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Tripawd Bear and Family are Home for Life in Wisconsin Sanctuary

Every day, websites like PetFinder are filled with loving dogs who linger in shelters because they’re a challenge to place. Sometimes it’s because of age or ongoing medical needs, or even a perceived disability like being a Tripawd.

When it seems like all hope is lost, Home For Life® Animal Sanctuary in Star Prairie, Wisconsin often comes to the rescue.

Home for Life is an unusual but much needed facility with dedicated staff and volunteers who provide “loving care, a nurturing environment that is safe and stable, a place to belong… a home for life.”

Tripawd Bear and Family Finds a Loving Home

Home For Life® Animal Sanctuary recently saved three legged Bear and his senior siblings from a certain terrible fate, because senior dogs are among the most difficult to find homes for, especially when they are shy and come with a perceived handicap.

Bear RunsTripawd Bear is a ten year old Collie/ Shepherd mixed breed who came from a volatile domestic abuse situation. When his human Mom fled for safety, she not take her four senior dogs and surrendered them to a rescue group. But when the rescue couldn’t fulfill its promise to take Bear and his pack, Home for Life stepped in to help.

Today, Bear’s family is together forever. All four dog are living out their lives, as a strong, close pack, in their own townhouse at Home for Life.

Why Home for Life is Different

Home for Life does not place animals, but instead provides a permanent home. The group cares for about 245 special needs animals on its 40 acre property along the Apple River in Wisconsin. With 13 doggie townhomes, three operations buildings and numerous fenced runs and play areas, these happy animals are in good hands as they spend the rest of their days among a loving volunteer-driven staff of caregivers.

The group was founded in 1997, and can only continue its work because of the generosity of people who help sponsor the care of animal residents. It take 8 sponsors at $25 a month to help care for just one Home for Life resident with average veterinary needs. If you’d like to help, contact Home For Life® Animal Sanctuary.

Reaching Out for Life

Bear RunsUntil recently, shelter animals only had two ways out: adoption or euthanasia. Today, thanks to Home For Life’s visionary efforts, a new option is being created; the Third Door™.

For animals with medical needs or temperament challenges, Home for Life’s Third Door™ program gives these animals a quality life, where they can be themselves, run and play, and be loved and cherished for as long as they live. Animals receive specialized care that’s tailored to their needs, instead of just living in a warehouse-type existence.

The facility in Star Prairie is a model for additional Home for Life Sanctuaries to be created around the country. Ultimately the group hopes to change public perception of euthanasia as an option for these special needs animals, by educating people through outreach programs that encourage them to commit to lifetime dedication and care of their companion animals.

Contact Home for Life to learn how you can sponsor Buddy and his family,
or any of their other rescued animals and programs.



1 thought on “Tripawd Bear and Family are Home for Life in Wisconsin Sanctuary”

  1. Hi, I came across this website while searching for added best care for my 10+ (?) year old adopted spaniel. This is a wonderful idea to have a ‘Home For Life’ for seniors and physically challenged animals that are sometimes (very sadly) difficult to re-home. Perhaps an educational program introduced to society on the advantages of a senior animal would be beneficial..

    I love the idea of running a ‘forever home’ of this nature…so many precious animals will benefit from being loved unconditionally in their Golden Years by people that truly do care for them and will ensure that they live out the remainder of their time being warm, fed, and loved.

    God Bless
    Beverly and my beautiful adopted Benji. :-)))


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