Despite all of our efforts, the infection continued to spread into his long bones and Geralt had his leg fully amputated this past November.

Even after all that, his spirit and strength never wavered! You could say he really is a miracle. He has an amazing group of people that love him very much and two amazing doctors that have helped him, and me, throughout this entire process.

Geralt is why we do what we do, he is a true success story. It’s often times not easy when we rescue dogs in need but it is always worth it! I could not imagine life with out this guy and his extra large personality to match his extra large size! Happy birthday Little G! We all love you so very much❤
Love, his mom Kira Berger
We Want YOUR Tripawd Tuesday Story!
Did you like today’s Tripawd Tuesday spotlight on Geralt the gentle giant Tripawd? Share your three-legged hero’s story with the world and inspire others! Send your Tripawd Tuesday shout-out now. Each Tuesday is the best way to celebrate Tripawd amputee pets from around the world. Enter for a chance to be “Tripawd of the Week.” Just share your story in a few words and you’re in!
Whether you are a bonafide registered Tripawds member, or part of our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram communities, we want to tell the world about your three-legged cat or dog.
Send Your Love Story in 3 easy steps:
- In a short paragraph or two (or longer if you’d like!), describe your three-legged hero’s story. Share a photo, video or both.
- Got a Tripawds Forum topic and/or Tripawds blog that you started? Be sure to include that link too! Of course let us know any social media handles that feature your Tripawd.
- Then send your story to us via email, Facebook Messenger, or direct message us on Twitter or Instagram @TripawdsCommunity.
We want to publish a new Tripawd story each week. It’s time for yours to get featured!